Narcotic Cannabis Genetics/Strains
638 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Anyone know what is the genetic make up of the M60 (pig) from xpat seeds?
Last reply by Xpat Simon, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
hey guys im focussing on the indica variety im wanting to get together a wild gene pool of quality indicas i only want quality strains that are ata maximum 8 week flowerers so who better to get the oppinion from the community of growers? i ws hoping that peeps could list there wins wityh paticular strains that way im onto something good straight away without having to find out the hard way that a strain is not wat its cracked up to be my favourite is from sensi seeds Black Domina ya assistance ia appreciated thanks guys bil
Last reply by deadvet, -
Anyone here have any experience with this strain? I have an opportunity to buy some, and it looks like a goer from some of the images I've seen, but does anyone in oz have this strain?
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
OK Im finally thinking of going a new strain and there is 2 many to choose from. I have grown Skunk for many a year and the genetics I dont really trust anymore due to several small deformities appearing around the place. Plus the smell is just to much to be bothered dealling with!! What Im chasing is roughly this: Indoor strain Good yield although not important I would still like some big crowns to show off Better stone then the Skunk not hard these days but hey I need to update Less smell but I would like it to still have a decent aroma difficulty to grow aint a worry Ill enjoy a new challenge I know this strain like the back of my hand Just looking for…
Last reply by Stoney, -
Benchmarking strain 1 2
by een-
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Hi, if you wanted to compare performance of say hps vs mh, dwc vs ebb and flow, supermarket nutes vs really expensive ones, what strain would you use? What strain is representative of the traits most found in cannabis for recreational use?
Last reply by een, -
CelticStone 1 2
by Guest Eikel-
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
I was given a couple of pre-rolled (straight) CelticStone joints by a mate today, having heard a bit about the strain before and never tried it I was quited excited. The stone is quite mellow, good for people who don't like "heavy-hitting" strains which crumple you up after a single cone, more of an "everyday" or "medicinal" smoke, something you can enjoy over a period of time and still be able to function. I'd guesstimate probably a 60/40 head/body stone, didn't give me any couchlock or lethargicness however I did feel a bit of a "buzz" on my limbs. All in all I would give it a 6.5 for potentcy, but 8.0 for stone, nice "mellow" sensation with enough of a buzz to keep…
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
hey guys found blue hemp seeds they are out of switzerland they have some nice indicas ther landrace etc some strains they say are exceptional for frost and cold damage and mould resistant??? this year the winter was friggin cold imo so i was thinkin some of these strains would be beneficial for outdoor winter grows sorry i lost the url wat do u guy reckon?? any1 ever tried them before bil
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
AK47 ready for the scissors..
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Hi all, Im just looking to put a name to a strain which appears to have stripes similar to a tiger covering the stem. The branches on the plant I saw were well spaced and appear to grow horizontally from the main stem. I am hoping to get some pictures in the next couple of days. However if anyone knows the name of this strain, please let me know! thanks
Last reply by Bundy, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
hi all.. i'm after info about mold tolerant strains.. where i grow, in the bush its usually quite wet at harvest time. lost a shitload of choice mixed indica buds last year. don't want to see that again. i was told that m60 is a good strain because it is very mold resistant. is this true.?. if not could someone point me in the right direction? thanks ...
Last reply by bush buggered, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Brothers Grimm..Matanuska Thunder.. MATANUSKA THUNDER The Brothers Grimm are happy to offer this mysterious strain after receiving numerous requests. BG began with a clone obtained from an Alaskan biker who has been growing it for years up north. Mantanuska is a 40/60 Sativa/Indica hybrid, bred for an indoor environment. These plants produce enormous, rock-hard buds with an intensely skunky smell and flavor, not to mention the legendary high. Flowering: 8 weeks Height: 150 cm. Yield: up to 2 lb/kW
Last reply by PederseN^^, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
OK fellow stoners ,, what breed would be good for a real uplifting high ? Want something that doesnt turn me into a couch potato Something that makes you hallucinate , giggle etc Cheers CG
Last reply by Closet Grower, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Ak47 x C99....
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 2 replies
hey guys just wanting to know if any1 has ever tried either smoking ar growing these 3 strains i have acquired?? clusterbomb,salt lake city sativa and snowman no idea to seedbank origin as they are girts from another grower just doin some homework all thoughty,ideas and theory re qppreciated take care peace billo
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
- 6 replies
Only this weekend (28th and 29th of October) the price of SMASH is smashed in half! Spread the seed!!! Have a nice weekend. Simon XpatCrew
Last reply by Shithappens,