Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
lets just say SWIM wanted to grow 24 turnip plants that would require a total of 150 litres a day. If he were to run 2 of the pumps below, what size/type battery would he need and how long would it last? the garden will be about 2m above the water source. Lets say swim used this battery: High performance Supreme heavey duty DEEP CYCLE battery (model: 24DC36) -- Made in USA 12V 85Ah 160RC 730CA Dimensions: 283(L)x171(W)x238(H) Weight: 22.3Kg Model: 24DC36 with this pump: Bilge Pumps Submersible - Johnson Description: Johnson's cartridge pump concept (L450 L550 & L750) makes cleaning easier. Lift the tab on the top, give the cartridge a twist and pull…
Last reply by Al B. Fuct, -
- 5 replies
Ok i herd that if you start northern lights indoors under 24/7 light cycle you can finish them outdoors almost anytime of the year has anyone tried this???? what about ak47? info would be muchly appreciated
Last reply by danoz, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
I've just recently had the good fortune to be intoduced to the Very Good people at www.soulseeds.co.uk They sell only a few different strains BUT....All are lowryder! Lowryder for anyone that doesn't know is an autoflowering strain that goes from seed to harvest in 90 days. No photoperiod needed. It's only downfall is that it can't be cloned...AH! But there is actually one type that the male gets resin!!! I've chosen Lowryder2 and Low Snow to try first. This company made an extra special effort to help me obtain seed, the customer service is outstanding. There is also a site that deals with the growing of these wonderful little plants, www.highbred.com I'm still waiti…
Last reply by Kali Mist, -
- 5 replies
I am new to the tropics and seems like the winter up here is the best time to grow (start inside mover outside), as wet season is from Jan to Apr around abouts. Anyways anyone got any ideas without a greenhouse I have some texada timewarp, purple star and mixed bag beans. Thanks for nay help
Last reply by TheTreeBoundRat, -
- 420 Crew
- 47 replies
Ok so shroomyshrooom just finished germing his AODSS they had been germing for about 3 days.. and looked ready to be put in to some type of medium to help them start growing.. shroomy would of loved to put them in coco and perlite 70/30 mix but didn't have any just lieing around so went for the cheap cant be arsed going to bunning option and opted for some rose potting mix and verm 70/30 mix... mixed it up fairly well and planted the germed seed 2 per pot... covered with 1inch of the mixture and then watered till drain holes leaked Not having the option to put them under lights they willl be started out side and kept out side untill harvest time tell me what you g…
Last reply by Kali Mist, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
I need to move 3 plants I have outdoors, which currently sit at 1-2 feet. Is it possible to put these out late august if frost isnt really an issue? Will putting them out before the equinox send them into flower?
Last reply by Closet Grower, -
- 420 Crew
- 27 replies
im looking to find out what the largest outdoor strian is with really high yeilds with midgrade quality or beter. i am looking to get pounds off of one plant ..what strain is the greatest for that and if i can see pictures that would be even beter..
Last reply by Frazz, -
- 420 Crew
- Admin
- 25 replies
How to grow marijuana outdoors http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-4pq853YwM...feature=related BIG VIDEO, this was done by Kog Moderator Edit: Special Note : That video was made in NSW and at the time the law was 50 plants was a commercial amount. This has recently been changed to 4 and the penalties for commercial cultivation have been greatly increased.
Last reply by AvaDGardner, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Ok so me and a bro are putting alot of work making a detailed plan of a outdoor grow in the bush. We both are experienced deer hunters with a good knowledge of the bush and we have some locations in mind blah blah yutta yutta yutta. I'm designing a set up that i believe i may only have to visit once twice a month dependning on rainfall records. I'm pretty sure it will work i have strong background in plant sciences and agronomy. However some questions i am finding it really hard to come up with certain answers for. It seems cannibus cultivation is like hunting and fishing. There are a million ways of doing everything and everyone swears by their way. Furthermore it…
Last reply by TheTreeBoundRat, -
- 14 replies
Hi im in nsw near sydney and im wondering if i plant now outside before its to cold can weed plants survive the frost? and can you keep the same plant for a number of years not just a season so i could just take the bud every so often and have the plant forever?
Last reply by danoz, -
Aussie genetics 1 2
by ekul-
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hey there, are there any seedbanks that carry aussie based strains?
Last reply by leafy, -
hey guys just wandering if any of u guys have recently been caught by customs buying seeds. Could someone please tell me what had happened to you. Peace
Last reply by jonbrown, -
- 420 Crew
- 26 replies
Hey, I'm looking to grow some weed for my first time. I live in NSW, and I'm planning on Guerrilla growing. I know some of the tricks of the trade, but really I'm still a total noob to the whole growing thing. There are a few strains i want to grow with, any input about if they are good or not would be fantastic. Also if anyone knows of the THC levels in any of the plants I'm about to mention. I want to grow: I'm a reasonably heavy smoker when it comes to weed, If i have weed then its pretty much constant use. I love to trip, i use mushrooms every now and then. Which would be the ideal strain for me, considering that size shouldn't matter (It…
Last reply by ActiveA, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
As the titel states this is another grow with 8 lemon sativa, the person that gifted the seeds to me was not to sure on the strain but knew that the offspring smell like lemons when it flowers, it grows very very tall... these seeds that you can see in this pic were germanted for 4 days and then planted in coco/perlite mix pots today... when they sprout and are about 2 weeks old they will transplanted into 10litre pots and left to do the thing that they do best
Last reply by shroomyshroom, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
I am south west of Port Maquarie,if you dont use fences here,your pulling yourself to think anything will be harvested.I now fence of a large area wrapping six foot chicken wire around trees without removing vegitation(maybe 30 to 40 ft square)and dig huge holes to accommodate plants.I find it less visual from above,and minimizes visits by native animals due to substantialy less upturned soil(used to dig large plots to accommodate 4to6 large females)
Last reply by themistisrising, -