Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
flushin outdoors..?
by Guest elefunk_delivers- 8 replies
sup guys i payd a vist to my outdoor crop yesterday i a noticed that one of the plants r starting to bud... as i never really concidered these plants to grow as healthy as they did im deciding to harvest it and i was wondering how 2 flush them once in the ground..? much respect Ele
Last reply by boe~pimp, -
- 3 replies
just going through my pc cleaning out all the shit... as it does build up prior to a format, and with 10 gig of music and another few gig of pics, few more of programs etc alot of stuff is disapearing and not getting backed up because it takes to friggen long thought i would post some pics of the outdoor girls just before i pulled them out. heres my sad story ... (pics will explain)
Last reply by boe~pimp, -
- 420 Crew
- 25 replies
Hi guys, just wanted to know a couple of things in relation to my outdoor grow...But first, some background... I've got two seed grown ladies outside, one's a definite sativa, (I had to take off two thirds of her veg height before I could even think about fitting her in my herb garden!), and the other is a Hell Fire Seeds Indoor Mix girl, the only one to survive from the small 5 seed order I got from Klozit King.... (I lost one seed, planted the other 4, two never germed and one was a male.... I used the male for pollinating a couple of branches on my last indoor lady....) Now, on top of these, I have 3 clones of my last indoor lady, (75% sativa 25% indica, I think...…
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
- 3 replies
i woke this morning to hear from a neighbour that a visitor he had seen my plants and was making comments like "theres about four plants there, they shouldve been picked two weeks ago" comments of this idiotic calibur do tend to worry me a fair bit, especially when this persons son is the local copper, and i don't know if you've heard but in nsw recently bob carr is all over crops and drugs etc and theres been heaps of busts lately so i would imagine a young hot headed copper would love to nail down a local crop... or he could be a decent bloke.. theres only two plants but they are quite large and getting a fair bit smelly getting their buds together and still have 2…
- 6 replies
the end result of nearly 1years work,well worth it i think,what about you?
Last reply by mantra, -
- 2 replies
G'day all, I hope you are all well... My next question................. Ok,as I said,I pulled the Indica up (nice buds there) and when I did my sat's seemed waaaaaay behind in growth.It has been a little chilly & raining these last couple of days & she has changed all her "hair" colour & almost all overnight have turned reddish/orangey.At least 80% have changed colour OVERNIGHT....which seems amazing to me....?Also,the sat doesn't seem to have as many trichones (sp?) as the indica..?Is that usual....the smell is not as strong either....WHAT HAVE I DONE!!??!!and more importantly~WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO NOW......???????? 1)Pull it up. 2)Snip the buds that have …
- 9 replies
Hey all I hope that everyone is well & that all your babies are pumping up. About mine I am concerned about timing for harvest.I want to get the best results I can but it seems that is not done by just leaving them in & hoping that the days don't get too much shorter & that summer weather will last alot l;onger. It's starting to get a little nippy at night & we have had a bit of rain. The Lady Sat still has the white hairs,I'd say only about 10% have changed colour...... What will happen?I have had one piece of advice that says I should pull the Indica up.I was wondering about snipping select "ready" buds off it & leave others to get more sun..?…
Last reply by Rastagirl, -
- 2 replies
greetings friends , just to show not everyone gets ripped off , i had the privilage of being invited to help harvest a few of my mates plants . he asked me to take a few snap's. thought i'd share a few with ya's defend the faith bushy
Last reply by bushgrower, -
- 7 replies
This photo compliments of the CANNABIS GROWERS ASSOSIATION OF S/E QLD AUSTRALIA Skip PS for more info PM DOM
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 7 replies
hey wondering if i could get some advice from some outdoor growers, have an outdoor crop growing in New South Wales which appears to be going fantastically, its been budding now for i think about a month, does anyone know when approximately the time to harvest for this area is, thanks peace, ta ma.
Last reply by Rastagirl, -
My Outdoor Grow 1 2 3
by SoDrysBro- 21 replies
my first proper outdoor grow got 7 plants doing pretty good considering i started them late and the wheather is a changing, got some more lil babies not doing so well started way to late haa. this pic is of the topped plant at 4 weeks old topeed 2 days before pic was taken.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 2 replies
I'd like to know how much organics people are using per plant. If they are relatively safe, couldnt you chuck in heaps and expect it to last all season? I was growin with this guy in south WA who used blood and bone and he said two handfuls would push them up to 6ft. But do organics and other slow release ferts work when healthy girls grow an inch per day during summer? A lotta guys like Dynamic Lifter too. How much of this can you add before its too much? And how long does this last? If you used too much would the smoke taste like chicken? (Mmmm, chicken...) Being a guerilla grower, concentrated chemical ferts are good but can burn plants like nuthn else. Besides, ther…
Last reply by Mr Putard, -
- 5 replies
I am planning on growing a crop in the south west of Western Australia and would like to here from any other grows who have experience growing in the state forests here. I would be extremely grateful for any tips or suggestions ie best variety, locations - how far south of perth? I plan on doing small plots of five plants and any helpful suggestions would be appreciated. The plan is to plant far enough down south (probably Pemberton) so as not to need watering over summer. I plan on preparing the soil in advance of planting and want to return to the site only to fertilize for flowering and then again for harvesting. I will be planting clones of a yet to be decide…
Last reply by Mr Putard, -
Outdoor Grows 1 2
by Guest elefunk_delivers- 14 replies
Sup guys i was just interested to know how everyones outdoor grows r doin.. ive tied mine down again over the weekend and they seem to b cracking i have a: Skunk x white widdow side by a Indica Dom.. not sure of strain tho.. but tseem to b lapping up the little bit of rain we had and the strong rays.. during the days.. ill have pics for u soon how long do u think till we can cut sum..? i think everyone with outties should b pushing the 5th week.. this week... or could i b wrong.. hmm ele
Last reply by SoDrysBro, -
- 5 replies
hi all, i was wondering if someone could help me please....I was wondering when would be the latest time to water with seasol,have I missed it?Or could I do one more if I get to it quick? If so,will I somehow have to flush the plants so I dont taste it??I hope not as I have no clue on how to do that..? Any suggestions/advice would be much appreciated.Thanks. **~PEACE~~ONE LOVE~~** Rastagirl
Last reply by sols,