Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
took this just before i flowerd my indoor plants few months back, its bout week and half 2 weeks into flower id say, stands bout 5ft tall by bout the same round the sides/width.
Last reply by hark, -
Hi there....... i just found a microscope and ive been checking out the trichomes. Most of them are a milky colour but my question is this...... a trichome looks like a mushroom kinda right....its got a a little stem then a mushroom looking head........... now when people say u shoould harvest then they are milky do they mean when the head is milky or them stem of the trichome as well........ i was just looking at my trichomes and all the heads of them are milky but the stem part looks clear............... thanks jason
Last reply by JasonWr, -
hi evrybody its been about five days i have not posted any pics.just whent in to the shed and freaky i had a look at the plants they are going grazy.i can hardly move in there now.you should see the size of the ladys they are getting so fat evrytime i walk in there.
Last reply by mr asia, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Hi there...... One of my plants is a buubleberry whcih is well into flowering at i guess it will be ready in another 2 weeks maximum before its ready..... The crowns are around 8 inches long and nearly as thich as a coke can. on the 8 inch crowns the top inch of them are a dark purple colour but the the rest of the way down the hairs are still white, they arent turning brown....... even the top of the crowns where they are purple the hairs arent turning brown....theres a couple of brown hairs but not many So im wondering how to know when this variety is ready....... i was reading that you should wait until about 75 -80 % of the hairs have changed from white to b…
Last reply by F420, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Went to check on my 8 babies to day, last time I saw them less then a week ago they were doing so great, nice and tall and healthy. Planted no shit so far away from human being. No nearby tracks. Anyway go to check up on them today, and all 8 are gone! No signs of them anywhere, no holes where they had been ripped out, just as if they were never there at all. SO FRUSTRATING, there goes my harvest :angry: :thumbdown
Last reply by F420, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
I find this quite humourous actually... Sometime around Christmas, a friend gave us some seeds so we figured what the hell, and planted them. They were all of a dark brown colour and one was black and shiny, not sure if that's relevant to much but I put it out there. After what seemed like forever, one sprouted and is now a little over 2ft in height and is doing it's "thing" quite nicely. Nothing happened in the other pots, so we wrote them off. Weeks later and a tiny sprout pops up, grows to about an inch, turns yellow and just stops. We gave them no extras, just year old potting mix in big pots, basically leaving them on their own. So I wrote off this wee plant as…
Last reply by F420, -
Seeds? 1 2
by nothing166- 12 replies
hey, im wondering if anyone knows of any places on the net where its proven and possible to get some good outdoor seeds? sorry if this is a waste of time or has been asked too many times before , thanks.
Last reply by F420, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hey all Im a long time reader and very infrequent contributer. Gday! Just wondering what you all reckon of these beasts, how much longer until harvest? Any advice very welcome! Cheers Ash http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v481/ashhash/Budly.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v481/ashhash/Plant1.jpg
Last reply by hark, -
- 5 replies
Last reply by mr asia, -
- 420 Crew
- 26 replies
thought it wouldnt be doing the pics justice to shrink them much more , so heres a few links to my patch ..... http://overgrow.com/edge/gallery.php?useri...landrace.JPG&s= http://overgrow.com/edge/gallery.php?useri...-stretch.JPG&s= http://overgrow.com/edge/gallery.php?useri...at--side.JPG&s= http://overgrow.com/edge/gallery.php?useri...own-view.JPG&s=
Last reply by []ndika, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
hey im new to the growing scene.. i was wondering the following: - What month should i start my grow, and what month would it end ?
Last reply by Pure, -
- 1 reply
hey all the other day it was a nice 27 or somthing down in melbourne, and when i got home i noticed on one of my plants a few leaves were burnt from the sunlight (from a guess) and a couple days on the leaves are going down.. it has effected only like 5 or leaves, any ideas? also, what is the best month to start an outdoor grow ?
Last reply by Pickle, -
- 2 replies
hi guys how is evryone.okay talk about the shed i have been growing in that shed for years never had any problems with ventilation in my life heaps of air creeps in from tha gaps plus i leave the door open at night for a couple of hours.i have grown mad plants in there with no problems.have read at this thats wear i got the info.a transparent or a translucent. filon is one brand that has several desirable features the panels are cheap about $10 for a 2 by 12 foot length the faceted panels allow light in but the plants can't be identified by anyone looking inside from the outside the facets disperse the light in an even glow throughout the greenhouse even when sunlight hi…
Last reply by mr asia, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
hi guys check out this pic i took today of my of my hash plant leaf it is 26 inches long and wide.i put it against the computer monitor and my moniter is a 26 inch size. the hash plant has allways got big long broad leafs thats the genetic of the plant.i will send more pics just charging the batery on the camera :: :smoke
Last reply by F420, -
- 1 reply
another pic of my super skunk.look at the size of the bus huge that shoud be verry ready soon
Last reply by mr asia,