General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 3 replies
Well I finally bought a digicam so I got some pictures for ya's. Its a cheap ass camera so pics arnt too good. Ok this grow is a bagseed plant that looks pretty fucking sativa dom. under a 400w Son T HPS growing in a 20L bucket full of coco and a bit of perlite. Used DM Hot CoCo for veg then DM Advance for flower but I just about am out so I bought some Amsterdam Indoors to finish.... (I would never buy DM nutes again after using hot coco and advance, I reckon the cheap general shitty hydro nutes at big w worked better for me then the hot coco.... Also got some R & D Superbloom anyone used much of it its ment to be 100% natural however that works and you add it …
Last reply by Mr Nice Guy, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, just wondering if anyone can shed some light on a question of mine. I'm not exaclty sure what its called, but you know when you have one plant, grow it and then take a cutting, grow that one and then harvest each different plant after taking a cutting? I think thats what like Northern Lights #5 is, the fifthe generation? Hopefully this is right. Anyway does this in anyway decrease potency of the plant? I have one friend who believes no, in fact after the say fifth or so generation the weed gets really good. However then I have heard others say this isnt right, and it in fact harms the quality of the herb. Any thoughts on this would be most appreciated:) Thanks an…
Last reply by white_cluster, -
- 0 replies
I dont know whether you guys have seen this brilliant article but it is chokkas with big colour pics and a good description of the problems and how to fix them. Being a newbie, I will keep it very close to me as I am sure I will be able to relate to some of the probs. along tjhe way. Good luck and sorry about mentioning another site on here.
Last reply by Gaytimegrower, -
- 6 replies
I was watching a gardening program the other week and they were saying that the bigger the roots the bigger the plants,well i thought obviously,but how can i make them MUCH BIGGER. So i thought that someone could have two 2-2 1/2ft plants in two 40cm pots and tie them down toward each other,slice off both tops diagonaly and line them both up and graft them together by sticking them with tape. S now you`ll have one plant not two.After a few days(shock)take a couple of branches long enough to bend over into another 40cm pot,slice thier tops off and plant these in the other 40cm pot.You could do this to many branches,so then you would have one huge plant with say 5 or mo…
Last reply by sniperinthebush, -
- 1 reply
Greetings all! I stumbled across this site a couple of days ago and am quite suprised about the quality of info available here. I havent been on any mull forums for a couple of years (just starting to grow again) but remember the only credible sites to be cannabisculture and overgrow. It is good to know their is a somewhat intelligent growing community here (and all Aussie!) and over the next few months I plan to share info about my grow. My Question... I am in the stages of designing my grow room and want to base the dimensions on the width of the buckets to ensure the space is used most efficiently. I dropped into Bunnings and the price of good quality buckets …
Last reply by white_cluster, -
- 7 replies
:: Hi to all, During the time I have been a member, I think I have read all the topics and associated replies etc. What gets me is the difference between one grower and another. e.g. one says soil is best, the other says hydro is the way to go. Pot is better tasting from soil, pot is better from hydro, la la la la. As far as growing techniques, well that really puts the "bull in the china shop". I have read to go SCROG, another says no way, go SOG. On top of that another says grow em big, big = big buds. This was thumped upon by a reply saying that it is better to grow small as you get more buds and therefore more for your growing dollar than you do by growing one …
Last reply by chief23, -
Anything else? 1 2
by Zell- 10 replies
Ok so for my first grow im gonna get a few little pots to start them off then move to medium and then large pots. 2 plants with Miracle Grow and 2 Plants with Rapid Grow. Was there anything else i needed? And whats blood and bone? i hear so much about it oh and im growing outdoors and the plants will be New Purple Power, Hollands Hope, and then hopefully Hawiian Skunk #1 and Northern Lights X Shiva later on.
- 3 replies
around how many ounces of bud does a normal plant produce after being uder 400watt lights.didnt really know where to post this one.
Last reply by white_cluster, -
- 3 replies
i set up a curtain in my wardrobe 2 block the light in so u cant see light cumming out of my wardrobe and its a small wardrobe so the curtain is against the light all the time is this bad? will the light get hot and could it burn its a 400 watt light.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 8 replies
Hi everyone, I just bought a 2nd hand grow light setup up, and the first time i plugged it in everything went wonderfully, massive amounts of light etc etc. However, since then whenever I plug it in, I get a loud and scary crackling coming from the ballast, and the bulb will not light up. I'm no electrician, so my best guess is "there is something wrong with the heavy boxy bit". Anyone able to help me out? Thanks!
Last reply by Tom, -
- 4 replies
i have a plant that has been growing outdoors for about 4 months it is a good big healthy plant i recently put in under a 400 watt light in a wardrobe. do i need to do anything else to the setup is a light just enough or do i need more equipment,how far away should the plant be from the light. im pretty wasted so i hope this makes sense.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, - worm juice ok , and any idea of the NPK ratio? is it higher in any of the main elements? I presume it is ok but have never tried it. ...and if anyone would like any for free I (my old man) has heaps...but postage would probly make it hardly worth it. Unless they are in the area of N/castle or Lake Mac.
Last reply by wade ounce, -
- 1 reply
Hi All, I need a little advice and thought someone might be able to help. I am growing 4 plants in and NFT system, they are all a foot tall and doing really well. I have a 250 Watt MH light and flourescents in my grow cupboard. Am using 1/2 strenth nutes woith H2O2 a couple of times a week. When I run the 250W light after about 6 hours the leaves start to droop, no change in colour just a severe droop. I turn the 250 W off and put the fluorescents on and within a couple of hours they are back to normal. The nute temp maintains at about 25C, the room temp at about 28 - 30 C. I have an extractor fan moving air around the room. Any ideas or suggestions would be re…
Last reply by pipeman, -
I am new to the growing world i need a little advise what would be the ideal time to top or prune my plants and how should i go about this. Another question is i am growing in soil promix, earthworm casting and perlite, can you recomend another mixture i have heard tales of coco and perlite this is supposed to be a great mixture, can you help please.
Last reply by dbltoker, -
- 0 replies
what the hell's a g.f? g.f stands for guinea fowl. a guinea fowl is a bird about the size of a chook and looks a bit like a vulture. there main diet is bugs. apparantly 90% but i don't know about that. i often see them having a pick at the grass seeds. at night they roost in an old tree about 100 metres away from the house. theirshit(i think guano is a much prettier word)obviously falls to the ground below. i thought i might give this g.f soil a go. i figured if it didn't burn the ass out of them that it might be a good medium. so i thought i might do a complex scientific experiment, i made a mix of 50/50 soil and g.f soil. i used it when i repotted seedlings at …
Last reply by wade ounce,