General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 4 replies
Hello All, I've got some bronzewhaler f3 seedlings growing in rockwool and expanded clay. In the past I've used Miracle Grow until the seedlings have a got a few sets of leaves and then switched to Canna for both Veg and Flowering. Does this sound right? Or should I start on the Canna straight away? Thanks
Last reply by dwyndorf, -
- 3 replies
my plant is in a 3 gallon bucket with compose and poting mix., I am moving her to a new area and i want to know if i can lay rocks down on top of the soil and around the main steam, the reason is because i want the soil to hold in water better, because i will not be able to moniter the soil like i do now, so i finguar to lay down some rocks so the sun will not be direct, and when it rains the water will still be able to reasch the soil no problem. is this a good idea, or does anyone got a better plz let me know. -tyo
Last reply by TYO84, -
- 10 replies
Hi there ozstoners. I,m a long time smoker who's sick of paying top dollar for weed. A week ago i got 8 seeds from my stash and planted them all in one large pot. Now that they have sprouted i would like to keep them going and stop wasting my money. I've been doing alot of reading on the net ( i knew stuff all about growing) and learnt that this is the wrong time of the year to grow, unless it's done indoors. I have a small cupboared in my room that i could use that's about 4" high, 1.5" long and 1.5" deep. I asked a guy in a hydro shop for advice and he suggested a 130W fluoro, but said the plants would only grow between 1-2 feet tall. The upside was that he said w…
Last reply by militantveggo, -
- 3 replies
Hi Guys, I've noticed that not many people have water heaters in their reservoirs, should I bother using one? I'm in Vic and its starting to get cold now, down to 10 degrees at night and getting colder. Cheers dwyndorf
by Guest Wilderbud- 8 replies
My first experience with clonex wasnt good. I must have killed about 20-odd cuttings when learning how to clone so I gave up on cloning as a bad joke. I have recently been rooting strikings without any rooting hormone and have cloned more than 20 cuttings this way with 100% success and only 3 days humidity but anytime I pulled the clones up to wash the peat off it was basically only a couple of thin roots coming off the plant [every time] so they didnt have much vigor. So... I grabbed some clonex 2 weeks ago to try it out again [it is a rooting hormone afterall] and I used it on 2 cuttings I took from a pre-flowering plant. Im bloody impresed with the roots this thing…
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
...I know this has probably been answered a hundred times already, but couldn't find it anywhere Anyway, I got a plant under a few CF's, do I wait untill the leaves (nodes) start to grow alternatly?'s nice a bushy and I'm thinking of tipping it shortly (mainly for height concerns) but wasn't excacly sure when the best time to place it under a HID (HPS) under12/12. Any help would be appreciated.
Last reply by LongFingers, -
- 5 replies
Hey if anyone's had a bad day here's a little story..... I noticed a little bit of water under one of my trays in the bloom box. So, I had to pull it out and check where it came from. And it's like actually a lot of water, all held in by the plastic I lined the bottom with. So I swear a bit and start moppping it up, pull out the tray and it turns out the grommet had broken on the drain tube. It had been leaking for a while, but I didn't notice till I saw a little trickle coming out of the bottom of the door. Then I get it all cleaned up and I pull my plants out and leave the cupboard open to dry. Go and have some cones and watch tv with GF. About an hour later I hear …
Last reply by LongFingers, -
my plant showed sex today, ITs a Female! ill try and get some pics up soon.
Last reply by TYO84, -
- 3 replies
how can restrict a plants growth with out pruning it? i want a plant about 80cm - 1m high.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, Well it turns out northen australia is dry and it has finally given me enough incentive to start my first hydro set-up. YAY While I have quite a few grand to invest in this venture, getting a hold of some decent information and seeds are becoming a bit of a problem. Mostly I have smoked moderate grade bush, but have had a few recent gems and have kept the seeds from them. Then my firend tells me that I will need to have "Hydro" seeds, not just regular seeds So does this mean that my current seeds are useless for any sort of hydroponic propogration? Should I just start spreading these seeds through peoples garden beds and watch them grow? What do I need …
Last reply by FUKN_BISH, -
- 0 replies
dont no if im doing this right but hope it all comes up ok. I've tried growing b4 with varying consequences so now im going for it proper with a decent set-up. I wont bore you with the details of my other stone age set up just with ideas for my new 1 first off im going indoors wiv this and i woz going to opt for scrog but with the space i have available i wondered if i woz better off going down a different/more productive route as scrog seems to be more for space saving. The dimentions i have to play wiv are 15ft x 15ft x 8.5ft high, not saying im building a grow to fill all of this just thats what i've got to play wiv. I dont really want more than 15 plants…
Last reply by scrog'ster, -
The Secret Of El Dorado
by Guest- 3 replies
Anyone else see this ABC documentary. I had to do a search on it. A remarkable way of maintaing soils with the aid of charcoal has been rediscovered and is believed to be the secret behind an ancient Amazonian civilisation which thrived until New World diseases were introduced and ravaged the population. EXTRACTS follow. Source. BBC2 19dec02 Programme Summary Transcript (below) In 1542, the Spanish Conquistador, Francisco de Orellana ventured along the Rio Negro, one of the Amazon Basin's great rivers. Hunting a hidden city of gold, his expedition found a network of farms, villages and even huge walled cities. At least that is what he told an eager audience on …
Last reply by expansion, -
- 4 replies
I recently got some weed off a dude who is a vietnam vet, he lives in the phillipines and in northern NSW at murwulamba .It was mad choof , and asked him for some seeds he gave me some and said it was called "The Curry".I was wondering if anyone knows anything about this variety? gfh
Last reply by Grower from Hell, -
- 7 replies
I couldn't find info on the exact strain "fat skunk"which is what was sold to a friend. I have six seedlings that are doing really really well, so i want to know as much as i can about them.... Any ideas of finding out info on them?
Last reply by Grower from Hell, -
- 7 replies
Hello, I've germinated some seeds using the paper towel method. I've now placed them into rockwool propagating blocks but when should I move them under lights? Also, I've heard that you should start seedlings off under a fluro and move to the 400w once a few sets of leaves can be seen, is this correct? Thanks
Last reply by Tom,