General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 9 replies
seedlings are growing and appear tall, i searched and it appears too little light. Have them in the direct sun and occasionally go and check them so far all looks good, nice and healhty looking lil things, except 1 has the seed stuck on it. I hope more sunlight will fix the towering issues. Have them all in final pots in the centre ( approx 4inch pot of potting mix) and rest is searles high grade premium soil with perlite mixed throughout - more at base of pot Fingers crossed they dont get fertilizer burn and stop growing tall and lanky ? could i plant them deeper or best to leave and see how they go? totally new to this, but not growing seedlings, have grown th…
Last reply by smokeyandthebunt, -
- 19 replies
Has anyone bought Colloidal Silver over the counter or online in Australia and used it successfully to make a female plant produce male flowers so I can use the pollen on another female plant to make seeds, and if so what brand and where.
Last reply by Nutter3, -
Hi all be careful what you buy in Ipswich shits mouldy out there fuck I got a oz with yellow stuff on it, and what a hassle to get the bloke I got off to give me a new one. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by kloud9, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys im in 5th week now of flower im going to start to introduce canna pk13/14 . Has anyone used the product and what you would reccomend for dosage.
Last reply by Nutter3, -
Just wondering what everyone else does here. Im in coco and always read 5.8 is optimal. Sometimes I mix up and put too little or too much pH down so get readings of anywhere between 5.5 and 6.5. I know it's important and have seen the graphs at what pH levels certain nutes get absorbed by the plant but do people feed at varying levels between 5.5 and 6.5 or always important to aim for the 5.8 Eg.typical scenerio, MLG has a 45 litre tub which he's just filled. Puts too much pH down and its sitting at 5.5. Leave as is or pour some out and try to get to 5.8? On the opposite, sitting at 6.4, ok as is or must add more pH down? MLG Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Nutter3, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Hello I am a bit worried i could have drowned the seeds, as i was following a video on youtube and a poster below mentioned in commons that was too long? 24 hours soaked in water, checked them - 2 have a tap root, others have not, all where floating on the water and when tapped dropped to the bottom I got 2 paper towels soaked lightly in water and put them in sealed ziplock bags and in a dark spot ? issue here okay for air expecting a few days 2-3 till i pot them in seed raising mix ?
Last reply by smokeyandthebunt, -
Hi Fellow Gardeners, I'm on my second grow. Using Cana coco and DTW feeding via hydro halos from a pump sitting in a 45 litre container under a 400w HPS. I use H&G nutes A+B only. I've got a cheapie ebay PH pen (the yellow one for $12). I think I'm suffering from some type of PH issues at the moment coming into the 4th week of flower but am not sure hence my suspect is the cheap ebay PH pen. I've not calibrated it since I got it about 2 months ago. My PH according to that pen is usually anywhere between 5.3 and 6.6 so according to what I've read that is ok. Tossing up 2 options now and would like to know what members think. 1) stick with the ebay cheapie PH pen an…
Last reply by Nutter3, -
- 25 replies
Just said Id let people know that Dr. Greenthumbs are apparently having a sale. You gotta sign up to their newsletter and tomorrow before lunch codes will be sent via email to receive discount. I am no way affiliated to them. I have used some of their stuff and it's all top notch.
Last reply by Carbcon, -
Hi eveyone, I have been trying to answer these questions for a while now.... Will my plants eventually deteriorate because I take one clone from another, rather than maintaining a mother? And if so, how many generations of plants do you think can be produced? What sort of changes do you think I will see? Interested in opinions, experiences, anecdotes.... lou
Last reply by stickymickey, -
Ordering seeds 1 2 3 4
by Veritas629- 33 replies
I've never ordered seeds before, but I'm keen to do so. Are there any security precautions I should use? Address other than the grow address, I assume. Are the domestic sites safer than overseas? What happens if the seeds are discovered in Customs? Do I get a knock at my door... Sent from my HTC 2PS6200 using Tapatalk
Last reply by .............................., -
- 6 replies
maybe this has been discussed before but i just found this. going to give this a crack and do a side by side, outdoor in 5 or 10ltr buckets with organic soil and hydroton. anyone else had a crack at this method for organic soil?
Last reply by vek618, -
- 16 replies
So I lost some males in a few strains and was planning on making some fem seeds anyway from some of my fem plants using silver. With my regular females, am I able to make say one branch throw male flowers and pollinate the other half of the plant with it? Or would I be better off crossing it with a different strain?
Last reply by torrietree, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
What are the best premade potting mixes from places like Bunnings for people that don't want to mix their own soil_
Last reply by papasmurf999, -
Breeding Autos 1 2
by zeuss- 11 replies
Does anyone know if you pollinate an Auto with feminized pollen from a Photo-period will the seeds be Autos? I am thinking that as the progeny would still have the Ruderalis strain in them they should still have the Auto qualities? Cheers Z
Last reply by zeuss, -
- 0 replies
Hey... I have discovered something weird with the soil based medium I'm using called Terrazilla... Terrazilla is a "premium bio active growing medium, with superior blend of organic materials and bio stimulants for vigorous growth. Apparently it is also free from gnats, thistles and chemicals harmful to plants (I'm surprised the last one is a selling point, I thought that would be expected). After repotting on the first water using nutes at 500ppm I discovered the runoff was at 2000ppm.... I was somewhat concerned... I watered until I got the PPM down to something sensible (approx 500ppm) and then left it... Next watering when mix was dry enough to need it same thing! 2…
Last reply by 420Cactus,