General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 3 replies
My flowering area is filtered by a mountain air carbon filter so smell isn't a prob there, however my veg area is open and unfiltered and while the plants don't get a real strong smell I'm using DutchMaster nutes and additives which are great products but the stench is a bit much Is there anything I can do to eliminate it, it's not housewide or anything that bad but it's not nice being in the same room at least at first until you get used to it.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
hello i want to t/p a girl from soil to perlite she hasnt grown into the pot she is in so t/p will be tricky the best mehod i can come up with is to remove from pot and remove clumps gently then give a root soak in some b1 booster. then put into perlite mix the soil is so slow i need to get back to me feeding and not the soil so guys anyone got a good way out of this 1?? all tips appreciated thanks peace bpa
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
- 4 replies
hey guys i got my loupe its 30 x 21mm is this strong enough for checking the colours of trichromes and what do i look 4?? thanks for helping guys peace bpa
Last reply by Dirty_Dozen, -
Hi guys, I have a couple of seedlings growing. They sprouted their first pair of round leaves, then their first pair of jagged leaves no worries. They now seem to have stopped growing! In the past, I have been used to pretty rapid growth at this stage, but these guys seem to have just stopped! They are not dying and they look healthy, just no new growth! :thumbdown Any ideas??
Last reply by BentBuddha, -
feeding question 1 2
by spud-
- 420 Crew
- 19 replies
hi i currently have a good crop going now but some leaves are turning yellow around the edges. is this a problem at all or is it maybe something to do with the light etc? i am using a 600 watt and the temperature is 100 f but the plants love that heat for some odd reason. now i am told i can feed them with BIO GROW which i am using every 3 days ( 2 drops per water) . some ppl tell me that you can feed them every day is that correct or what is the maxium feeding? i have 10 plants but not sure how much to give them etc. is anyone else using BIO GROW at all and maybe could give me some advice?
Last reply by SukonmiSkunk, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
hwdy guys and gals. doin my first indoor soil grow. actually using Eikel's indoor soil grow guide which is great. and gotta agree. plants look a lot better in soil. anyway, in that guide it says to use an extra compost with the soil. I'm using a soil mix with dynmic lifter already in it. using fish kelp, powerfeed and liquid polash as my nutrients. I did have mushroom compost, but said on the back it wasnt to be used indoors. So wonderin if I need any extra compost? and if I do, what can I use next time? Cheers..
Last reply by MongyMan, -
?Question? 1 2
by redeyes-
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Can you grow hydro seeds outside and still call it hydro? Or does it have to be grown hydroponicly?
Last reply by EntyMan, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
hi all how do others dispose of quantiies of leaves, stem and particularly rockwool slabs? i dont put em in the bin. not because im paranoid that someone is looking through the bin (by that stage i figure your fucked anyway) but because theres too much to dispose of could they just be taken to the local tip? or do others search for dumpsters like me! i find this to a particularly stressful activity, driving around at night with a car full of garbage bags looking for somewhere to dispose of them! im not talking couple of bags. they have piled up to about 15 atm
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Gday, Ok, a pretty straightforward question, i got a small growbox, and basically wana control smell (not cover it up with another toilet spray kinda smell), do ionisers work at all?!... in say controlling 1 to 2 plants. any other ideas on ways to eliminate smells, i figure carbon scrubbers or ozone generators are pointless with such a small growbox, any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated, anyone actually use an ioniser?... im lookin at the one at dicksmiths ? Here Any good? any beter one's out there? thanks again. Later.
Last reply by Gazza2001au, -
by loki-
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
hi fellow stoners a quick question? do you have to take clones from your mother plant or are you able to clone you clones and get the same results?????? May you smoke be good smoke........
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
hey peeps my plants have been on 18-6 consistantly right now i want to go in there and do some stuff but they are on there 6 hour rest period. if i was to turn the lights on now and do the things i need to is this going too have a detrimental effect on my plants??? if i was to leave lights on and let it go back tothe normal 18/6 tommorro??? all help is appreciated thanks guys peace bpa
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
I put about 40 seeds in damp paper towel . I put 20 of these that looked swelled up in peat plugs about 5 days later. Soon I had several sprouts and put the tray under a 4 ft flor shop light with 2, 40 watt "OTT LITE" Plant growth bulbs . I had 2 varieties of unknown origin . They quickly grew about 3 inches and now have one set of true leaves. Today I noted one variety had produced several roots that grew out of the sides of the plug . The other type produced a single tap root out the bottom. Do some strains produce a fibrous root ball while another will grow a single tap root?
Last reply by cracker, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hi Folks, Has anyone tried or heard any reports on "Gigantic Mighty Bud". It's an additive you use three weeks into flowering. My hydro shop guy recons it makes your buds like golf balls. At $200 bucks a pop it should. The bottle doesn't say whats in it (surprise surprise) My hydro shop guy gets it from Adelaide. He said it works as good as Rock or Sudden impact. I've heard of Rock and seen some photos of a grow with and without. Looked pretty good.
Last reply by Gazza2001au, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
hi i want to start doing hydrophonics because soil growing hasn't got me anywhere. now my question is this. is hydrophonics any good and how long does it take to grow etc and what do you all need> i have a 600 w light with cannapy and foil but not sure if i need a fan ect? could you tell me also if this way is ahrd or what to expect?
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Hello I have never done clones successfully (did one it died) before so new to this part of growing, I have cut a nice peice from the female plant. dipped it in clonex stuck it in a small container of soil and perlite watered it, gave it a bit of Thrive fert and put it under light and the whole thing has turned yellow the tips of the leaves are dying.. It was nice and green when I picked it 2 days ago.. What could I be doing wrong.. Pic atttached Thanx N
Last reply by eternity, -