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feeding question


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its definately a nitrogen difficiency... and doesnt look like that soil has enough drainage to me?? pic could be decieving.. but I reckon you need more perlite in there.. plants need good drainage for root growth... the healthier the roots are the better your plant will be...


do you want to grow these organically?... try some fish emulsion or nitrosol in with your feeding... or if your mixing nutes a little more N.. for vegetive you need an NPK rating of 20/10/10... or in those ratios...10/5/5...30/15/15.. some where around there..for flowering halve the nitrogen...which essentially doubles the pk ratio...or.. just double the PK...

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the soil i am using is specially designed for this. can i ask how do i fix a nitrogen problem and could i put cod liver oil in the feeding of the plants at all? also how can i make the pots do more drainage? any idears. i am using 3 cat litter trays with the plants in them and a 3 speed fan. but the BIO-GROW feed has nitrogen added to it?? i am well confused
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if it is a nitrogen defficiency you can try NK, thats all i can remember from the name but NK is all you need to remember...i think


you can get it from a hydro store, it's an additive that helps with vegetative growth...it is supposed to supply the extra nutrient (NK hence the name) that plants need in the vegetative state i can't remember much else but i use it and my plants do fine


Bio grow may have nitrogen in it but perhaps its not enough...worse comes to worse try blood and bone


someone correct me if i'm wrong...it's late and memory ain't so good



yes you can feed fish to your plants, you can buy something called charlie carp from bunnings (made from real carp to!! :peace: )but i have no idea about cod liver oil


as for your pots...when you transplant later on put them into pots you want them to finish growing in, when you transplant a plant it goes into shock and slows/stops growing for a little while (couple of days i think)


and try adding perlite to your soil...it couldn't hurt


i'd like to say again....somebody correct me if i'm wrong coz i could use the info myself






p.s do your plants grow actually in the litter trays or in pots in the litter tray? litter tray's have no drainage at all...i know from experience :peace:

Edited by Bundy
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Hey Spud ,

Um ... What sort of soil is it? , It almost looks like its a sticky muddy type of soil from some of those pics (Eyes a bit blurry tho) :peace: , If that is the case , then that is no good , and it is that drainage problem you will have to fix when you transplant into some slightly bigger pots soon. I do think youll need to. And adding perlite or similar to whatever that soil is may help balance it out a bit , maybe get some normal potting mix and mix that in to , that way there will be plenty of air and water available to flow past the roots :yahoo: O.k. I hope that was coherent.


I wish you luck , and I'm sure The crew will be able to help you much better than I can with the commercial nutrients :yahoo: So I'll leave it there.



From Budman. :blink:

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here is what i am using. i got the info off the official shop site that i use. tell me what you think.


Bio Bizz All-mix



All-Mix was developed especially to be the best potting soil for organic cultivation. It consists of 20% sphagnum peat moss, 35%garden peat, 10% high quality organic worm manure, 30% perlite and 5% Pre -Mix. Watering is sufficient for plant growth, however, Fish and Alg A Mic may be used during the growth phase as added stimulants. For exuberant blooms and fruits, Bio Bloom, in conjunction with Top Max can also be used.


the plants are in pots in the litter trays and they suck the water up just fine. my m8 uses the same and he has big strong plants now so the drainage might not be a problem.

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G'day Spud , I'll just reply cuz Im here and still awake ,

Altho one of the other guyz will be able to tell you for sure , From what is listed in the gredients sounds o.k. to me for an outdoor potted grow , in fact some of the earliest I've read about have been similar. But I think It might be a bit of an outdated mix for growing MJ these days (Plz Correct me if I'm wrong anyone)


It looks like it holds too much moisture , so yeah , It probly sucks up the water o.k. but then It doesn't let the soil dry out at all and allow air to the roots , you can still grow , but it is sort of like suffocating them.

If your soil is too "muddy" this will be a problem. Imagine something like regular cheap Potting mix mixed with 1/4 perlite approx , this would be about the right consistency. Hell even just the potting mix works , but you need extra nutrients and its not optimum. Something like that might be better , or maybe something like coco which Im still not very familiar with so i wont go there. :peace:


Jeez , I meant to make this as short as possible and look what happened :yahoo: Oh well , Its good writing practice for me.


O.k. , I guess I should just clarify if you are growing inside or outside? I don't think you mentioned. Cool.


Bye then

Budman ... Out 4 Now. :yahoo:


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as someone else said those pots are small if the plants keep growing they will get rootbound pretty quickly. Is the water freely draining out the bottom of the pots after you water? If not you need to improve your drainage by adding larger sized rocks to the bottom of your pot or adding more perlite to your mix.


as for nitrogen defficiency its simple just give them more nitrogen as SS said. If the nute you are using is high in nitrogen I'd prob just use that. I also agree with SS on the osmocote, its great stuff for soil plants IMO.


also when you water I would top water them don't just add water to the trey this will help wash off any buildup that might be occuring in the soil mix, then you can let them sit in a bit of water in the kitty litter tray but don't water them again until they suck up all or most of that water. Roots need oxygen to stay healthy and if you have them sitting in water all the time they will rot.


but really, if you got a mate who is using the exact same system just copy what he does. If he's getting great results surely you can't go too far wrong... :peace:

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