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Organic, pro-biotic and organic growing without bottled nutrients

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I was just curious,it's definitely not cheap but you can charge whatever price you like it's not my concern.

The local ag store here sells Arcadian Kelp Meal for $7 a Kg.

Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

You should always get organic inputs as local and as cheap as possible. You're lucky that you have a great Ag store nearby... That's bulk pricing though, I couldn't afford to sell at that price for a single kilo. It would be like a charity operation. I'm in Melbourne and my customers don't have Ag stores near them... Most Ag stores here don't even stock kelp meal. Anyway as I scale up and can purchase much larger quantities I can pass on those savings to customers and sell larger quantities

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Cheers man.


I use Lucerne hay exclusively. Firsts.


That morphs into whatever clippings come from the plant, these ones got topped and tied down in veg. I had thought they vegged too long and was expecting problems due to that. So these have not been defoliated but will get one or at least a good leaf tucked etc.


Had 2 males so good opportunity to check soil and roots and not root bound and looking real nice so made me less pessimistic about possible flowering problems.


So they have only got water so far but I did top dress.


A week ago I removed the mulch, happy to see heaps of feeder roots, the pots are max 22.7litres. Top of mulch far below top top so I added soil to get me to the top of pot when mulched just to try to buy that bit more time watering and more media to help.


Soil, then castings then sprinkle of kelp.

Mulch was a mix of Lucerne (old and new), Blue borage and a mix of Boking 14 and SO leaves chopped up and mixed in with mulch.


Watered in with water.

Pics are 7 days after.

315w cmh 3100k

Edited by Carbcon
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I use heaps of kelp.

I mix Tassie bull with the living soil Arcadian and then sometimes I use a stockfeed type kelp.

Here's a few of mine a few weeks into flower.

Nice. Stockfeed kelp is usually Acadian... Exactly the same as "Kelp Meal". We package "Stockfeed kelp" it's pure Irish kelp meal. All kelp meal in Australia is generally used for stock feed more than agriculture at this stage. Btw... "Living Soil" was my old company.
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We source our Irish kelp meal from a local soil food web consultant for Agricultural Solutions and AgPath... AgPath is considered the most advanced soil biological testing lab in the southern hemisphere and is run by Dr. Mary Cole who is a world leader in soil biology research and has made great progress in this field working closely over the years with Dr. Elaine Ingham
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I've been fortunate enough to receive a lot of guidance from Ag Solutions towards microscope work and optimising soil conditions for the soil food web... Seriously knowledgeable people

Ag-Solutions are great guys and their Natra -Min range is really well put together,you're lucky to be working with such a good crew


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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