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need some direction



During my late teens and 20's i used pot recreationally. After about a 10 year gap i tried it again, this time i lost my shite....to this day i never understood what happened. I had smoked pot 100's of times before, however, this one time may years later almost made me lose my mind.

Would love to hear some theories from some experts. 

Could it have been laced?(i am not sure if that's a thing)

Could i have overdone it? (My method of delivery was a bucket bong, remember first bong in 10 years)


The reason i need to know this, is i have severe lower back issues, and have tried every opiate, norspan, targin, fentanyl, oxy, endone, tramadol, toradol. etc.....nothing even touches the pain. I have even had the nerves burnt in my back, which gave no relief.

I am very ignorant in this area and i am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I am not looking to be stoned, i just want some pain relief and to be able to function relatively normal. I don't know anything about oils nor the preferred strains for my needs. I do know that i don't want something that takes the edge of, it has to really pack a punch otherwise it's not worth it.

I hope i have been clear.




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Yeah got the old wear and tear happening, its bullshit tho, wear and tear means normal wear or aging, mind you damage from it is irreversible 


mine are work related and accident's, was in a truck rollover on the nullabore plain, about 16yrs old got thrown thru the window landed on me head

got cleaned up by a car when i was 21 broke me leg and landed on me head lol, was the start of me back problems as well

stacked me motorbike pissed no helmet landed on me head again, snapped me scapula in half and cracked me neck, was already fucked before it

was really fucked after it, compressed me eco-skeleton totally fucked me back And neck, was back at work 6 weeks later, lasted 6 months and pulled the pin

moved to the country and started share trading, went back to work, never more then 18 months, then have a year off trading shares 

retired from work at 50 a couple of years ago, just enjoy life now, don't let pain stop me from having a good time

go speedway racing, do track days on me bike and generally run amok, ya only live once 

Sounds like you need a new head...ha!

Share trading.now your talking my language..but thats not a conversation i want to have here..sure you know what i mean

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Bosco you sound like my dad. He has back damage from a degenerative disease, something like HLAB24 they call it. It was made worse from driving heavy machinery, D11's etc. He would sleep for a couple of hrs a night, then be awake from 1am-daybreak crying in pain. Seen all the specialist as this went on for years. Gets treated like a drug addict because no one believes he can function if he's in so much pain, must be putting it on. Pain is better these days after burnt nerves, cortisone injections every few months, but the pain is still there. Maybe one day he will get on the canna, who knows. Dont think he will until its legal though. Funny, he used to smoke recreationally, but stopped when I was young, then his back problems emerged. Don't know if he see's the link or not. I get a bit of back pain if I work it too hard, canna does help it. I think daily canna takes the eleviates minor pain altogether and takes the edge off bad pain.


Dont worry about getting stoned. It will happen, just enjoy it. Even the high CBD strains will still get you stoned, they just carry more CBD than other strains. Just try some different stuff, what works for some, may not work for you and vise versa. And no, your pain will not get you medical cannabis in Australia at the moment. Maybe things will change soon for you and the others alike. Pretty sad really but thats the way it is. The best you could hope for is some trail. Personally I wouldn't want anything the government has to offer. They fuck (both parties) anything they touch and medical canna would be no different. Whole plant medicine, no taking out "bad compounds" and leaving only "good" compounds. Thats not nature and its not required, its all in there for a reason. mmmm, cant wait to get some bio engineered canna into me, not. 

I know i find it strange hearing myself saying i don't want to get stoned, it's just that one bad experience that has made me feel this way. However, you did mention something that got me thinking....human engineered dope. See i had smoked dope for years when i was younger with never a moment of freaking out, apart from the good old paranoia which at the time was fun because i would just analyze it and talk myself around knowing it was just the dope talking, so then i could have alot of fun with it. So i am just wondering if this one time that i had had this negative reaction perhaps it was man made weed..heard alot of bad stuff about it just a thought.

It's funny though cause i have now changed my stance on the stoned factor, i think due to reading all the reviews on 'leafly', you know all those great stories of having a bong then finding yourself in the shower for 4 hrs just cause the water felt so good and the grout between the tiles suddenly became interesting...lmfao! and how a bowl of weetbix was suddenly better than the best meal money could buy..lol! I love that stuff, i remember those stories. My personal favourite was my mate had a court appearance, and made the mistake of having a quick toke before hand, well he had a packet of chips with which he preceded to eat ever so slowly cause he was under the stoned impression that the cops were looking at him because he was crunching his chips to loud..believe me they weren't they were about 50 meters away, funniest thing i have ever seen...a dude eating in slow motion...

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I think your bad expirence was the type of strain, I have had a bad time once or twice, fortunatly it didn't stop me. I wasn't talking about synthetic weed that was all the rage a couple of years back. Never tried it, that shit was poison. I was just refering too products like sativex and things that are modified extracts, synthsized in a lab. Not that "spice" garbage.


Its ok to get stoned, it's not a bad thing, but if you dont like it, you dont like it.

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Sounds like you need a new head...ha!

Share trading.now your talking my language..but thats not a conversation i want to have here..sure you know what i mean

Yeah probably, nah i'm fine, had me oil, feeling very good, not stoned at all, more like speeding of me head, but in a good way

not an amphetamine type of speeding, a bit slower, it will keep me going till later tonight 


love me share trading, where else can physically fucked dumb tnuc make some serious $ lol lol 



there is another gram for you SE

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I have had back pain for about 14 years. The first 10 were the worst. It now seems relatively under control, touch wood. I believe cannabis stopped me from being addicted to opiates, although I still need them occasionally. Cannabis is no miracle cure though. Part of it's appeal is that if you get the right strain it will take your mind off the pain. There is also actual pain relief but don't expect to be completely pain free.


I respectfully disagree with those that say you need to strengthen your back or core. When you have back pain you get stuck in a feedback loop. You feel pain, which causes you to tense your muscles, which in turn causes more pain, and it goes on. I found that mine didn't respond to physio's or strengthening exercises.  What did help was learning to relax the muscles, particularly through tai chi (when I could stand up, that is). I also try and meditate. One of the worst things about back pain is the mental space you get in and it can be all consuming. 


There are some great books about managing pain and back pain in particular. "Back to Life" is one that I think is good.


Best of Luck.

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Good one freddie, as you know tai chi is all about strengthening your core 

i presume you can stand up now, because your core muscles take the weight 

i did say you need to relax the muscles before you can build them back up 


every back is injury is different, but to say you don't need  strengthening back up, is completely wrong in my opinion 


you need core stability to function properly, use them or lose them as they say


its up the each person to find out what works best for them, its not easy to get right ,

i presume you know what muscle memory is, you need to keep them working or they forget

Edited by pedro de pacas
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good on ya pedro


glad to see u came outa the closet with ure back probs

was a bit concerned last time we talked. not telling ure missus and all that

I got stenosis, (fancy way of saying spinal chord is shrinking,compacting nerves ect)

broke me back in '88, L3-L3-4 AND 4-5 fusion

so I know a little bit on what u guys are going through

rule no.1 stay fuk away from chiro's  worse than being on rack

no.2....get in2 heated swimming pool, the therapeutic kind. way better pain relief than any opiates

mind you been on methadone for over 22 yrs, that's another story  (more like nightmare)

tried a lot of diff canna and what I found helps was critical mass....1-1,1-1.5. cbd

like pedro said most high cbd infused phenos will help, but not a total cure 4 back pain

like colonel sanders did, experiment until u find ure own secret combination of herbs and spices

drop some weight and try some gentle stretching

I don't have all the answers but at least we talkin

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good on ya pedro


glad to see u came outa the closet with ure back probs

was a bit concerned last time we talked. not telling ure missus and all that

I got stenosis, (fancy way of saying spinal chord is shrinking,compacting nerves ect)

broke me back in '88, L3-L3-4 AND 4-5 fusion

so I know a little bit on what u guys are going through

rule no.1 stay fuk away from chiro's  worse than being on rack

no.2....get in2 heated swimming pool, the therapeutic kind. way better pain relief than any opiates

mind you been on methadone for over 22 yrs, that's another story  (more like nightmare)

tried a lot of diff canna and what I found helps was critical mass....1-1,1-1.5. cbd

like pedro said most high cbd infused phenos will help, but not a total cure 4 back pain

like colonel sanders did, experiment until u find ure own secret combination of herbs and spices

drop some weight and try some gentle stretching

I don't have all the answers but at least we talkin

ok roger that, i do have quite a bit of weight on from being so sedentary. Have just started doing laps in the pool to be active. Will have a gander at a heated pool. at this stage i have ordered blue cheese, cbd shark shock in seeds, unfortunately it's going to be some time until i get to actually trial the finished product on the pain. I do get it though, canna is not going to be some miracle cure, but if theirs a chance it could at least make the pain more bearable then i am willing to try. People would often ask me when i was on all the opiates if it was helping with the pain, and the only way i could explain it was that it didn't touch the pain, it just made it mentally more bearable, but opiates are deadly...in my opinion.

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Good one freddie, as you know tai chi is all about strengthening your core 

i presume you can stand up now, because your core muscles take the weight 

i did say you need to relax the muscles before you can build them back up 


every back is injury is different, but to say you don't need  strengthening back up, is completely wrong in my opinion 


you need core stability to function properly, use them or lose them as they say


its up the each person to find out what works best for them, its not easy to get right ,

i presume you know what muscle memory is, you need to keep them working or they forget

So i my seeds arrive today from yantra, so begins the journey! I have never done this before and i am aware that there is copious amounts of information on growing, but i just thought i would start with asking you guys on the very first thing to do once i get the seeds? Just want to try and limit as many mistakes as possible. 

Edited by Bosco
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You'll get alot of differing opinions. Medium wise I would use either seed raising mix or peat pellets. Use rain water or the like over tap if possible and a drop of seasol / kelp. As long as you keep them warm and dark, and don't let them dry out, you should see life in a few days.



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