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look up trench composting, 


i do compost, I got it coming out my ears.


Good man, love a good trench, got a small one on the go for a new veggie bed

working on something a bit different at the moment, have done a small scale one a couple of years ago, seem to work good and still does

can't say yet what it is, will just get told it wont work or some crap

I'll take some before and after pics, it will be no dig veggie/fruit/? thing once established

give some a good laugh no doubt

Edited by pedro de pacas
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I'm new to gardening and have never tried it, but cucumber composts extremely fast compared to most other vegetables and it's practically water. Therefore it's completely plausible that it could decompose rapidly and the long list of nutrients mentioned could become available to the plant quickly. At least plausible enough to not warrant having a go at someone personally when all they're doing is sharing things they have put in practice for others to take or leave or discuss
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Sorry.....but I have noticed ..... in nature the whole of the earth is a compost heap...not sure what your looking at .

Picking your brain again sorry...whats your remedy for Powdery Mildew? I think that's my problem anyway...Did some research online and Apple Cider Vinegar came up...Went out and bought it..but spoke to a mate later that day and he said he once but Apple Cider Vinegar in his water to try and neutralise the PH? or change it anyway....1 capful in 20L and his plants keeled over and died apparently...Also Bicarb soda came up...Obviously there is some kind of chemical in a bottle down at bunnings I can buy, but looking for a natural alternative...especially when you still have buds on.....

Amnesia Haze 05-06-2017

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Milk works i will post more info later

Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app


Organic Fungicide - Use 2 litres of water, and a drop of vegetable oil, which helps to fix the spray to the leaf when it's dried. A drop of detergent helps to spread the mix over the leaf. Then add the active ingredient - bicarbonate of soda. Put in two teaspoons per litre.


milk one - There is no consensus on which dilution of milk to water is best, with the most concentrated recommended mixture 40% milk and 60% water, and the most dilute 10% milk and 90% water. I fall in between using 30% milk to 70% water, with good results. It does not matter if the milk you use is skim or whole because it is the protein rather than the milk fat that is working on your behalf.

but if it is much stronger than that it can cause problems like sooty mould. Low fat milk is less effective than full cream milk, but the difference is not really significant. There are various compounds that are active in milk including the fats. The natural antibiotics present in milk, as well as the production of other agents during exposure to sunlight both act to reduce fungal infection.

For it to work effectively it must be used regularly at seven to 10 days intervals, or every fortnight if it is hot. The most important thing is to get a good even coverage over all of the leaves. One of the great advantages of milk fungicide is that you don’t need any protective gear for spraying.


Best prevention is visual ....wet/day nights and gradually cooling temps .......when these start keep an eye out .

I usually at this stage start removing the largest fan leaves it helps alot as it reduces surface area for spores to land on and start spreading and if left on usually in the next 2 weeks or so they start yellowing anyway.

Everyone has a different way but that has worked for me for decades...free ...cheap...and effective ...and organic ....personally I dont like sprays on my herb....and at this stage...if the weather is against you ....  I have had a bad outbreak it is during the drying period ......

Other alternatives are this as well  during harvest and endless chemical ones..

With your plant looking like it does..... I would do this if it were mine at harvest ....it doesnt affect taste or quality....but will help your end result








Edited by cardrona
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