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Vaping vs bonging

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I still love to smash a billy first thing when I get home but I've done away with tobacco. Just use a bit of vaped bud leftovers instead of spin. That trick works great for spliffs too, makes em heaps tasty!

Somebody mentioned that the high is clearer/less stoney when vaping as opposed to smoking. I agree with this.

I collected a big bag of vaped bud and made budder cookies. They didn't get me very high but they made me really tired. Kinda the opposite effect to vaping.


Launchbox and solo users should be aware that the oil that accumulates inside the glass tube mouthpieces can easily be vaped/smoked by heating up the glass with a lighter. It does feel a bit junky-ish and you're flatmate might think you're on crack if you get caught doing it but it certainly will to the trick when you're out of weed and hanging.


Lots of people say to chop up product really fine before packing the solo. I don't do this anymore. I find that if I leave it a bit chunky and just pull it apart with my fingers it vapes for longer and I get better airflow. Start off around 4-5 heat setting, blast away for a few mins til you're getting less vapour then crank it right up to 7 to finish. Using it this way I get to vape on about 0.2-0.3g of bud for a little over 15 mins getting thick vapour the whole way!

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I have had my first try of a Volcano. The hit I got off the thing was just great. Im not sure of the weight I broke off a useualy sized bud fora smoke. The whole bud was used and I was more than happy


I really like a mix up the ways I smoke, even suring a sesh. adding a Volcano to the collection would be worth while.

Dabbing a spot of oil on a hot Ti plate then inhailing that through be bubbler has got to be a great way to start a smoke.

Then I usually smoke the bong for the rest of the night, with the occasional spot of oil to keep things interesting.

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love my vapes soooo much. i have a SSV silver surfer a magic fight box a vapir one, an atmos raw pen, and my original cheap digital box thing. so as ratings go the silver suffer kicks arse, i have one to two after work on school nights and am feeling mighty fine maybe one more a cple of hrs later and i have to scrape myself off the couch, depending on quality os buddage. i first purchased a cheap digital vaporiser to give vapeing a go as i wanted to give up tobacco. i takes probably a week or two to suss out temp and how hard to draw etc with each of the different vaporisers, but now i will never go back to bongs plus i've given up tobacco also. Still can't say no to a scoob after a few beers tho.

ok out of the potable ones ive got, the vapir one which comes with rechargable battery pack is a prob my favourite. it has digital display and has a nice clean taste with no burning (tho it did take a few goes to suss the best temp out). i must add you have to take the quality/dryness/wettness of the bud you are vapeing to achieve a perfect hit.

The Magic Flight Box is very handy, reliable and a bit more discreet than the Vapir one. i have managed to burn a lot of product tho due to holding the battery in for too long, (which heats up the box) normally because I'm  already smashed.

The atmos is also very descrete, a pen like vaporiser which is charged via usb to a battery in the pen. it has a glass filter which sits above a small spring coil which creates the heat.above the glass filter you put your bud then in the mouth piece which screws onto of the bud chamber there is a fine wire mesh and a ceremic filter to stop you sucking bits thru. i did find this to be a bit fiddly and it took a while to master. the reason i bought the atmos was because of an oil attachment which screws on the battery bit instead of the bud chamber. this has been working nicely with honey oil.

The silver surfer is the ducks nuts in flavour and maximum use of product. it has hand made glass pieces, heated by a ceramic element. it seems to get a better heating and vapouring of the trichromes without any burn. with the vaped budage i either make butter, oil or my mates never knock it back for their biily's or joints. it does have a sedative affect tho as i believe  the thc has changed to cbd through the vaporising heating process. (not sure if thats 100%right)I have also tried the Bhudda also made by SSV and this was very nice also.

Now the cheap digi box does the trick but like anything these days you pay for quality.

So i would rate the vaporiser as no.1 Silver surfer, no.2 Vapir 1, no3 Magic Flight Box, no.4 atmos, no.5 the digital vape box

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Vapes are awesome! I have been smoking for 14+ years and ever since I gave up smoking ciggs and started vaping my lungs have felt super clean.

Lots of physical activities that used to make me puff out are no longer doing so and it also has a positive benefit in the bedroom with the ladies haha



Keep an eye out for the next generation DaVinci vaporiser due to be released soon called the "Ascent"


It's a beautiful stealthy looking portable vape that is going to kick some serious butt.


+ Full glass vapor pathway

+ 3+ hours of battery life

+ Digital temp controller

+ Fast heat up time (around 1 minute ish)

+ Can handle oils and concentrates

+ Stealthy as all hell (looks like a phone sort of)




There are a few videos of it available on youtube. It was about to be released and now they're re-working it to provide a denser vapor hit. Shouldn't be too long now!

Might retail for about $250 USD when it launches.


I'll definately pick these up as soon as possible since the 3+ hour battery life and it being portable will mean that I can vape pretty much anywhere (on my bed, out and about, etc.).

It's so inconspicious looking too :afro:

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