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French Toast

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I reckon (and tell me if you think i'm wrong) that smoking MJ intensifies your desires and especially makes you more prone to succumbing to them.


For example the usual feeling of hunger is turned into ravaging munchies, which, although you know you shouldn't pig out, you do anyway. Same with sleep, when you start to get real tired and have been smoking MJ, you just fuck it and nod off. And i forgot what i was going to say, but never mind.



I agree, MJ is not just a drug, its a life enhancer, almost everything is ten times nicer when high, even enanimateobjectssuch as tables etc... You just end up sittingthere staring at something random and contemplating on how nice it looks. blah blah... :P :reallyexcited:

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and normality is just a concept used to supress individuality. so a lot of new creative ideas and thoughts, which are essentially what make up people's personalities are being looked down upon and labeled with things like schizophrenia or weirdo. isn't an encouraging thought is it?
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