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I was on the train the other day listening to a conversation two guys were having about an additive/nutrient called U-Turn. From what I could gather, without making it so obvious I was totally immersed in their conversation, is that this product stops the plant from growing on application (foliar spray I think) when turning plants to flower enabling all of the energy from the plant to be put into flowering.


I did a search and have found the product for sale but have not come across any reviews or feedback - can anyone help with some more information ??

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U-turn is the same as the product they took off the market 'Bonza Bud' - its a PGR, contains paclobutrazol... i was reading about it few weeks ago,


stops plant height, basically stunts the fuck out of em so if used at the start of 12/12 plants wont stretch and they will go straight into flower development..


will also reduce quality of your weed dramatically...


weight up which is more important to ya, and decide wether ya wanna use it or not'



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I have used this product

It is sold under many different names and many don't name its active constituents but it is paclobutrazol


I went away for a couple of weeks and returned to an overgrown room. A mate suggested it as he said 'it stops upward growth' and it does. My room was full of veg growth with no room for the growth splurt of 12/12. It was a 2 part, first part prior to turning 12/12 (30ml A) and second part 5 days later (30ml B ). I added it directly into my main tub and not as foliar spray. Within days the buds were forming from each node. They say it knocks 2weeks off your grow time which is probably why commercial growers love the stuff. But the jury is out on the health implications. Paclobutrazol is often used with grapes but thats drinking it not heating and smoking the stuff which may release other nasties, but again who knows


I'm not so sure about the decrease in quality or quantity cos I got some kickass smoke from that grow and lots of it.


It is a PGR and this automatically turns many people away. But for an overgrown room, it works and works well. It is an additive and if you don't need it don't use it IMHO.



Edited by merl1n
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