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Can i get some additive suggies?

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Howdy all,

Can i get some additive suggies from some of you here?


I will tell you my situation anyway,

400hps growing in 50/50 coco perlite hand watered in pots. currently white rhino, and prly will be next grow too.

Ive used the whole canna ab, rhizo, cannazyme, trio which i wasnt all that impressed with to be honest, not that it was those nutes, more likely something i did, but really, the cannzyme and rihizo isnt ment to used the whole way thru from what i can tell, or its be a waste of money anyway. I found too much rhizo made the roots grow out the bottm of my pots way to quick.


Right now for this current grow tho, i started with canna ab for vege, with rhizo and cannazyme for a bit, now im in flower, using DM potash and GT coco bloom.


Is there any other bits and pieces i can use during say vege to help out there? and more so during flower, are there any other additives i can possibly use ontop of what i have right now, maybe different ones for different stages of flower?

As mentioned im using Potash and bloom right now, and was gonna start on PK13/14 at about week 5 for a week without the potash, and continue just with the bloom after that.


would appreciate any input, i proly wont start anything new now, but next grow i woild like to plan more ya know? Get everyting ready for the job.

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