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How Much Molasses?

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I 've checked out Cannaversity and cannot find application rates for Molasses.


In the forums of late Scunxxx has advised that he applies one tablespoon/five gallons to his organic hydro grows. someone pointed out Scunxx is american so his ratio equates to 15mils/20litres. this is the rate I have applied to my outdoor soil grow with seemingly excellent results.


however I foliar sprayed twice with kelp a week before using molasses at this rate so I can't say exactly that the benefits I observed are entirely due to molasses.


contributors to the organic growing forum at www thctalk.com state they use molasses at 5mils/litre every second watering!!!


this seems excessive to me as molasses works to feed the soil and is not strictly a plant nutrient. (the same contributor also said that you can't kill the plant with organic additives but everyone knows that piss kills the lawn, so ... ?)


what say you all? is Radic in the house? what's your view Radic?

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