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Outdoor flowering nutes

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I grow organic and due to the import laws there really isn't that many choices for the aussie outdoor grower compared to overseas. We don't get any where near the amount of tailored outdoor organic nutes specifically for bud, but having said that we still have options. I have done a fair amount of looking around and what I use for flowering organically is:


-Canna Bio Flores (http://www.aquaponics.net.au/product/prod47.htm)

-Monsta Bud (http://www.h2grohydroponics.com.au/monsta-bud-1ltr-p-384.html?zenid=f5310d42dd72d3871f30b57aaed5a2d4)

-Worm Castings

-Organic Charlie Carp (a little bit)


-Black Strap Molasses


Then in the last month or so I will use 'Ozi Tonic' (http://www.newagehydro.com/shop/results.php?category=173)


These are given mixed up together every 2-3 weeks.


Hope that helps somewhat.

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I grow organic and due to the import laws there really isn't that many choices for the aussie outdoor grower compared to overseas. We don't get any where near the amount of tailored outdoor organic nutes specifically for bud, but having said that we still have options. I have done a fair amount of looking around and what I use for flowering organically is:


-Canna Bio Flores (http://www.aquaponics.net.au/product/prod47.htm)

-Monsta Bud (http://www.h2grohydroponics.com.au/monsta-bud-1ltr-p-384.html?zenid=f5310d42dd72d3871f30b57aaed5a2d4)

-Worm Castings

-Organic Charlie Carp (a little bit)


-Black Strap Molasses


Then in the last month or so I will use 'Ozi Tonic' (http://www.newagehydro.com/shop/results.php?category=173)


These are given mixed up together every 2-3 weeks.


Hope that helps somewhat.



Yeah thats basically my mix, I just put a bit of pot ash in every now and then

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G'day 200sxy. I found a liquid rose flowering fertilizer in Bunnings, made in W.A. by a crew called Growth Technologies. I apply it a 10ml/ltr, once a week/10 days and it does the job well. I use a 5 litre perssure spray. A table spoon of sulphate of potash in a 9 litre watering can once a month seems to ad bulk and strength to the plants.
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soil mix: one third Katek supergrow (this is balanced chook poo pellets), one third sharp sand, one third loam. check ph and adjust if necessary.


dilute builders lime in water to do this as it is instant adjust. you'll have to work out amount of lime in water. start with two tablespoons per nine litres water.


water with thrive every second watering. water with chook poo liquid fertilser (made from hanging a hessian bag of katek in drum of water) every third watering. so that's one water, one thrive, and one liquid chook poo, one water, one thrive, one liquid chook poo, one water ... etc


STOP doing this when flowering begins and add katek (lots) to soil surface, cover LIGHTLY with hay as mulch to keep katek moist, add teaspoon of


sulphate of potash per nine litres of water for every second watering. alternatively change to indoor thrive when flowering begins and maintain liquid


chook poo every second water. peace.

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