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Lets have an Australia wide march in each capitol city

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Exactly HighRising :bow:

Here's just an example to what happens if someone steps out of line with LEAP Press Releases › LEAP does not endorse "Never Get Busted Again"

It sounds heavy handed, but they do have a reputation to maintain 'n it only takes one loose cannon to bring things undone.




Lets not be too pessimistic yet . I for one like the sound of getting a Norml chapter up and running in Australia. I think also they will allow and help with such an organisation if the right people contact them and are committed to maintaining their principles. Also, that these people aren't time wasters who will give up at the first sign that things are far harder than they thought they would be. The key here is a lot of people talk but can they perform ?


Security is a major factor and I know that the police infiltrated Norml NZ in the late seventies or early eighties but I'm sure they have now got protocol in place to secure members data etc.


Personally, I lean towards supporting movements that lobby to remove all prohibition of all drugs and that's where I would prefer to put some time and donate but I think Norml is a superb organisation that has already got massive branding for the cause - that in itself will help in enlisting members and giving the organisation credibility in Australia. First and foremost the mj movement needs a single banner it can fly in this country - something which gives it some political clout and credibility - Norml is a good place to begin.

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Its to early to start web sites, protests ect because no one has actualy come up with a plan of attack yet all we have is radical comments,

tales of anarchy, and other witty banter. Some one just needs to say hey lets start a movement and reform these laws, wait...... NORML.


could it be that simple? how many stoners do you know?

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I explained my view/opinion previously in this thread about Nimbin before Radic, as you'll see below...


Thought i'd better try 'n explain things a bit better, before I get mis-interperated.


Using the term 'Nimbinite's' is generalizing too much. I have no beef of which way one prefers to exist. Weather it be hippie, pollie or just your average joe, each to their own.


Nimbin and it's culture is something that should be recorded, preserved and fought for. As it's ONE of many diverse cannabis cultures existing within Australia.


Now, what jack's me off is when anyone living or representing nimbin get's on their soap box and pronounces Nimbin is the heart and/or voice of the cannabis culture within Australia. Admittedly, it's a well known one. But it's not be all or end all. The sooner this false perception is bought to an end, the better the chance for general all round reform within Oz, i tend to believe.


You only have to walk down any reasonably busy street in this great land of ours, and there's a fair chance you'll walk pass 50 odd stoners in no time 'n not even know it. That to me, is my perception of a Aussie stoner.


So what i'm suggesting for Nimbinites, is to protect and preserve their history on a local level and not use cannabis call as a tool, to rape and pillage it just to your own benefit. Nimbin displays a false interpretation of the Aussie cannabis culture, as a whole, and i can't help but think it's damaging the cause, while they act in such a way.


So all the power to the Nimbinite's to defend 'n preserve their culture. But please, don't be spruking on my behalf about the delusional views you hold about Nimbin representing the Australian Cannabis Culture.


By the way. I do have a reasonable understanding of Nimbin's take on it all. As it's been a local town that i've frequented over the last 22 or so years.


If Nimbinite's were to ask me my opinion on how to turn things around for the better, for the region. I'd suggest to clean up the Meth scene on the streets (used to be H). It's a shame to see such a small town have such a fkd up problem. While Nimbin has that under-tow, it's gunna be a battle to be taken seriously, in this day 'n age.


Peace to all. :bow:


Thanks for the offer of website 'n gfx 'n that. But no offense, i have those skills fairly well sorted, same for 3D modeling. But to be honest, i have no need for anything like that. As i'd rather be of an organization that i've already hinted on many occasions before. :D



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irey thanx for puttingmi straight


lets get a name for ya group


Citerzins for Cannabis law reform

do a poll

everyone can partisitate

you know what i mean


draw up a mission statment

highlighting ya goals ect

put up a site

colate info from this board is great start

find scientific studdies to back ya statments

put that on ya site

get a advertizing campaine happining

email, talkbak, papers

all the same stuff most buisness use

that about it

pretty easy really

come on oz stoners

hafe golong sooooooooooo

free cannabis

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An "Australian" Normal, just what do we mean by that? I mean a chapter of the actual normal, or a movement which will be new and as yet unchartered, and simply refering to it as an Aus "normal" for want of a better word at this stage?


Why I ask this is I have a mate in Michigan, who was one of the executive members of Michigan Marijauana law reofm movement 9I forgettheir name), and they were loosely associated with Normal. The group made a hell of a lof effort, won many battles, financed it itslef, and when it was set to make it's win, Normal (propper) came in over the top so to speak and took over. Many of the original group got their noses out of joint, because Normal apparently has their own way of doing things, their own internal politial structure and so far as I understand from the other side of the world have a pretty strong attitude.


In the end, they did in fact hand much of he control of their group to Normal, becuase they did in fact have the years of experience, had lawyers on staff, where-as the other guys had to kinda help thir lawyers prepare the breifs themselves etc.


My point is these guys made it almost all the way without Normal's assistance, so I'm wondering, just what level of "Normal" do we think is apprpriate, given they may not be interested at all anyway. Or as I asked, is the word "Normal" just being tossed about as a way of outlining the general concept?


Unfortunately I haven't been in touch with Wooly (Greg) of the Michigan group for some time, but if people want to go ahead, I could try and raise him, ask him whathe thinks is a good way to get a groundswell going.


these guys were professionals, tax paying "repectable" citizens, so I imagine it's gotta have some parrellels.


I want to say something in defense of the radicals of Nth NSw. BTW, I've been vocal about the same things uttered against them here, but I pull shport of disbeleief they haven't doner some good over the last 30 odd years.

Rightnow we face a serious situation, with as has been pointed out, "researchers" having swayed people of general public right through oi profesional medicals and politicians that marijuana is a dnagerous drug that is a threat to society's health.

I fear we are going to have to move quick on this or face a real risk of penalties attached to what we do akin to speed manufacuring. I agree, we need people who can presnet a well formulated, truthful , convincing arguement to counter the lies that have been provided and accepted.


i don't get out much, I'm pretty recluse, a drop out one might cal me. So I didn't realise just how real this bullshit smear campaign had worked until last Saturday night.

I went to a family gathering, and whilst sharing a smoke with my uncle, he was expressing the concerns of hydroponic chemicals, and "super weed" causing so much physical greif and mental breakdown. This bloke is getting toward 60, been around the world seveal times, a real adventurer, smoking grass in some of the most famous and exotic destinations we've all dreamt of over the last few decades. But here he is, expressng the concerns these bullshit researchers have convinced everyone of, even so it seems, old smokers who have seriosuly been around a time or two.


Here's the real cruncher, he works in an industry with lots of doctors and nurses,in a hospital. He's in the clique of these professional;s who smoke and he asked me if I could score any 100% organic grown buds (when I was younger that was how I grew ). he told me these doctors and others in that profession are so paranoid of thew dangers being published, they're prepared to pay any price for "safe" pot.

Great news for organic growers no doubt, but clear evidence of how real the hysteria has grasped.


So, all this in mind, I agree we need a way forward that's able to counter this on their own level, and I hope someone can pull it off, because I know I can't. I'm just too fucked up to be of any use to anyone.


But I think it's unfair to claim the nimbin movement acomplished nothig in it's time and place.


I won't go right into it, but Indy it seems you've spent some time around the area, surely you recall the days when signs hung in shop front windows which advised people "NO ADVOCATES SERVED" (basically, no "hippies, dollies, people without shoes if you like will recieve service in the shop). Mullumbimby was full of shops that wouldnt so much as let a person in their business if they suspected them of being part of the crowd that used grass.


In time though, everywhere from Brunswick Heads at least, to Nimbin was cool with smokers. Sure there was always some crack pot who would dob in someone for growing a plant intheir yard, or smoking grass, but by and large it was the only place I know of that if a person didn't smoke, they sure didn't hold it against those who did. drinkers would sit in the pubs with smokers, cops left smokers alone pretty much...and many, many other things that made the whole nth NSW event a great thing to be involved in. That was entirely the reslt of people sticking totheir guns. Kinda like the gay movement "we're queer, and we're here" kinda thing.


I think it's all hit a serious road spike, and i think you're right about the path ahead, but I don't think it's right to write off everything that happened there over the last 30 years. the cop shop being burned...well the same thing happened in Bathurst didnt it? An Easter race event, some people got carried away..not good, but it isn't par for the course I don't think, just a bad thing that is regretted by most. Like Mrs. radic said, we all have a dark side and we're deluding ourselves if we don't see it. We're all capable of doing something dumb in the heat of the moment at the very least.


I won't even go to Nimbin anymore, it's just not my scene anymore and hasn't been for some years, so I'm not some pro Nimbin character. I know over the years some have got off just on visiting, and loving the association. I remember when they started running a bus tour up from Lismore so the straight people could look at the freak show. It's too pathetic for words. but in some ways, it's not that different from what some tourist smokers do. I know sometime around the 90s, young people I know were counted "cool" basically only after they'd done a run to buy a bag from Nimbin :bow:. I bett hat pushed the prices up in town.

LAst time I was there was to attend a Bill Mollison workshop on sustainable living/permaculture. I felt ike a fish out of water by then, and haven't been back. So believe me when I say I'm not a blind "one eye" everything about the place is cool by me ;kinda peson.

But I do sincerely believe they've done some good over the years. Just by being there. Just by breaking down barriers of fear by people getting to know the "freaks" and finding them for the most part decent normal folks.


I may be wrong..but it's how I see it. SOmething made the whole nth NSw township living breezy and cool. Something caused the cops to back off, it's the only place I know of where the cops phoned a neighbor of mine to arange a look through his house, becasue he'd been dobbed for growing .

Something caused the whole area to break away from the rest of the country drug laws in an unofficial way.


Anyhow, i certainly dont want to cause bad blood argueieng for or aganst the things there. And I think maybe it's unfortunate but a little true that withthe 'research" "proving" smok will send ya nuts, then the bigotted mentality of people judging with their ewyes might see a corelation there. I know it's sad, but appearances are what most go on, and this country has a further hurdle in that it's become polarised by an elite and "less" elite class. A real distinction has appeared in Australia, where it's becomming more normal to be whte , uptight and annaly retentive. These people have power, through their vote if nothign else, and the Alan Jones type barracker who swallows the bullshit news pot sends ya nuts will see evidence in it by their harsh judgmental attitudes. I'm sure you have a good point.


Anyway I'll see if I can raise this mate of ine in Michigan and see if he can offer any advice on how to go forwad. if I get hold of him, and he has anything worthwhile saying, i'll put himon to the thread. he'd do that I think. He'sa good bloke who is very serious about this issue.


Actually, before I go, he sent me lots of pamphlets they printed over the years, one that showed the mandatory penalties for different drug offences in Michigan. My goodness, I couldn't beleiev my eyes. but what was real cool, was the cover of that pamphlet. It had an old black and white pic of a Salvation Army vehicle covered in placardes reading "save our childrens lives, end prohibition (or somethign like that). They had endless success withthat campaighn, as almost every person who saw it insited it was a set up, a rouse. It was a great starting point for educating the sheep.





PS. Indy, i think that post you quoted yourself on is petty well right btw. The "average" smoker in Austrlaia would probably feel very uncomfortable if they had to spend a few days in Nimbin. It is a very different culture ey.

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I wasn't trying to make an argument for Nimbin or any argument at all, if you read back you will see people started talking about mardi grass and I just posted the link to the other thread in case some people were thinking of going, and didn't know about the other thread...


Its others who have got their back up, for no reason, and started making anti-Nimbin comments. Well, they are arguing with themselves, because no one is disagreeing with them :bow:


The point I was trying to make is that this thread should be about OTHER law reform activites other than Nimbin, ESPECIALLY since the participants of this thread don't value the Nimbin contribution.

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I agree with pipeman Radic - you have been a gentlemen throughout.


It's important to see that everything has a time and a place and what Nimbin has done must be applauded regardless of personal opinions. They stepped up and took the fight to the streets so lets not show ingratitude but instead recognise that the times :bow: they are a changing. (Had to do that... very sorry)


Yes, Robbie, I am nearly sixty myself and I associate with a lot of baby boomers. It was our generation that originally took the fight to the streets and they were great times and we (as a collective group) achieved a lot. It's so sad to see where society in general has gone and everything we stood for we somehow were responsible for corrupting as well. I can see the damage that has been done to the mj movement because a lot of people I call friends (one time hippies) believe this dribble and farce.


The flip side is I believe we are in for new and invigorating times. Things must become bad before they become good so keep the faith.... I would think that the last ten to twelve years will go down in the history books as a time when fools and tyrants ruled powerful countries. That is now changing. Jesus, who would have believed the US could have a black president or a woman president even a decade ago?


Anyway, Norml or any other organisation of your choosing but you need to first agree, unite and then fight for a single common cause putting aside your own human frailties (and therein is the hardest challenge). You're going to need resources, money, and smarts because that is what you are up against.

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