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as HEMP Barman and active cannabis law reformer for over 6 1/2 yrs ( being busted once in the hempbar ( read court statement .. http://www.undatoka....rtstatement.htm )) .......


Dave Cannabis


First 3 words from the court statement read......

I plead guilty


Thats not standing up and fighting Dave, or being an "active cannabis law reformer" as you put it. That's rolling over and copping it. Were you guilty? I don't think you thought you were? If you're not you should tell the court that. Pleading NOT GUILTY is standing up and fighting or being an "active cannabis law reformer".


Peace MM

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Some hydro is alright, the main problem, after the taste and smell, is the enormous amount of resources wasted just to grow a weed. Growing any herb in a test tube is unnatural. Wasting valuable resources and creating unsustainable industries that benefit from Cannabis prohibition, is a crime. Closeted minds with closeted plants are displaying their inability to survive without 240 volts and all the consumer products that exploit their ignorance and deny their own beliefs on the preservation of natural medicine and its' purpose in society.


Heathen .J. Lovechild =) , I am a Hydroponics grower and proud of it. :thumbsup:

I don't like the fact that I can not grow outside, but as the laws stand in WA at the moment, I am more at risk with my plants outside than under lights. You have to understand that what we do is for our own preservation, as stated before I f we had the legalization of cannabis (or even a decriminalization for a small number of plants) probably 90% of us would grow outdoors with maybe a one off crop in winter under lights.


Personally I love outside grown plants, a beautiful sight to behold. I have lived in Holland and grown outdoors there with my friends and I love seeing big monster buds mature in their natural enviroment. The problem is until the laws change we are bound by our living situations, we ALL can't live in a country area like Nimbin. Here in the city we have fence jumping thieves, cops patrolling the streets, choppers, etc. It's easier to grow in the country for sure and stand on ya soapbox saying were the problem.


Personally, I can't see the Nimbin Hemp bars problem with hydro...... you need to support ALL growers of this fine plant , otherwise don't try and be Crusaders for cannabis reform if your only going to support one select way of growing. That's almost the height of arrogance.

If you have a problem with 240v then take it up with the power companies and push for more enviromentally friendly supplies like wind , wave and solar. Don't blame the end user.


I have nothing but respect for people who can live an alternative lifestyle and try and make it the Norm, but does it give you the right to look down your noses at us just because we are victims of this stupid prohibition? and choose to grow inside where we are safer and more secure due to our locations ?.


I have been persecuted for smoking Cannabis since I was 15 and disowned by my family for the same, now I get the same narrow mindedness from the people who are supposed to be our allies in this injustice.........


The only closeted minds I can see are in Nimbin, the ones unwilling to see hydro growers as equals, and in the end, were all in this fight TOGETHER, we all want an end to this stupid system. There's a lot of good people on here who would fight your cause if you included them and didn't try to screw them with this anti-hydro shit and if you stood up instead of just helping yourselves.


I see friends on here, comrades, people willing to make a stand at great personal cost and just people trying to get their Meds (like me) without taking the risk of becoming a criminal because they had a 15ft high Sativa growing in the backyard. Recreational users also deserve protection, I must admit that although I use Cannabis for medication I also Enjoy having a smoke. :whistle:


By the way, I'll put a good hydro bud that has been grown properly under lights and Flushed properly at the end of it's cycle up against your bushies any day for taste , quality, and effect.


Well that's my 2 cents worth.


Was thinking about going to Nimbin for Mardi Grass but now........don't think I'd bother, I can be looked down on here.:stunned:


To all the old school Hippies in Nimbin.......what is going on? Where is the Togetherness...... the love.......the willingness to stand up for OTHERS as well as yourself..........to accept others for who they are, even if you don't agree with their lifestyle.


I think there is a section of your community that is looking after itself and throwing the rest of us to the wolves, that's why you are not getting the warmest of receptions here.............that and the dual standards of your movement are dividing, not uniting.


Grow well in the Hills and don't forget us........who can not. :peace: Gh72

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Some hydro is alright, the main problem, after the taste and smell, is the enormous amount of resources wasted just to grow a weed. Growing any herb in a test tube is unnatural. Wasting valuable resources and creating unsustainable industries that benefit from Cannabis prohibition, is a crime. Closeted minds with closeted plants are displaying their inability to survive without 240 volts and all the consumer products that exploit their ignorance and deny their own beliefs on the preservation of natural medicine and its' purpose in society.


Heathen .J. Lovechild =) , I am a Hydroponics grower and proud of it. :thumbsup:

I don't like the fact that I can not grow outside, but as the laws stand in WA at the moment, I am more at risk with my plants outside than under lights. You have to understand that what we do is for our own preservation, as stated before I f we had the legalization of cannabis (or even a decriminalization for a small number of plants) probably 90% of us would grow outdoors with maybe a one off crop in winter under lights.


Personally I love outside grown plants, a beautiful sight to behold. I have lived in Holland and grown outdoors there with my friends and I love seeing big monster buds mature in their natural enviroment. The problem is until the laws change we are bound by our living situations, we ALL can't live in a country area like Nimbin. Here in the city we have fence jumping thieves, cops patrolling the streets, choppers, etc. It's easier to grow in the country for sure and stand on ya soapbox saying were the problem.


Personally, I can't see the Nimbin Hemp bars problem with hydro...... you need to support ALL growers of this fine plant , otherwise don't try and be Crusaders for cannabis reform if your only going to support one select way of growing. That's almost the height of arrogance.

If you have a problem with 240v then take it up with the power companies and push for more enviromentally friendly supplies like wind , wave and solar. Don't blame the end user.


I have nothing but respect for people who can live an alternative lifestyle and try and make it the Norm, but does it give you the right to look down your noses at us just because we are victims of this stupid prohibition? and choose to grow inside where we are safer and more secure due to our locations ?.


I have been persecuted for smoking Cannabis since I was 15 and disowned by my family for the same, now I get the same narrow mindedness from the people who are supposed to be our allies in this injustice.........


The only closeted minds I can see are in Nimbin, the ones unwilling to see hydro growers as equals, and in the end, were all in this fight TOGETHER, we all want an end to this stupid system. There's a lot of good people on here who would fight your cause if you included them and didn't try to screw them with this anti-hydro shit and if you stood up instead of just helping yourselves.


I see friends on here, comrades, people willing to make a stand at great personal cost and just people trying to get their Meds (like me) without taking the risk of becoming a criminal because they had a 15ft high Sativa growing in the backyard. Recreational users also deserve protection, I must admit that although I use Cannabis for medication I also Enjoy having a smoke. :whistle:


By the way, I'll put a good hydro bud that has been grown properly under lights and Flushed properly at the end of it's cycle up against your bushies any day for taste , quality, and effect.


Well that's my 2 cents worth.


Was thinking about going to Nimbin for Mardi Grass but now........don't think I'd bother, I can be looked down on here.:stunned:


To all the old school Hippies in Nimbin.......what is going on? Where is the Togetherness...... the love.......the willingness to stand up for OTHERS as well as yourself..........to accept others for who they are, even if you don't agree with their lifestyle.


I think there is a section of your community that is looking after itself and throwing the rest of us to the wolves, that's why you are not getting the warmest of receptions here.............that and the dual standards of your movement are dividing, not uniting.


Grow well in the Hills and don't forget us........who can not. :peace: Gh72

Well fuckin said GH :applause: !!!!

But i will still be at mardi grass

But with a t-shirt that says I'll put a good hydro bud that has been grown properly under lights and Flushed properly at the end of it's cycle up against your bushies any day for taste , quality, and effect!! :thumbsup:

Fuck the haters :thumbdown: !!!!!

:bongon: wiet

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well the fact that a few hippies in nimbin/everywhere have a shitti point of view on "hydro" and its clear that all arguments are pretty much exhausted......i just want those narrow minded peace loving hippies to realize what their 'spoken opinions' have contributed too...


due to the the misinformed publics opinions/perception or cannabis and the change in the law on cannabis(specifically "hydroponic" grown) - mine and many others lives have been completely turned upside down...simply because we got busted for having our gardens inside....


I wonder, when these peace loving hippies were deciding/publicly announcing that "hydro" was/is bad,.. did they ever consider that some people actually "grow" their cannabis indoor and "bloom" it outdoor? :scratchin:


well yes....some of us do(me being one of them)......and if they did take that into consideration....i wonder if they realize that perhaps those people (like me) still need to raise large numbers of seed/clones in order to find the right genes/phenotypes?...just like outdoor!


its already been pointed out that both, in and outdoor buds can be manipulated in the same way....so why would anyone choose to ignore that and say one is worse than the other? :unsure:


that just doesnt make sense :twitchsmile:


we all know that there`s dodgy indoor growers who`re money hungry fucktards, who`re too money hungry to give a shit about the consequences/health risks(not flushing/using pgr`s)....or what kind of impact the quality of un`flushed immature bud has on peoples perception of "hydro" ....


but thats them maaaan...and yes, i/we disagree with their ways/shit buds.....


so please dont put us all in that category :uhhuh: .....thats like saying "you were bashed by a black person so all black people are violent" :huh:



as far as "cannabis psychosis" is concerned ....i dont think any gene of cannabis can be blamed for 'creating' any kind of psychosis .... - if anything, it might have bad reactions on someone with epilepsy or some kind of neurological disorder.....like trigger a fit/seizure ....but FACT of the matter is, we need to do more medical research/trials on cannabis(indoor/outdoor-organic/chemical-sick people/fit people) in order to know who can and who shouldnt use it......


right?....... :scratchin:


and until that research is "complete" NO ONE can really say/prove weather "hydro" buds are dangerous and bush are not


right?.... :scratchin:


so with the governments ignorance and unwillingness to participate in the trials, the people who NEED cannabis (some of which have physical proof) have to necessarily (and for now, illegally) go to whatever measures they must to get it - hence grow "hydro" or in the back yard or out in the bush.....and if the idea of being raided or robbed is too scary for them, they often resort to buying from the shonky money hungry commercial grower who doesnt give a shit about the quality of the product or your/the customers health......let alone some peace loving hippies opinion :rolleyes:


so i guess at the end of the day, what im trying to say is, please have an open mind about "hydro" and indica .....its a matter of choice......and sometimes a matter of NO choice, and cant be looked at in black and white......especially without knowing whats going on behind the scenes!.....and if ya cant keep an open mind....keep ya mouth shut


we should all fight together ... not each other!



off rant :doh:


chron :peace: :bongon:

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Nimbin please.... If this community is the face of of our hopes for marijuana law reform we are up shit creek. I drive through this community daily for work and its bloody depressing. A lot of you members may only see it during mardi grass when the good times roll but the day to day happenings in Nimbin would make your stomach turn. Had a coffee with a local yesterday. Lets see... A drunk aboriginal pot dealer threatened everyone who declined to buy his smoke. A kid of about 13 on a bmx offered me acid. 2 kids were begging for change. Saw at least 3 guys approach a local smack dealer and dissapear behind the shops. A junkie in a car with qld number plates was slumped over the wheel of his car...

How about you true locals stop whinging about the dreaded hydro and take action to clean up your own backyard

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"as far as "cannabis psychosis" is concerned ....i dont think any gene of cannabis can be blamed for 'creating' any kind of psychosis .... - if anything, it might have bad reactions on someone with epilepsy or some kind of neurological disorder.....like trigger a fit/seizure ....but FACT of the matter is, we need to do more medical research/trials on cannabis(indoor/outdoor-organic/chemical-sick people/fit people) in order to know who can and who shouldnt use it......




and until that research is "complete" NO ONE can really say/prove weather "hydro" buds are dangerous and bush are not


right?.... "



You have just said almost word for word what my doctors said yesterday. Each seen at separate appointments lol.. for different reasons, but same subject came up lol..

Was advised by both of them to smoke more :sdj: as i had cut down too much too fast.... and they know i only smoke hydge LMAO

Loves your sense


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I myself am a bush toker? The way mother nature intended it to be outdoor in the beautiful :sun:


I am blessed with a bit of land to grow bush, not many of our city dwellers have this.


Who am I or anybody else to put down or bag any hydro producer :bongon: each to their own!


Its about choice! EVERYBODY has this freedom.


Now we should all join hands and sing "Come By Are" :gathering:


Stay free



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I just can't understand why there is so much us and them. It make no sense to me, we are all here for one reason. To grow cannabis the best way we know and the best, safest way we can. I was smoking hydro for years after I got busted for growing. The woman that was growing it was the best I have ever met, a true hippy lovely lady. Always consistant, always a good smoke.

Since I have gotten back into it (in soil, in pots and outdoors)I would say that what I have grown is equal if not sometimes better than hers was. I don't give a rats arse about how is grown, so long as it is grown somewhere, somehow.

I wonder if one someone will use aqua culture to grow one day. Then everyone will be saying that causes psychosis or health probs.

Smoking cannabis is for happy times and healing times. Not fighting over what is the best or worst way of growing.

That was the best part of the seventies, all the people I used to hang out with were true hippies "love peace and happiness" thats what it is all about. Well for me any way.:thumbsup:

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