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I never really paid much attention to the HEMP Bar website before, but here is something I just noticed.....


Since opening day in the H*E*M*P*Bar telling the truth about "hydro" has been a major focus, tho we think of it as alerting our patrons to all of the very real dangers associated with "hydro" and especially in the understanding of the conspiracy that is behind the entire hydroponic industry.


:peace: Its no secret a lot of Nimbinites prefer bush but I didn't know opinions were this extreme. and we wonder where some of the bullshit news stories come from...


I mean I appreciate the work those guys do its cool to have a place you can smoke in public and meet stoners but I think the fact that the HEMP Bar is spreading this crap is totally fucked. If these guys are the pointy end of mj activism in Australia we are in trouble. Obviously... :peace:

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Hydroponics is like some mystical thing to them it seems.. ALL IT IS, is a light and water and nutrients extracted from natural sources all put together inside to maximise growing conditions. It is not some death weed like they try to make out the stupid dyslexic bastards.. can't they read?


Anyone with half a brain could work out what hydro is... how do you think half of our frickin tomatoes, lettuce, mushrooms ETC ETC are all grown???? HYDROPONICALLY!!!!!!


STUPID NIMBIN IDIOTS, When I finally go there im taking a pound of QUALITY hydro and ill fucking show them what REAL weed is like, instead of their "BUSH BUDS" which by the way are PACKED FULL of chlorophyl and carcinaggens, UNLIKE PROPERLY CURED HYDRO BUD. :whistle:


THE END. :yahoo:

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Ahem ... (Is Ahem a word?)




Those are some strong statements StonedStump ...




Not That I Don't Agree With Most Of That ...




I reckon some of the ""BUSH"" I've smoked would get you terrifically smashed If your smokin' Hydro alot ...

Where as , I would be moved by your Hydro greatly rite now bcuz I haven't smoked "Hydge" for a few months ...

I Like to swap between different Strains/Propogationals ... Cuz then It works for me ... (Tolerance Levels).


I Need a Fat Hydroponically grown Cone ... (I wonder how good those commercial strains actually are??) :)

... ... ...

As For Hydro btw. Of Course It Has Its Dangers , those common Hydoponic nutrients are extremely Potent ...

It is then a manufactured processed Substance ... (Hydro=Water btw. :) not really the actual nutrient fertilization.)


Um ... Well I hope I Made Sense , Even If You Don't Agree ...


I Look Forward ... lol ... Budman ... Outside. Inside The Mind. :yahoo:



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wow i read their "mission" and im quite shocked.

Its uninformed and airheaded. dont know where to start..how bout with a paste! lets :yahoo:


Since opening day in the H*E*M*P*Bar telling the truth about "hydro" has been a major focus, tho we think of it as alerting our patrons to all of the very real dangers

What dangers? They only dangers i can think of apply to outdoor too. Be specfic. What are you alerting them too? do you want to scare people into only buying *your* weed?


associated with "hydro" and especially in the understanding of the conspiracy that is behind the entire hydroponic industry.

What conspiracy? what are you talking about? are you about to unveil a conspiriousy that has local and global ramifications with links to the illuminati? Or are you just very..very..stoned.


now for the "airheads"..i mean..this is ..have these people been smoking something else?? :)

Here's just a few of the ways that H*E*M*P*Bar staff use to describe hydro;


"Smoking Hydro is like having sex with a robot, not saying there's anything wrong with having sex with a robot, just saying."

So..what ARE you saying? you would have sex with a robot? or are you just ...saying. :toke:


"Like premature babies, forced to mature in an artificial environment, follow the money trail, see where it leads."

What? what money trail? babies? what are you talking about for christ sake.. :toke: :)


"Generating electricity creates so much environmental destruction and so growing Cannabis indoors seems a gigantic waste of resources.'

How do you light your home? candles? you know about the underpaid workers in chinese wax factories? (im serious). but anyhow..so? my hydro could be powered by a wind farm for all you know.


"If you want to enjoy out door buds, sit down under a tree, wriggle your toes in the dirt, feel the sun on your skin and then try to smell the wind with your hair - try it, it works. To understand that indoor stuff. Lock your self in a small room, turn on lots and lots of hot bright lights, put your feet in a bucket of water while you watch tv non stop for 3 months. Order in lots of processed junk food. Your life, You choose. Battery hen or Eagle."

Plants have feelings too? your comparing chickens with cannabis? Eagle?..you eat..eagles? How did you dream up that analogy? you..imagined yourself as a cannabis plant..and..that you didnt..like watching TV for 3 months..eat..junk food...pfffft..what are you on about! :)


"Smoking Hydro in Nimbin makes as much sense as going to the south of France on a gourmet food tour and just eating MacDonald's."

Your comparing Hydro with MacDonalds fast food? since when was MacDonalds illegal...where do you draw these comparisons from? whats that in your pipe..cmon..give it up..its bloody good isnt it. However..seems the effects are... permanent. :)


Here's just one of the things the H*E*M*P*Bar staff have to say about Bongs when our ZERO BONG policy is discussed.


"Sharing Bongs can be like sharing needles or having unprotected sex. Many people don't know that there is a very low, but real risk that saliva carries all sorts of nasty virii to the mouthpiece of the bong.

Yeh well thanks for caring and sharing...NEXT


The H*E*M*P*Bar does not allow cannabis indoor hydroponic cannabis to smoked on its premises, we are polite about it, as polite as we are when pointing out the NO alcohol, NO bongs and NO dogs policies.

I wash my dog hes clean.


:whistle: :toke:

ok..lets forgive them a bit..because..its friggen hilarious. But lets get one thing straight.

Indoor cultivation born about because its ILLEGAL. we cant grow it outside in our BACK YARDS.

Hell if we could all grow a plant or 2 under natures HPS globe we all would! But in reality (REALITY) we all arent living and *cough*working*cough* in nimbin. Im sure if we all moved to nimbin they would hate that too.

The guys in nimbin are on a good thing (obviously..shit!), why worry about this shit? Indoor growers arent like..driving up to nimbin tracking down their hidden grows and ripping them up.

Its angry dudes/dudettes that have smoken too much weed. Theres no good vibe there, seems like a little mini fascist dictatorship to me.

must be bloody good weed though..how smashed are they?


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"If you want to enjoy out door buds, sit down under a tree, wriggle your toes in the dirt, feel the sun on your skin and then try to smell the wind with your hair - try it, it works. To understand that indoor stuff. Lock your self in a small room, turn on lots and lots of hot bright lights, put your feet in a bucket of water while you watch tv non stop for 3 months. Order in lots of processed junk food. Your life, You choose. Battery hen or Eagle."


Thankyou, you gave me my first good laugh of the day :whistle:

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I think some of the comments are overly harsh here.


They are nice guys mostly and at least they walk the talk. They are there, promoting law reform (sometimes badly I agree) smoking in public and allowing anyone who walks in to do the same.


Meanwhile we are posting on the internet and don't even have the guts to use our real names. Don't think we've got any right to be looking down on others.


I don't agree with everything in Nimbin, but I'm still glad its there. :whistle:

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