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Holy crap! Just browsed through this thread. What's going on guys? We're talking about two different ways of propagation but you guys make it a holy war.


I smoke either and don't really care what it is, as long as it is good. That's what really counts. I've had bush that blew my brains out and I had bush that didn't even tickle my throat. Same goes for hydro. It depends on so many factors and you can't really generalise things. Things aren't black and white.


As for Nimbin, yes, there are a lot of weird characters down there but I'm glad the place is there. Had to go on a road trip many a time when I couldn't get anything around my place and if you get your gear from the right place/people, you don't get crap either.


Nimbin is a "national treasure" and it should be kept that way, with all its weirdness!



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has dis been mentioned before?????

sorry if i am repeating some1

as i told dees dumb ass dudes before

all plants can not eat chemicals

they feed pon strictly water and salts

salts are not chemicals

salts can be made chemicaly in a lab

or oganicly at home google--> aquaponics

all nuitrents are salts

thats why

you can not make nuitrent solutions from out door chemical fertlizers

chemicals will kill the roots

there is more chemically grown bush than hydro


hydro ponics means grown with out soil

and with water and nuitrent salts

nothing to do with lights

i have grown hydro out doors, in a hot house, and indoor


organic hydo



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What's a "chemical" outdoor fertiliser Radic?


NPK Blue etc Luke.


I've grown loads of bush over the years and believe me when I say that's where the bugs live. I've sprayed far more chems on bush than on hydro - these days growing indoors I don't have to use a single nasty to keep off bugs.


Growing outdoors I used to use packets of NPK Blue and Phostagen and anything else I thought would help. For what it was worth I probably used more fertilisers outdoors as I do now indoors. I definitely used to spray some serious pesticides - DDT and the like in my early days (about 1975)


My favourite book of all time is Integral Hydroponics by G.Low. I now own every Edition and in Edition 2 there is a section on hydroponics and toxicity - I'll transcribe it and post it up here because everything it says makes complete sense. The first point the author makes is that a plant can't discern the difference between an atom of nitrogen whether it is from chook shit or synthetically derived from air. I checked this with a chemist friend because I brought the whole hydro is chem, bush is organic argument myself at one time. The chemist agreed 100%. Then I asked another and another. They all agreed with it on paper and scientifically this statement is 100% correct. Hippies have some strange ideas and some of them seem to be completely at odds with all known science (god knows, I still blame them for global warming cause they jumped up and down about nukes and now look where that got us :uhhuh:. (Kidding Nimbinites - you're alright really but get with this century)All I know is I grow with bottled nutrients in coco and I flush for 7 - 10 days. Now I'm even trying using molassus and guano in the last 7 to 10 days. My stuff is cleaner and sweeter than I've ever had it before. I have some extremely staunch organic freak friends who refuse to smoke my hydro. A while back I told them I had brought some 100% organic stuff and they took a spliff and then begged me to go buy them some. They're still raving about it and asking me to get them some but bugger them - I keep mine for me cause I usually run out before my next one is in. One day I'll tell them that their favourite pot ever was hydro B)

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Source: Integral Hydroponics Edition 2. G.Low


Sorry if I've misquoted anything



Hydroponics and Purported Toxicity


There is currently a misconception (invariably propagated by governments and amplified by the media) that hydroponic grown produce is more toxic than its soil grown equivalent.


This is a highly simplistic assumption and flies in the face of scientific evidence.


Plants and Minerals


Plants uptake mineral elements when in bio-available form and use them in a series of complex processes which ultimately ends in additional biomass (growth/size). Some minerals remain in the plant in bio-available form. This is a positive, as the human body requires these minerals for various physiological needs. It doesn’t matter whether these elements are derived from seaweed, fish by-product, compost or rocks. It is all the same to a plant and other living organisms (e.g. Humans). What makes a plant toxic is when it uptakes and/or is provided with harmful elements that remain in or on the plant. This means that these elements remain in or on the plant until it is consumed. The use of some products (pesticides etc) contributes greatly to this problem.


The Myth of Organics


What organic enthusiasts have done is disregard the basic chemistry of plants. Potassium is potassium, nitrogen is nitrogen, phosphorous is phosphorous etc, etc, etc. As far as a plant is concerned there can be no distinction made between two atoms of the same chemical element…..


The Myth of Toxic Hydroponics

Hydroponic formulas consist of an array of micro and macro elements, all of which are derived from natural sources in one way or another. Most are mined from or produced from seawater, but almost all nitrogen fertilizer is produced synthetically from air. Arguably the average nutrient formula is (thus) organic.


Remember that nitrogen is nitrogen and phosphorous is phosphorous, whether it is derived from seaweed or a test tube. As far as a plant is concerned there can be no distinction made between two atoms of the same chemical element.


Of late, some politicians and vested-interest groups have expressed the theory that hydroponic produce is laden with toxins. Scientific fact clearly refutes this.


What Causes Toxicity in Hydro Produce?


Quite simply the very same thing that causes toxicity in soil grown produce. That is toxins which remain on the surface of or residual in the plant.


Hydroponics however allows us to control exactly what the plant consumes (unlike soil which could contain toxins that we can do nothing about). For this reason ethical growing practices are a must.



Hydroponics – The Way of the Future


Safe and Sustainable


Shortly after writing Hydroponics and Purported Toxicity tens of thousands of dead fish were found floating on the surface of Perth’s major arterial waterway, the Swan River. Soil-based fertilisers (nitrates etc) had leached into the Swan River. Approximately 8 kilometres of river was affected. Official guestimates suggest between 100,000 – 200,000 fish died.


The shadow environment minister of Western Australia was quoted as saying”…algal blooms would continue to occur until local councils and urban gardeners stopped using so much fertilisers.


What makes this situation worse is that ‘The Swan River Trust’ had introduced 250,000 fish into the river after a previous pesticide-related fish kill only a few years before this latest atrocity.


On this note a call out to some of our highly enlightened politicians.


Given Australia’s arid climate and lack of water resource. Given that much of these precious water resources go to waste as they leach through largely nutritionally devoid sands and other types of substandard soils (carrying with them fertilizers and other potential toxins into our water tables and our rivers)…Given that traditional agricultural practices include pumping poisons into our planet (methyl bromide etc)…. Given all of this – it is an incredibly dim mind which demonizes a method of agriculture that separates potentially harmful elements from the rest of the environment.”

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all fish eating stoners please google ---> aquaponics

we have come a long way since Integral Hydroponics Edition 2. G.Low

i did a horticulture experiment at an agricultural college

for 2yrs

i grew mono culture



wild crafted

with vegetables and flowers

we taste tested and organic won hands down

hydroponic produce tasted watery

next we sent samples for analysis of residual chemicals and nutritional content

the mono culture won the highest residual chemical content

the wildcrafed won highest nutrient content and bottomed out on the taste test

no we didn't taste test the flowers

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You'd be aware then Radic that the whole organic scam has pretty much been exposed as very suspect by very serious UK and European research? They in fact found that organic stuff was often nutritionally not as good for you as standard produced crops among other things.


I'll be happy to dig this up for you and a lot of media around it also. The research only confirms what G.Low was saying in 2003 - 2004. He's taken it out in Ed 3 (far as I can tell, 2007 or 2008) and replaced it with Odour Control information but I wish he had kept this in in many ways because it is very important that hype/myth is questioned by science.


I'm not arguing the point as to taste etc (nor I suspect is G.Low and certainly my guano/molassus stuff tastes beautiful and sweet and better than just flushing) but the point being that standard hydro nutes are simply not toxic in any way or form when flushed. The problem lies in shite practices like Superbud and other miracle products that no one seems to know the actives in and the rest and hormone products and spraying nasty chems on plants to kill bugs. To me. that's the shame of leaving this stuff out of the book because the wombats in stores often try to flog customers all sorts of crap without even knowing much about what they're selling.


The only spray I use is Neem Oil or Agricultural soap spray. No poisons go anywhere near my girls ever (period).

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