Medical Cannabis Discussions
Participate in our Q&A forum focused on the medical applications of cannabis. Pose questions, share your treatment experiences, and learn about the latest therapeutic advancements in this ever-evolving field.
There is no pharmacological free lunch in cannabis or any drug. Negative reactions can result. A small percentage of people have negative or allergic reactions to marijuana. Heart patients could have problems, even though cannabis generally relieves stress, dilates the arteries, and in general lowers the diastolic pressure. A small percentage of people get especially high heart rates and anxieties with cannabis. These persons should not use it. Some bronchial asthma sufferers benefit from cannabis; however, for others it may serve as an additional irritant.
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850 questions in this forum
Seeds in Aus
Hi all new to the site I was told to come here from grasscity forums, I'm really having trouble getting seeds online can anyone point me in the right direction ? Thanks guys
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Epilepsy - Tonic Clonic / Grand Mal
Great to have discovered this forum. I must say swim a while ago surprised me that there is not only no medical trials for adults but all the legislation and push for legalisation of medial cannabis is surrounding children. Yes I am a first time poster. I just am at a loss as to why this is the case when its proven to have an affect on controlling even the worst forms in adults just with smoking (youtube videos prove this). Why all the emphasis on kids? Is it a hearts and minds approach first to get legalisation through faster? I live in SA and do no even know a single person who can get their hands on any outdoors otherwise I would be making oils for them to try rath…
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cultivation & manufacture permit
Hi all, Just wondering if anyone has gone through the application process for the cultivation & manufacture permit for medical cannabis in Victoria??? I'm extremely interested in getting one or both permits, can anyone help me with being successful in the application process? or know of someone who has gone through the process and is willing to help? Thanks in advance
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CBD oil how to get it in Melbourne
Hey guys a I've been training for a ultra marathon and there is a lot of people talking about it in the states for inflammation. How can get cbd oil!!
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I live in Perth and looking to buy my medical marijuana. Who knows how I can go about this .My doctors are looking into my prescription.
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Medicinal Cannabis History in NSW
I came across an old tin that was found in the attic of a home in Goulburn in 1997...and collected by a mate and is clear proof that it should be on the shelf with the strepsil tins. Just like the doctor ordered.. :)from the local confectionary company From Waterloo in Sydney
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Medical cannabis question
I've been wanting to ask this question for a few days so here goes,medical cannabis is very new to me I must have been living under a rock for past twenty years or so because I was unaware that medical cannabis could be of use for so many conditions despite being a long time smoker,over the last few weeks I've been doing so much research in a quest to help my young daughter who suffers from severe epilepsy but a couple of days ago I came across a few articles about treating prostate cancer with rso,we have been living with prostate cancer for five years but sadly last year we were told after having an MRI that we could go no longer go without treatment as there was a tumo…
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New member in Fare Nord QLD hoping to get advice and a helping hand to
To make my sad story short, I have very strong pain in my spine and a nerve playing up 24/7. Which have effected my life too long now!!! I find it hard to cope with the pain after is have went downhill over the last 3 years. Im ready now to take an other step towards get less pain - hopefully So I'm hoping I'm able to receive some great information there can help me on the right way. All advice, information and messages are very much appreciated I hope there is some kind and helpful people out here there will please Pass on a messages to me Xx Nettie
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Tickly throat - marijuana oil
I'm just wondering if marijuana oil can give you a tickly throat? I can see why smoking it would, but does that apply to the oil, too?
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Webinar-Cannabis To Reduce Or Discontinue Opiates
I just received an invite to a webinar 'Cannabis To Reduce Or Discontinue Opiates' Now, I did have to register to gain access but if anyone is interested (It's free) It's on Thursday February 9th, 5 PM Pacific / 8 PM Eastern (U.S. Time) so that's Australian EST Friday 12noon. CST Friday 11.30am. AWST Friday 9am (please correct if wrong) LIVE THURSDAY: Using Cannabis to Reduce or Discontinue Opiates The side effects from opioids are unpleasant and frankly dangerous. Could cannabis really be a better alternative to treating physical pain? And if so, what’s the best approach? This Thursday you can learn from a Harvard-trained M.D. exactly what you need to know a…
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Medical marijuana dispensaries
If you are a new medical marijuana patient or have not used a marijuana dispensary to get your medication before, you may have some questions about how dispensaries work and how to choose the right one for your personal needs and preferences. Understanding what a medical cannabis dispensary is, how dispensaries work in our state, and how to go about choosing a dispensary will help you feel more comfortable with the process and make it easier for you to get the important medicine you need from a safe, legitimate provider. The following article will introduce you to dispensaries and offer useful guidelines to help you choose one. What are Medical Marijuana Dispensaries? Me…
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cannabis extraction Stumbling blocks in the path to using medical cannabis
My introduction in brief: I have been cannoned into the marijuana debate by the abject failure of modern medicine to meet the needs of a couple of elderly relatives. I can see how the legislation allowing limited access to medical marijuana is a sham, purporting to do one thing while at the same time building in restrictions that as near as anything make sure nothing changes. I don't know who initiated the push for a more liberal legislation, but the result must be disappointing. Perhaps single-purpose legislation to do just one thing: legalise the import and sale of low THC content cannabis extract should have been the goal. Just imagine the advan…
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this idea of holding cannabis oil under the tongue for 2 minutes
I see it recommended that patients taking medicinal cannabis extract should try to hold it under the tongue for a minute or two. I'm wondering why. Cannabis extract is oil soluble, so what is it going to do under the tongue? Capsules of cannabis extract are also available, and these presumably are not going to be held under the tongue. Do capsules in fact offer anything advantageous? With the product being taken for its medicinal effects, you might wonder why patients would take it in a manner that fails to some extent to capitalise on all that it has to offer, if there actually is a benefit to holding the dose under the tongue. Anyone know more about this?
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Urgent help/advice required please
Hi Everyone, I am new to this sit and already found it very informative and there is lots of interesting stuff here. I am in desperate need of some help, and would appreciate it if you cold take the time to read my post. Over a year ago I started researching the medicinal benefits and healing powers of the medical cannabis, this eventually led my to discover the work being done by Rick Simpson and the amount of people he has cured with his cannabis hemp oil. In July this year I was diagnosed with advanced stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer, and basically I have been told by the wizards working in conventional medical circles that my prognosis is terrible, giving me up to a y…
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Compassionate suppliers
Ok, so i need to get good info on who to contact at a compassionate group that supplies meds free to those in need. My grandfather has just been diagnosed with bone cancer, he has a lump on his rib. I want to talk to him about canna which i have in the past but this time its a tad more urgent, i dont know much about bone cancer but my partner says it gets everyone. Can i get details please on how to go about contacting such a group and how to go about asking them for assistance. I usually would have the oil but as of late have handed off a bit here and there helping others and im short on oil and supplies to make him the required amount, and since reading about thin…
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