Pests and Diseases
HELP! Whats wrong with my Plant?
To assist the cannabis community in providing you with an accurate diagnosis, help and advice please answer as many of the the questions below as possible including a description of the problem/s and how long the cannabis plant has been suffering along with any good clear photos when available.
Growing Medium:
Growing Style:
Watering/Feeding Frequency:
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels:
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:
Plants Age:
Cannabis Strain:
537 topics in this forum
- 12 replies
hi all first timer here growing in perlite with a 70x70x160cm / 27x27x63 inch tent using a OPTIC 2 LED 205 Watt COB LED GROW LIGHT. This is the third week veg now and i had no issues up until the other day i noticed a black metallic "paint" type substance on the plant leaves which after researching turned out to possibly be thrips? I'm not really 100% sure. To be safe i sprayed them with a Pyrethrum based insect spray but i stupidly did this during lights on rather than waiting until they were going to sleep. if it matters I'm using general hydroponics flora trio nutrient with gh calimagic @ 75% strength without any signs of burning or slow growth. everything se…
Last reply by Buds-lightyear, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hey gang ! I’m a new subscriber and learner taking what I can off this forum to help me succeed ! First time post as everything seemed to be going alright until I checked this morning - leaf dying around cola and the bud wasting away - seems like some fungus on the stem only on the one branch . They are nearly ready to harvest so do I just chop it in case of losing it or spreading to other plants ? Thank you photos of other colas off same plant and a close up of the weird possible fungus Thanks in advance -! First time grow so I have no idea
Last reply by micmac, -
Caterpillars 1 2
by amork1313- 15 replies
Does anyone know how to get rid of caterpillars.i v got a lot of them not only in my plants but also in my whole garden Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Pippin, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys i have found a few caterpillars over the past week on one of my plants i kill them whenever i see them, but i noticed the fuckers have eaten the hairs of like 3 of my smaller buds are they now fucked? Or will they just rippen without hairs? Also i have heard of people using garlic water and soapy water to spray on the plant does it work and will it effect my buds there week 3 of flower thank you
Last reply by sqirt, -
- 10 replies
Decided to help out a mate house his babies for a week and now I got the mites biting, they seem to be all over his and only a couple on mine, almost like his was preferred, removed them straight away, got some mite rid made up a solution to their reccommended dosage, sprayed em up, about week 4 of flower, 7 days later is today. I was told to do different methods as they become immune to 1 method easily, I have 100% alcohol and read up on it just wanted to know some of your gi uys thoughts, 1/10 solution seems to be the safest dosage, not looking to kill every single one of them I just want to get through to harvest without webbing, [emoji106] being realistic here [emoji…
Last reply by JazzyJay, -
Powdery mildew ? 1 2
by kyzah- 10 replies
Hi guys is this powdery mildew can someone please confirm ? I just sprayed them with Apple cider vinegar ,I read it online is this the best thing for them ? Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by kyzah, -
- 12 replies
Hey all... I have a minor case of leaf miners judging by the 'tracks' on some leaves, possible spider mite and tiny fleshy green caterpillars...triple whammy!! The plant is about three quarters through budding. Would Eco Oil be ok to spray on the plant? What about an organic based product like Beat A Bug from Bunnings? All help muchly appreciated.
Last reply by greenqueen2, -
g'day all, im an old bloke ,been playing this game over 35 yrs, im pretty good at it .ive never had any real problems with pests, the odd green grub ,a little bit of bud rot. this yr im guttered, ive a huge pine apple chunk covered in massive buds , also a big w/widow x skunk1. they where both beautiful. i reckon the p/chunk was gunna go two elbows on its own 6 six or 8 weeks ago.i had a couple of small light brown grubs about a 1/4 inch long with blk spots on them .was not worried there is always a few grubs ,but there are also praying mantus and wasps that keep these things in check. it started with a couple of spots that looked like bud rot .we had had a week of rain …
Last reply by Beginner_bud, -
- 25 replies
How do I deal with the little black house flies, they are everywhere in my grow tent. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Serrated edge, -
Hi all, whats the score with cane toads if they're destroying my plants, can i just kill them and bin them? Cheers
Last reply by Auqadoll, -
Howdy Fellas,I found the best way to rid your plants of those nasty little buggers (spider mites)Well put some milk in a bucket not that much just a splash ,add a few drops of dishwashing liquid and a tiny bit of olive oil ,Now spray ,and soak the whole plant ,,,It worked for me over nite ,and the next morning i hosed off the Stuff i put on ,and whalla!!!!all gone dead ,,,Thank christ for that.... Hope this Mite HELP a few of you fellas out ,Mine were in the ground and from waist to over head high....Peace ....Spaceleaf....
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 5 replies
Hi guys, I have noticed a lot of harlequin bugs (see attached photo I found online - I used to call them soldier beetles, but apparently harlequin bug is the correct term - dindymus versicolour) on my outdoor ladies. There are a lot of fruit trees around, which I think is attracting them, but they are all over the ladies also, and are present as both juvenile bugs and adults. Apparently these bugs are suckers and one of the worst things to have in gardens, they can ruin crops of all sorts. Despite this, the plants are still large and healthy, but I think the bugs are accumulating somewhat and obviously I don’t want the little buggers causing trouble, especially now that w…
Last reply by pedro de pacas, -
Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by KALM, -
- 22 replies
Hey guys, I noticed these black spots, they are like a little round sesame seed but smaller and seem to be embedded In the leaf. Also there is a leaf with bites in it and silver slither marks, I’ve got some Yates natures way caterpillar and veggie and herb spray, should I use both of them ? Thanks
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 25 replies
Hey guys first time poster seeking out help!!!!! ive had this problem for a couple weeks and thought it was either stress from transferring from outdoors to indoors or a nutrient toxicity/deficiency if some sort? ive been feeding very cautiously watching levels of all kinds (tds meter and vial ph tests....very outdated i know) any way this arvo after work i check on her and its looking worse for wear so i finally get my magnifying glass out and whalla i spot little critters everywhere......... i gave the plant a good old heavy spray/soaking with a slight alcohol and eucalyptus oil mix 20 mins before lights off at 6 and now im just panicking wondering ehat do i do next????…
Last reply by amork1313,