Cannabis Law and Politics
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A well-written article on Medical Cannabis in Australia: the article is NOT per-reviewed, it is only an opinion The debate about the medical use of cannabis in Australia has become confused with the proposal for a formal clinical trial instead of proceeding to legislation in New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory and Victoria. Debates about prohibition of cannabis have a long history,1 as has the proposal for medical cannabis in Australia.2 Politicians are nervous about being “soft on drugs”, especially before an election. The clinical trial proposed, if successful, presumes that…
Last reply by lookinggoodguys, -
- 420 Crew
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- 980 views The Medical Cannabis Users Association (MCUA) members across Australia retaliated in a backlash of vilification against police operations yesterday over their destruction of Cannabis discovered in annual search and destroy missions carried out in the Northern Rivers last week. One terminally ill MCUA member reported being hung-up on by police when they phoned the Lismore LAC yesterday to express their dismay. The LAC face book thread was drenched with the peoples’ disgust with the whole operation – expressing deep anger and concern at the blatant waste of tax payers money as much as the sen…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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- 643 views Letter to the Editor, Jakarta Post. It’s hard for me to comprehend how beautiful ancient Asian cultures who have lived harmoniously with the Earth for centuries, got sucked into this shameful and unholy American led “war on drugs”. It’s actually a war on any drugs not owned by Big Pharma and of course that includes natures best pain relieving plants….. the Opium Poppy, the Cannabis and Coca plants. Now look at the illegal trade in heroin, pot and coke? Ask any doctor, opium is the best painkiller on Earth. But Big Pharma wants control of pain relief because that’s the most profitable business aroun…
Last reply by MediKat, -
- 420 Crew
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- 752 views Police concerns continue to impose the ban on the consumption of hemp seed foods. Food Standards of Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) have repeatedly approved an application to allow consumption of Australian grown hemp seed. Australian Health Ministers (the FORUM) met in New Zealand last week and again voted to reject the FSANZ Approval Notice. On this occasion though, reasons for objections were gathered from unsubstantiated comments made by Police to State Government submissions. FSANZ have repeatedly approved applications to allow consumption of Australian grown hemp seed. NSW licensed …
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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- 624 views Michael Balderstone, President of the Federal HEMP Party, believes Medical Cannabis is looming as an unforeseen issue in the Queensland election, after a small band of supporters took to the streets of Brisbane yesterday with a public opinion survey. These supporters – families, patients and carers – are sick of watching loved ones suffer with chronic and terminal illness; and children deal with the horrific side effects of conventional treatments, when medical research globally is saying Cannabis can help give them a better quality of life. “We saw a huge response to our survey. The people came …
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
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tweet your Pollies with this for us about the Qld Election. Trying to find out their views? #QldElectionCannabis
Last reply by omagee, -
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Zero commitment but has read it, Your recent email correspondence of 25 November 2014 regarding the Medical Cannabis Bill, has been received. I have read your comments regarding the use of Medical Cannabis. Thank you for taking the time to write to me on this issue. Kind regards Rose On behalf of Senator Barry O’Sulivan
Last reply by MediKat, -
- 420 Crew
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Or alternatively, what is your best counter argument? See the thing is that cannabis has so many good arguments but what I have discovered is that there are not really that many intelligent or powerful arguments against it, if many at all. Most good defenders of prohibition will tell you the usual crap that can be argued away quite easily e.g..... 'it's a gateway drug' uhhh no it's not, there is no science to prove it and it is only perceived this way because the same dealer that sells your kids pot can also get 'other stuff' just the same as the bottle shop can sell you smokes. There is absolutely no scientific validation just like there is no scientific validation t…
Last reply by goindeep, -
- 420 Crew
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A major 30-year longitudinal study has found that regular cannabis use is a risk factor for the onset of suicidal ideation for males, delegates will be told today at a national conference. Previous studies have found that suicidal ideation is often more prevalent among regular cannabis users than it is among those who have never used the drug regularly. This study aimed to determine the extent to which this correlation represents a causal relationship. The researchers were able to identify that regular cannabis use is indeed a risk factor for suicidal ideation and that it is not suicidal ideation that causes cannabis use. The study was part of the Christchurch Health and …
Last reply by Bazza, -
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Who are fellow Victorians voting for in the upcoming state elections and are you voting with cannabis policy on your mind? I will likely vote for the Sex party in the upper house and vote labor for lower.
Last reply by gramin, -
- 420 Crew
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Mason Tvert is argubaly the person who has done the most for cannabis legislation in the USA. At least recently. Some might say he was in the right place at the right time while others may say plenty of others did the heavy hauling before him and he is simply the face at the end that potted the ball in the hole. Either way, it's undeniable he has done a lot and has been a very important lobbyist. That begs the question. Who is Australia's Mason Tvert?
Last reply by goindeep, -
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Florida’s Amendment 2 would legalize medical marijuana, upon voter approval. Florida's " Yes On 2 " campaign , Grease parody vid , only in the US
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 420 Crew
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Last reply by Sylar420, -
- 420 Crew
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- 603 views Help End Marijuana Prohibition HEMP Party representatives have met with Palmer United Senator Dio Wang seeking support for industrial and medical cannabis use. HEMP Secretary Graham Askey said ” Senator Wang has taken the time to listen and acknowledge some of the issues surrounding the need for Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Federal Minister for Health Peter Dutton to step in”. Several Australian States have recently acknowledged medical cannabis, it’s acceptance by the community and a need for further research. HEMP Party spokesperson Andrew Kavasilas said, “I’m very pleased the Palmer United Pa…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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Hey guys, I have recently created a support group on Facebook for Australians to gather and discuss methods and tactics to quit synthetic cannabis. If anyone has ever been addicted to synthetic, kronic, spice whatever we know exactly how hard it is to quit. Most of our reasons for getting on the drug in the first place was because of the illegality of regular cannabis. If you know anyone suffering from addiction, withdrawal, or simply wants to start taking steps toward cutting it out of their lives, please invite them to join the page. Who am I, I am a citizen of Victoria who has had an addiction to synthetic cannabis for the past 2-3 years, I have been off for 110 hou…
Last reply by Syntheticaddictionquit, -