Cannabis Law and Politics
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Charges Dismissed Against Loretta Nall; Happy 4/20 To All of Y'all! Posted in Chronicle Blog by Phillip Smith on Fri, 04/20/2007 - 5:42pm Alabama housewife turned activist Loretta Nall is out from under the long arm of the law, with the marijuana charges against her dropped as Cannabis Nation celebrates its unofficial national holiday, 4/20. She was arrested over an alleged roach after a pro-marijuana legalization letter she wrote to the Birmingham News prompted police and officials at her daughter's school to improperly interrogate the young child. The letter and the child's statements were the basis of the search warrant that led to her arrest. She was convicted…
Last reply by Ruen, -
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Shortly I’ll be visiting my old Teacher. He’s a returned man: Second World War. Allegedly held the record for fastest at transmitting Morse code. Used to head the oldest Order in continuous existence in the southern hemisphere - probably. Taught me more than I care to confess, especially to him. So I’ll be taking him an Agung Buddy, a plastic ball-shaped grinder for his elderly hands, a cheap gas-lighter and something to make it all worthwhile. He knows I’m coming and he’s excited. Said he’s going to toast with Drambuie. So I’ll get there. Organise some coffee. Give him his presents and take it from there. I know I’m supposed to be cooking lunch with enough over for…
Last reply by mull, -
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history of Hashish, copied form erowid. 6000 B.C. Cannabis seeds used for food in China 2000 B.C. - 1400 B.C. Cannabis mentioned in the Atharvaveda (Science of Charms) as "sacred grass". Refered to as bhang or bhanga. The legend of Shiva, Lord of Bhang. (link) 1500 B.C. Cannabis cultivated in China for food and fiber, but not hashish 1500 B.C. Scythians cultivate Cannabis and weave fine hemp cloth from it. (Sumach 1975) 700 B.C. - 600 B.C. The Zoroastrian Zend-Avesta, an ancient Persian religious text of several hundred volumes, and said to have been written by Zarathustra (Zoroaster), refers to bhang as Zoroaster's "good narcotic" (Vendidad or The Law Against Demons) …
Last reply by Jess Stone, -
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Poverty: The Only Thing Money Can’t Buy! “…place central importance on the great conflict which is eternally waged between Liberty and Power .... I see the liberty of the individual not only as a great moral good in itself ... but also as the necessary condition for the flowering of all the other goods that mankind cherishes: moral virtue, civilization, the arts and sciences, economic prosperity.” Conceived in Liberty, Volume II Murray Newton Rothbard …
Last reply by highflyer101, -
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Last reply by bmwdude, -
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If thats what it takes to legalize it overseas what on earth is it gonna take to legalize it here?
Last reply by bmwdude, -
- 420 Crew
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MPs should be drug tested: Nile (IMO extremist ,rightwing ,religious nutter, shouldn't have even been allowed to become a pollie bore!) * Fred Nile drug tested at press conference * Rev Nile "suspicious" of MP drug use * Rev Nile calls for drug tests for pollies CHRISTIAN Democrat MP, the Reverend Fred Nile, has voluntarily undergone drug screening during a bizarre press conference at New South Wales Parliament. Mr Nile is pushing for random drug tests for all candidates before next weekend's NSW election and would also like random drug testing of public servants, including train drivers and police. Today, alongside a handful of his Christian Democrat…
Last reply by mull, -
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Paul_Perrett_Orders_in_Council_Statement.docDivinatory Experiences (And sundry matters) Dedicated to Ruen, Baron Jay of Ewelme & Mr. Price CBE QC I don’t advise consulting the tarot when stoned, although I have done. The intelligences which govern it are Mercurial and unscrupulous in deceiving the diviner. This does not mean that they are malignant; they just have a proper pride in their office as Oracles of Truth. In short, if you ask party-time questions you will get part-time answers! A few months short of a decade ago I became involved in some political matters. The consequences of this have been life changing. At one time I had a woman, a profession, a home…
Last reply by Budman2012, -
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Somewhere Over The Rainbow Weigh a Pie “Shall I say, I have gone at dusk through narrow streets…?” I took up the tobacco pipe in or about 1980 – I think. Gazbo took it up just after me. We smoked Amphora Black Cavendish. Cloying memories of sweet tobacco smoke in the backroom of Nana’s house because she thought that it added the room-note of a man. Rich and luxuriant in the meandering traditions of patient men, contented to silently reflect while the nicotine intimately massaged the pleasure centres of our souls. You cannot get Amphora Black anymore. Generally Gaz and I would light incense then take the sacrament in my cramped Study and thereafter smoke our pipes an…
Last reply by Al Fish, -
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Anybody have any ideas how to beat the BBus test??? Been driving for 12 years and didnt cause 1 accident stoned........ yet 1 on hangover!!! Anyways, any help appreciated......... i will go INSANE if i have to be straight to put up with all the ignorant morons. Cheers Chris
Last reply by bmwdude, -
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Nothing else to do on a quiet day at work than find interesting stuff to read So here's another one USA -- Two recent studies should be the final nails in the coffin of the lie that has propelled some of this nation's most misguided policies: the claim that smoking marijuana somehow causes people to use hard drugs, often called the "gateway theory." Such claims have been a staple of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy under present drug czar John Walters. Typical is a 2004 New Mexico speech in which, according to the Albuquerque Journal, "Walters emphasized that marijuana is a 'gateway drug' that can lead to other chemical dependencies." The…
Last reply by pipeman, -
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Take part in drugs survey, drivers urged or Fuck off ,do you think were stupid enough to help you fuck us over! February 7, 2007 - 11:35PM SMH online Motorists are urged to have their say in a national survey on community attitudes towards drugs and driving. Information is limited on the prevalence of drug-driving, particularly in rural areas, but research last year found more than one in 10 drivers had driven after using recreational drugs. Dr Jane Mallick, director of the Australian Drug Foundation's (ADF) Centre for Youth Drug Studies, said the new national survey would target a wide cross-section of Australians in city and regional areas. She said the…
Last reply by bmwdude, -
- 420 Crew
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Hey, I've been searching everywhere on what the law is - both to be in posession of and to grow cannabis sativa in Queensland.. I plan to start growing a couple of plants in the next few weeks, but would really like to know what im getting myself into first. Cheers for any info. Alex.
Last reply by Shithappens, -
- 420 Crew
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hey, can any one tell me what political parties are weed friendly? state and fed. thanks
Last reply by smoke p, -
- 420 Crew
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Smoking Flowers And other stuff I have heard. When I was young I remember walking passed hotels on a perpetual summer afternoon and seeing men unconscious on the footpath. On occasion I saw them vacantly leaning on traffic-light poles their trouser-flies baptised with piss. At the same time I was told that smoking cannabis led to ‘harder’ drugs. I was told that ‘Jesus loves me this I know’ but always believed this with the same fervour that I believed in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny – both of whom seemed more amiable. If you got a lot of presents it was because you were good; if you didn’t it was because you were Aboriginal. Life was gentler then. The televised h…
Last reply by bmwdude, -