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In a 85-40 vote, the state council endorsed a resolution by the liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP) that calls for a change in the narcotics law through a referendum.


The FDP argued that using marijuana should no longer remain a punishable offense because 20 years of federal prohibition have not proved to be an adequate deterrent of either marijuana use or availability. Therefore, the proposal recommends that the sale of cannabis be organized and regulated by the state in order to insure quality and eliminate the black market.


If thats what it takes to legalize it overseas what on earth is it gonna take to legalize it here?

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If thats what it takes to legalize it overseas what on earth is it gonna take to legalize it here?


IF the Government "regulates it" i will GUARANTEE you that the following will occur {much the same as tobacco}:

1.it will be very expensive due to the ridiculous tax they put on it.

2.They will require you to get a license to grow so only limiting it to large corporations

3.because corporations only motivation is $$$ we will see a shitload of pesticides used much in the same way as in tobacco

4.people will start dying because of pesticides then the government will say SEE we told you it was bad

5.growing tobacco is much more heavily punished then growing MJ so i will bet my ass that they will make it something ridiculous like 10 years / plant!!!!


Thats my 2 bob on it, but seriously think about it...........i think MJ and all living plants should be free for anybody on this world to grow and no fucking government has the right to say otherwise........because by doing so they are saying that they are more important then nature!!! Personally i cant afford to risk it so i dont grow but i respect people that do.



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since when do we have a free political system?? its corrupt to the bone, and whatever policy the real leaders {federal reserve} want the government to implement.................the government will do. Just look at the GST, firs liberals said it and labour said its evil, then vice versa.............untill someone with that given policy got elected. People are retarts, they think there is a difference of government and things will get better......... in much the same way children expect santa clause at christmas.................... yet we all know santa is a fictionous character...........so why cant our political system be looked at in much the same way?

Why dont people get it that no matter who you vote for, its just the same old shit with a higher price tag and a few rights disposed of promptly...................... We must first rethink our form of politics and monetary system, only then can we address who will be in our best interest to lead the country?



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Ya right of course but I don't share the percieved enthusiesum I think I detect in your post. We're slaves mate and they'll shoot us in the streets before theyrelinguish the reins that control us.


As for dope being leglaised I hate to admit it because I desire the true freedom of all substances even the romans as tough as theywere didn't regulate what you could shove in your mouth up your nose or in you lungs..

But gov taxation/regulation of cannabis as suggested by some smokers is a dangerous thing to ask for. The original idea was raised by a member of regan's ellection cmpaign a republican; ever wonder why? He's still the loudest proponent of the system I know of in the world.


A few years back (just 3 or 4) a flourishing black market opened up inTabacco around here. Virtually all tobaco smokers had some way of sourcing the stuff selling at about 50 dollars a pound from memory. Na musta been more but I don't us eit so I can't be sure. It was cheap anyway. I don't know for sure where the break in security came in I think truck drivers but ultimately they treated it like a huge heroin case and busted a lot of people. People got jail terms.


A straight bloke I know said "unbelieveable they're heavier fines than whatthose marijauan smokers get" and which I relied they bloody well ought to.

The filthy shit kills millions every year where-as pot kills no-one so they ought to be jailed.


But that was just my rhetoric and a chance to soap box for grass. the reality is the gov doesn't (as obviously shown) give a rat's arse about it killing anyone. The only problem was that people dared to dip into government owned produce what they saw as real dollars and cents. Those same people that could all score tabbaco a couple years ago now have no way at all of doing so now they closed that hole tight.


Legalising pot under such a system is a disater and we should be careful to not bite like a fish taking the hok line and sinker and being worse off than in the first place.


15 ormaybe 20 years ago a referedum came around asking if we wanted a bill determining the freedom of religion in Australia. Regardless of what you think of religion forget that and try to grasp the legal ramifications. I was younger and naive and was going to vote a resouding "yes" to freeedom of religion after all why the hell not.

Then an older more sensible bloke woke me up. He told me we already have freedom of religion in that no law existed to ban it and the fact that it's not possible to ban a person's innermost thoughts anyway. However vote "yes" and the gov will mandate what "relgion" is what grounds it can be practiced under a controling body set up to oversee it people (spies) sent to keep an eye on the rules being adhered to ect ectc etc..


The country woke up and voted "no" in a solid and resounding way. Because what appeared as a way to freedom was going to betray what we already had.


Like I siaid forget the topic and consider the shell game that's all.


For me after yeras of hoping for legalisation of all dreugs I now hope for the decriminalistaion perhpas or even just leave it as it is just lay off it a bit . Imean just back the cops off a bit.

even legalising grass for medicine could be a disater as again you'd have it classed as a restricted (rather than a banned) drug and hence owned by the gov and a much larger offence for interfereing with it.


It was once illegal to make ya own booze and I think spirits is even still banned. Some seriously heavy laws could come down on ya for just making ya own brewed drink. Because the gov has the rights.




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no you miss my point and it's prob. my fault. I'm not saying a ta ll it's an economic looser for the gov. Completely the opposite. Once a system is in place where-by the reep the profits they will control it stronger than ever.

If it were an economic LOOSER it would benifit us to have regulated not the other way around.


When booze was illegal many people made their own profits in the prohibition era. when leglaisation was re-introduced the gov sewed up the laws regulating booze (who mad eit what quality who sold it how tax was paid etc) based on the past; still fresh memories of crime involved in the game. The huge profits that governemtns get from alcohol trading these days will NEVER see it a free and open system of production ever again.


Marijauan would simply be another example of this In my opinion.


that's all.





PS. morals are highly subjective and can be maniplauted with media hence manipulated by the gov. . I don't think morals enter into it at all on the larger scale . In the 80s in Brunswick Heads even the oldest and most conservative retirees didn't give a rat's arse that we smoked grew or sold dope. With clever media control I have a single mate left in that "open" scene still holding out against public pressure. He wants to leave becuase he only has to spark up where we once had volumes of smoke flowing like an indian warning smoke

But I've been wrong before and you are probably right.


He lives in the Terrace caravan park where every second person either smoked or allowed it in their place. Now it's a solid anti-drug place and it isn't "mroal"s that changed but public opionion based on media hype.

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i think MJ and all living plants should be free for anybody on this world to grow and no fucking government has the right to say otherwise........because by doing so they are saying that they are more important then nature!!!


Well said... And seriously.. only a few things that grow naturally are dangerous to use... Providing you have some common sense, even salvia, mushrooms, DMT and LSA are safe to use... just dont drive or walk around on the road....


But then, for those who have used these substances will know... you're really not up for a walk around the block on them... Usually..

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Well said... And seriously.. only a few things that grow naturally are dangerous to use... Providing you have some common sense, even salvia, mushrooms, DMT and LSA are safe to use... just dont drive or walk around on the road....


But then, for those who have used these substances will know... you're really not up for a walk around the block on them... Usually..


Ive recently come to the conclusion that whatever people take, its their business but if it leads to violence only then it should be banned!!! damn, alcohol would the first thing banned.

How often do you hear of a stoner thinking about robbing a bank??? we wouldnt do it for many reasons but primarily:

1.we are probably stoned so happy where we are and what we are doing........money is irrelevant

2.too paranoid of getting caught, then being forced in a small room with a guy called bubba who thinks we are cute

3.the realisation that if we get caught we cant get stoned

4.too busy posting shit on canna nation hahaha lol



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