Nutrients and Mediums
1,312 topics in this forum
shopping list 1 2
by doperat- 11 replies
Hi, Can i please get a list of brands for indoors soils and nutrients, and ph metres, or whatever is used for soil methods testing. Whatever it would take to set up for a grow, Try not to confuse me with too much. i only want a list of things to work straight away, not variations of "i could use this brand instead of this brand", know what i mean? just a good list of products! and thereabouts costs! i dont mean to be rude, but thats how i get confused everytime i read a thread, because i get lost in the suggestions and variations of ideas. i just want a "shopping list"!!! soils nutrients and nute metres, etc etc thanks alot, sorry im a dumbshit like that…
Last reply by FUKN_BISH, -
General Hydroponics any1 tryed?
by Guest elefunk_delivers- 9 replies
hey ppls i was wondering if any1 hase tryed the general hyrdoponics brand range of nutes...? or can advise me of a new product that give great results..? currently using Canna Vege/Flora Pk 13-14 Nitrosoil Ele im looking for a change
Last reply by quizywig, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone Ive visited this site MANY times, but have never posted till now.................... As I usually do at this time of year, I dream of ways to bloat my babies. At week 4 I decieded to go out on a limb this year and try a different final flowering formula for my 5/6 week growth splurt. Manutec orchid bloom...........nice k.........fair p.........and probably too much n (easily)...........16/7/26. Still, these are increadibly strong girls so I took the chance..............and its a jaw dropper Tried it at exactly half strenght (still makes it 2…
Last reply by sally, -
- 6 replies
Hey everyone, For the last 12 months a product claiming to increase yeilds by a minimun of 35%, while shortening the flowering cycle by up to 14 days has come to light.It's also claimed that it significantly rejuvenate any marginal seed or clones.Reports have had growers jumping yeilds from 7.5p to 12p in a 6 flowering cycle.The only bad report about it has been that you may get bud rot, due to the size and density of the buds.Resin production also increases to produce a frosted coated lumps of bud across the whole plant.My question is has anyone else used it, and if so, how did you go?
- 8 replies
Sup guys Hi my crop of Purple #1 this year wasnt a very satasfying crop this year as i heart i heard Purple #1 was a good tree for large build yields . I was wondering maybe it was a direct result of the shit i was putting on the plants . I am currently using 2 products and Cow and Chicken manue . I put both types of manue in the soil as i was planting the seed's . then when the plants reached knee hight and started to get some folage poured instructed amount of Charlie Carp witch is a fish oil based fertlizer on the base of the plants and thourgly waterd into the soil . Then a few weeks latter before budding i used a product called Org…
Last reply by wade ounce, -
- 1 reply
Hi. My plants started flowering around 3 weeks ago and the flowering was really rapid at 1st. The buds have become fairly thick, but still a bit sparse at the bottom of the stem. It seems they are growing slower now also the buds are around 1 inch in diameter at the moment. Some of them are starting to become a little smelly, and a little sticky, but the others still smell young and arent really sticky yet Im wondering how long does flowering go for and how will i know when they are ready for harvest. Also, Will they get much fatter in diameter , or will they just get sticky from this point ? Approximately how much longer do i have before they are ready, considering…
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 5 replies
gday, as some of you would know I have only just recently moved indoors, so I am still trying to get my bearings. Bare with me if I ask fucking stupid questions. I have just transplanted from soil to coco, and everything seems to have gone well.I can't believe how thirsty the coco is, that shit absorbs water like nothing else!!! I have all my pots sitting in saucers.The dude at the local hydro store told me that i could either sit the pots in saucers or a second larger pot and pour a reasonable of water +nutes into it to let the coco continually absorb it. I have done this, and when i went to check on them the following morning, the saucers were dry.My coco is mois…
Last reply by dirty, -
Bloom Booster/seasol/potash
by Guest- 1 reply
Hello everyone,I got Manutec Bloom Booster 6.2/14.6/16.8 and Seasol can i add this on top of manutec?as i dont think its got nutes in it ?And should i still use the potash?What do you guys think 1/2 strenth to be on safe side?They have had straight water the last week thanks and good luck to everyone
- 5 replies
I was wondering if anyone has tried these new products made in Adelaide. I just bought a bottle of pre bloom.
help me get fat buds
by Guest- 5 replies
hello everyone,im growing skunk#1 in pots and potting mix showing sighs of flowering but hope they keep growing to the end of summer what flowering nutes are good for flowering potash batshit etc?i want fat buds so experienced growers please help,and when should plants kick in to full flower im hoping after summer thanks and goodluck to everone
Last reply by tripy spiral, -
- 3 replies
hey all how are u all goin i havent posted 4 awile as i waz paranoid as hell my babys across the padock are well into budding and a helicopter checking power lines went over real low i could see the pilot ahhhh but am quit shore that they couldnt see them with all the trees between them and the plants so fingers crossed made sum cookies 2 day ahhhh and il have some pics soon borrowin a digi cam and waz wounderin as well should i give my plant something other than rock dust bloodn bone and dynamic lifter like sum super or sumthing with sum more pottasium and phospurus in it a mate reckns it would make a fair bit of a diffrence it would in prove the buds fattn them up…
Last reply by newplantdevil, -
- 3 replies
i was wondering what would be the the right ph for mj,at the moment i have a ph of 4.5-5.0 acid,half my plants have taken off,the other half seem to have stunted growth.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
Swing has been trying a couple of nutrient additives and has had very good results Product one:- Budlink soluable silica -- In one work "brilliant".This product is the bomb to make really healthy, diease resistant and thick steamed plant. Its for use in vege and flore stage. You can really see the differance. Product two:-Kabloom by General Hydroponics - wow was my first impression after using this product for a couple of weeks --- shits all over canna pk 13-14 --- On a comparsion of the two products Kabloom had 30% bigger and heavier buds than plants which had the Canna pk 13-14 additive. Swing has now changed his nutrient/additive routine to the following and ha…
Last reply by dkone, -
- 3 replies
I am wondering from any growers who have used monsta bud: Does the period between turning to12/12 and flowering become longer when using this product? What i mean is does the plant just stop growing dead in its tracks and slowly(very) develop buds instead of stretching and growing buds at the same time? anyone using this product please share your knowlege...
Last reply by Roadblock, -
- 20 replies
Hey guys, I have been using General Hydro 3 part nutrient line and I have had good resulsts. I was wondering If anyone has used Gh and switched to something else and seen a positive difference. There all all sorts of different Nurtrient companys depending on what part of the world your from, I use Gh because its easy to find were I am. I have found a Dutch master supplier and wanted to know if it would be worth it to switch to there products including Superbud. Which nuts. have you seen producing heavy yeilding/heavy tasting/ very potent plants. I dont think Gh is the best but I know it works. Do you think Dutchs 2 part is a good product. Thanks for the info guys…
Last reply by pipeman,