Nutrient Problems
HELP! Whats wrong with my Plant?
To assist the cannabis community in providing you with an accurate diagnosis, help and advice please answer as many of the the questions below as possible including a description of the problem/s and how long the cannabis plant has been suffering along with any good clear photos when available.
Growing Medium:
Growing Style:
Watering/Feeding Frequency:
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels:
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:
Plants Age:
Cannabis Strain:
280 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
just wanted someone else`s opinion on this. All leafs drooping down i think it was over-watering so i dried out for the next 3 days noticed the medium was still damp, re-potted and gone back to the old system was attempting to use auto-pot system i got from a friend but have now gone back to drippers the auto pot system is good but holds to much mosture in the pots, all the perlite in the bottom of the pots were sloppy the valve never let it completely dry out.
Last reply by biggerbuds, -
- 420 Crew
- 31 replies
my plants are 1 month old 700 ppm 400w mh 70 deg air water 63f. new growth looks wimpy,yellow with rams horn.older leaves are green with yellow tips.WHATS HAPPENING??? I CHANGE MY NUTES EVERY WEEK.
Last reply by biggerbuds, -
- 12 replies
Howdy folks im new to growing and this is my first grow i have three females chilling under a 400w hps My main problem is that all the lower leaves are turning a pale yellow and they look lifeless ive done my research lurking on the interwebs but i think my best answers would come from the lovely people on this forum, some of my leaves on the top the tips are curling down and they turn a dark brown colour help would be greatly appreciated as i want my first ever grow to go as well as possible ill throw up some pics ASAP sometime tomorrow. Peace & One love PeteAbordi blaze till death
Last reply by biggerbuds, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by biggerbuds, -
- 7 replies
so shroomy thought it was time to start getting serious about his new hobby and invested $110 for bluelab truncheon pen To shrooms suprise it does not give a ph reading.... not happy jan..... acutaly very pissed off about that... so just wanted to ask ppl who use canna coco... what ec and ppm are you guys giving your out door plants I know the bottle has readings on it but id rather go by what ppl have actualy proven to be the sweet numbers to go by.. and what is a good ph pen to get might as well fork out some more cash if i already spen what i did on the truncheon
Last reply by shroomyshroom, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
hey guys hope everyone is having a good one i am new to growin hydro & been stuck looking for an answer for over a week & would love some advice before i destroy my little attempt. I believe it may be a PH problem the read is currently around 6.4. Not sure how to lower it. The leaves are dry and curling upwards with browninsh patches developing. I will try to upload some pics with this message but having trouble on my end & hopefully they will work. any help will be much appreciated Have a great night
Last reply by Chriz858, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
I herd on the grape vine that, recently, some important mail depots around australia handling internation mail had their infustructure upgraded. This upgrade increased customs ability to scan mail for organic matter ext.... seeds are obviously organic matter. I herd this upgrade could potentially increase the proportion of internation mail scanned from 10% to 90%. So as the title suggests can anybody shed some light ???? I herd this upgrade would be operational late sept but i have since successfully obtained seeds. Has the loss rate increased since this date?????? perhaps a little survey would be great.
Last reply by re-Peter, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, This is some of my nirvana wonder woman, she is about 16 days into flower, 1100PPM and 5.6PH, also had some LST done as you can see. Hydro, drip fed. Under a 400W hps also. Feeding only Plantastic BLOOM A+B. I started to notice some yellowing of the leaves while the veins remain a dark green about a week ago. Reading up I thought it looked like an iron defeciency, but was just after some other opinions and some feedback as to what may have caused this? Any help is appreciated. Cheers. http://http// htt…
Last reply by Closet Grower, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Hey how ya guys doing?New to this board but it seems like a great place to help out and learn.Hoping to stay around for a while. Currently having some trouble with my new girls and this is my first time growing.Trying to learn as much as I can. My plants are currently almost 3 weeks old and I am using a rubber maid grow box.Temps are 78F. With a humidity level of 35%.I am currently only using 3 CFL's, temps get up to 85 when using 4.Believe there 100watts?Have an exhaust fan on top of the box with 2 inlets on the side. Using Miracle grow Organic Potting mix with Miracle grow perlite.I think part of my problem is the soil.My plants were doing fine until about 4 days ag…
Last reply by smokinjoe, -
- 2 replies
hi all, just after some opinions from anyone growing soil indoors - what is a good organic nute? a friend gave me a bottle of green dream solution for veging....seems to be working fine, i am getting to the end of it, it was nearly empty. am looking to mix some cocco, with potting mix or bag humus(compost)for these plants, i wont be needing the solution for a while - i think i mite just water them with seaweed emulsion etc. for a while after the transplant. also i have seen mentioned ozitonic, was wondering if anyone can shed some lite o what it is and if itis any good. thanks phin.
Last reply by phineas, -
- 11 replies
Obvious fail at topic title. Anyway. Here are some pictures of my dying plants. Here's basically the issue. I have Pete's professional fertilizer/nutes as my nutrients which sucks I know (24-8-16) and I have no pH reader on hand. Yes that sucks. I'll give you some pictures. I think I might just be posting this topic for comments. I'm just pretty mad at my self that I transplanted three beautiful out of a great situation into an unprepared situation that I think is killing them. Oh yeah I finally got my 400W HPS/MH and it's up too. I even maintain the temperature well. Where is a quick place to get nutrients offline or is there any store that would carry them locall…
Last reply by JoeThePlanter, -
I'm a super-newbie at this. Successfully cloned my plants and have them in Fox Farms Ocean Blend soil, under a full-spectrum light. Careful to not over-water, and have checked pH. Have been giving them SuperThrive when I do water. Temperature varies a little too much because they're in a shed I've added insulation to - maybe between 60 and 80 degrees. New leaves lack serration on the edges... Help!!!
Last reply by Morrigan, -
- 9 replies
Hi all. Hope you are all happy and well and not letting any of the various bastards out there get you down. Anyway. . . I think I have a phospherous deficiancy in my hydro setup. What would be the best thing to use to correct it? Thanks Y'all. Love and hugs FFC
Last reply by Wrangler556, -
- 0 replies
I lost my copy of the instructions for a product called full bloom enhancer? Can anyone help me out with dosage? The company that makes it is called sogenco. Thanks
Last reply by MCHEVA, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hi im pretty new here and pretty new to going. I am seeing something very strange happen in my system. I have 3 pots on a satellite system using clay balls as the substrate. I only use RO water in it but I am finding when i dump the tanks completely let the drainage pipes run out completely that I am getting a really high EC reading of .8 even before I put nutrients or anything when I refill it and let it circulate for a few minutes. Does anyone have any ideas what it might be and what I could do to get a back to 0.0 EC because it makes it hard to mix up my potions when there is potions already in there. THANKS!
Last reply by MCHEVA, -