General Problems
HELP! Whats wrong with my Plant?
To assist the cannabis community in providing you with an accurate diagnosis, help and advice please answer as many of the the questions below as possible including a description of the problem/s and how long the cannabis plant has been suffering along with any good clear photos when available.
Growing Medium:
Growing Style:
Watering/Feeding Frequency:
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels:
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:
Plants Age:
Cannabis Strain:
1,384 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hi Im currently flowering 2 plants in a small cupboard under a 400W HPS. They are growing in soil, watered by hand, with some 'thrive' fertaliser added every now and then. So far all has been going well, but now, 34 days into flower i have noticed something unusual.. Some of the leaves are turning yellow and darkening at the tips. Furthermore some of the more healthy looking leaves are darkening at the tips. Photos attached. I had afew ideas from reading through the forums - perhaps overwatering, or possibly some sort of nutrient deficciency. It would be great to get some opinions from the experts! Cheers
Last reply by biggerbuds, -
Success Rate
by dibb-
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Hi, I usually use but they've been down for 1 month. So I'm trying this site. I got some seeds (12) Haze and Skunk of another user and I've only managed to get 1 plant to grow. I was growing bagseed before and they grew like weeds but the smoke was CRAP!. Are the Haze and Super Skunk 44 hard to grow or is it me. :0) Dibb
Last reply by flatcat_auz, -
- 9 replies
Hey guys, I am about 1-2 weeks away from this harvest. I planted some bag seed of mexican rag weed, (very brown and crappy). I have had great results growing Aero, You would think I bought some good seeds. Well I have a problem. Almost all of my bud are very potent, crystals, resin, sweet sweet smell. I have 5 main colas on top that are huge, but they have almost no smell or resin, crystal. The pistils themselves seem new (before they get furry with trichomes), but they are not. So I have these 5 big buds that are finishing but they have no smell or crystals yet! Side branches on the same plant however have very nice crystals! I dont think I got them to close to the li…
Last reply by aussie1, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hi Guys You helped me out brilliantly when I got a dose of spider mite with my last grow - sorted it all out (I got 3.5 lb from two girls - very happy). Now I've got a problem with the next grow - the plants have been 'turned' for about 4 weeks now, but the heads are nowhere near what they should be - very small white buds. The plant itself seems really healthy, no yellowing or curling leaves etc. I normally use cyco flower a & b but this wasnt available so I got hold of an Australian equivalent - the bloke at the shoe swore it was as good, and I'm using DM Gold for the nutrient. I'm just a bit worried that I'm going to end up with nothing at the end of this gr…
Last reply by thorndyke, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
ok first off m growing outdoors in SA in a 65 litre pot with some organic soil i bourght my plant was yellowing from the bottom up long story but i belive i had a nutrients lockout, so i bourght new soil and filled up another pot the same size 65 liters with the new soil, dug up the plant i believe i broke a fair few roots not 100% sure tho now theres no soil on the roots just a ball of roots and i basicly just put that ballinto a hole in the new pot with the new soil im wondering if this could cause problems and should i dig it up again and plant it again with the roots spread out through the soil? now since ive dont this bout a week ago it still yellowing from the bott…
Last reply by MongyMan, -
- 6 replies
Can anyone tell my what this problem could be with my leaves?
Last reply by coolslayer, -
Salty soil.
by brick- 3 replies
Need some help please. Has anyone got any clues on how to neutralize salty soil? My fault I always put a bit of rock salt around my out door plants to keep the slugs abd snails at bay. (Mental note don't ever do this if ripped, less was not enough). The new bud leaves are curling and growth has slowed right down. Definately too much salt. Stupid stupid me. Thanks people. Just poured a bucket of fresh water over soil trying to flush it away.
Last reply by brick, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
ANYWAYS 4weeks ago i started off what i thought would be a couple of awesome plants.........they are nothing special (bagseeds) but i named them TOP GEAR just to make it sound a lil better . TOP GEAR was planted in a mix of perlite,seedling soil and my dads garden bed soil. both were like top notch soils. when TOP GEAR germinated and sprouted it was growing great......after 2 weeks its like they stopped growing. like the big leaves stopped, but the new growth kept going but at a very slow rate. i started thinking and checking and thinking and checking...... turns out i love my plants soo much i over water them =D so then i go to transplant into a bigger pot. i no…
Last reply by Pure, -
- 1 reply
When i repoted my plant the other day i noticed the roots had a light brown tinge to them and a few where bright white which i thourt they all should be. could this have been root rot or something else mabey?
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 10 replies
So I encountered a problem this morning - went to switch on my light (son t agro 600w HPS) and it didn't turn on. The powerbox thing that it's connected to, is like making a constant ticking sound, in time with this ticking sound the bulb looks as though it's trying to light, as in, I can see a very small light at the end of it start to ignite in time with the sound. I've had it since early feb, but haven't used it until recently - it was stored carefully, and since hasn't had any knocks or even movement from where everything is now located. I was thinking it might be the fuse in the box, and though I'm not really sure what the indicators of a broken/blown fuse are I h…
Last reply by coolbudz, -
Is it male? Its my first grow so not 100% sure.
Last reply by BaronS, -
- 1 reply
Does any body know what causes heads to start growing again and can it be stopped every thing was going fine now its all going bad every day it gets worse
Last reply by nitram, -
- 3 replies
Plants were flowering perfectly and now they are having a growth spurt of veg . Any ideas what could be causing this?
Last reply by BADSMOKE, -
- 4 replies
Hey im a noob. posted a thread a few weeks back regarding slow growing plants that were outside.. I was advised to bring them indoors and grow them for a few weeks so i did. These plants were started about 5-6 weeks ago and were put under a 400 W HPS last thursday on 18/6. Before they were put under the lights they were still only fairly small, but within the past week they have grown noticeably much faster. They have been fed with seaweed concentrate over the last few weeks and yesterday they were fertilized with yates organic liquid fertilizer which had a combination of different fertilizers and has a high nitrogen rating. We thought we fertilized it with a quarter str…
Last reply by Hotbox, -
- 14 replies
So I have been away and left my plants in the care of a friend. I got back and one of the plants (my strongest/biggest) seems to be having some problems. Two of the biggest leaves have holes in them and one of the smaller leaves is withering. Theres a few things it could be but im not too sure. a) my friend put on sugar cane mulch for nitrogen, could this be affecting my plant?? when i looked closely I could see in the centre of the plant lots of little blakc dots and I looked under the leaves and there were little black bugs not many but some. c) My friend moved them to a new area where ther was more sun but it was close to a compost heaps, could the bugs be comin…
Last reply by FDL,