General Problems
HELP! Whats wrong with my Plant?
To assist the cannabis community in providing you with an accurate diagnosis, help and advice please answer as many of the the questions below as possible including a description of the problem/s and how long the cannabis plant has been suffering along with any good clear photos when available.
Growing Medium:
Growing Style:
Watering/Feeding Frequency:
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels:
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:
Plants Age:
Cannabis Strain:
1,384 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
My plant is about 2 months old and this is my first plant, i tried keeping it on my windowsill but it got to big for the pot and inside and move it outside about a month ago. It is winter over here but still plenty off light but all of sudden when the heads of the buds started showing they came out yellow and now turning all my leaves yellow!!! Someone please help if you can i have no idea!! Here are some pictures of my plant now.
Last reply by Sir PsychoHashy, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Howdy all, This is my first grow so lots to learn but so far I haven't been able to pin down what's wrong with one of the plants I'm growing. Basically the leaves are a mottled colour with patches of yellow in them. The leaves also don't look smooth. I'm growing 2 other strains that are not showing any problems. I have been feeding this seeding for 2 weeks using Canna Classic A & B using the amounts as specified on their website, I'm feeding them once a week only. The only issue I had was leaf burn when it was a very young seedling due to low humidity, this is no longer occurring however the humidity in the Grow Tent is still below 30% I've attached 2 photo…
Last reply by Bentato, -
- 420 Crew
- 25 replies
Indoor/Outdoor: indoor Growing Medium: soil Growing Style: Watering/Feeding Frequency: once a day Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC): very low PH Levels: seems neutral Temperature/Humidity Levels: around 30 degrees celsius/humidity is low Air Flow/Fans etc.: none Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.): HPS Total Wattage: 250 Growth Stage: flowering Plants Age: 10 weeks Cannabis Strain: fast bud auto My fast bud auto is on it's 10 week from seed and 6 weeks from when the first pistils were observed. I did stress the plant a bit . Some nute burn, magnesium deficiency and i'm pretty sure some heat stress as well . My question is could these things have caused a stunt in flowering beca…
Last reply by moldova1, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
hello I am fairly new to this site, and have read threw most of the information on seed gemming and planting in soil. my problem is that a friend gave me 15 seeds he has acquired over the last 3 years, he planted 4 straight into soil outdoors and in 1 week he had a 3 little plants. 1.I have tried plain planting in soil nothing after 1 and a half weeks. 2, tried paper towel in a zippy bag followed everything it says on here and nothing. they didn't germ and when I cracked a few open they were milky white inside and had soft kind of middle. 3. I also tried leaving a few in water on a window sill left them there for 1 week and nothing still. I have the seeds in …
Last reply by Farmer jim, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys, run into a bit if trouble hoping someone can spare some wisdom. Apologies for the poor photos the last shows the problem best! Growing in osmocote premium potting mix (contains controlled release fert). I understand this is a poor choice in soil however I have read of success with hempy's using osmocote controlled release as the primary fert (note this isn't a hempy setup however), and I can't always be there to ensure they are fed properly so figured I would give it a go. I have been very gentle with the only feeding thus far and will continue to be careful as the plant is obviously getting a small but regular dose of nutes. I am using Dutch Master Original n…
Last reply by haze420mist, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor Growing Medium: Coir/Perlite Growing Style: Hydroponic Watering/Feeding Frequency: As needed Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC): PH Levels: 7.5 Temperature/Humidity Levels: 20ish/55%ish Air Flow/Fans etc.: Fans, fans, fans Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.): CFL Total Wattage: 200W Growth Stage: Plants Age: 33 days Cannabis Strain: Bagseed I THINK I know what went wrong but I just wanted to run it by you guys. This is mostly an experiment so I'm not going to be heartbroken if it fails. There were two major problems. First, leaves started curling and drying out. They were growing quite close to the lights which I measured at around 60C - so I assume they…
Last reply by tandykins, -
- 7 replies
I'm growing indoors, in perlite, hand watered once a day, ph is around 6, day temp 24 -27 night 20-24 degrees, using a cooltube with a 400watt MH, they are 5-6 weeks old & are in the veging stage. For about 3 weeks now they have had brown spots on them as well as the leaves have been all wrinkled some curl upwards & some curl downward's. The bottom leaves seem discoloured. I'm also using canna Aqua & Cannazyme & rhizotonic.This is my first real grow of a named strain & not just some bagseed.So any help would really help.
Last reply by KAPOW, -
- 5 replies
Hi guys, got a bit of a weird situation that I've done some searching about but can't find an answer. So I have one plant outdoors in coco which I started flushing yesterday as the number of brown pistils was increasing pretty quick, and growth had stopped for a solid week. I can't tell the trichome colour with my 30x loupe, maybe because I'm colourblind. So yesterday I noticed most of the leaves had started curling upwards and the tips were dead. I read up and found this can be caused by overwatering but in my case I don't think so? I've been using Canna A+B the whole grow and have had no problems whatsoever till now. I also noticed bright green spots all over the bu…
Last reply by merl1n, -
- 8 replies
Hi, Rooster here, posting on behalf of swim. Indoor/Outdoor: in Growing Medium: h&g coco Growing Style:unsure yet Watering/Feeding Frequency: daily Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):h&g coco a&b1.5ml/l, grow enhancer, 1ml/l PH Levels: Temperature/Humidity Levels:40-50 Air Flow/Fans etc.:6inch axialexhaust, 55fcm intake Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.): 600w mh retro fit hps Total Wattage:600 Growth Stage:veg Plants Age:weeks Cannabis Strain: unsure maybe super skunk a few days ago ph was 5.5 in the tank, but 7 run off..... so i started flushing, no change, started flushing at 4.5 still no drop, plants were turning yellow in the new growth and one or two tips went funn…
Last reply by iTiC, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Anyone know anything about cannabis mutation? Got a laughing buddha here and the leaves look like they're webbed. Should I be worried?
Last reply by jman93, -
- 9 replies
GARDEN STLYE: Indoor, Mylar grow tent GROWING MEDIUM/SOIL STRUCTURE: Coco (Way to Grow) POT/CONTAINER SIZE: 29cm pot ROOM SIZE: (Length X Depth X Height) 1m x 1m x 1.8m LIGHTING & WATTAGE: HPS 400W AVERAGE TEMPERATURE & HUMIDITY: 25C-27C/60% NUMBER OF PLANTS: 1 AGE: 3-4 weeks NUTRIENT/FEED MIX & FEEDING CYCLES: Coco A&B - watering daily, PH adjusted PH: 5.8 - 5.9 Air Flow/Fans etc.: 150mm inline, 200mm exhaust fan Growth Stage: Veg Cannabis Strain: Northern Lights #5 x Haze Feminised (Sensi) Hey all, long time no see. Well after moderate success with my first White Widow grow, I've got my hands on a few more seeds & having a go at NL5 x Haze...and…
Last reply by Beardboy, -
- 2 replies
I have two seeds from known source that I germinated in paper towels. I then placed them in rock wool, just gently below the surface. Root pointing down - water used was ph adjusted - in plastic starter tray with lid. Tray is on a warmer - ph 5.7 - temp 26degrees - light is brand new compact fluro. 14 days have passed with no sprouting..? I placed a small piece of vermiculite over the seed 'hole' after the first week just in case the light was the issue. I have no idea what could be wrong - any tips would be appreciated.
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
hey everyone not sure whats wrong but i think it either a hermie or flowers or something not sure any help would be appreciated more info its outdoor plant normal vege soil but the top half of the plant is just nice heads coming through but on the bottom im getting these flower things ill post more pics up for a better look at the plant Cheers Trax
Last reply by VOSTOK, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Hi crew just a question for anyone who may know, I have a female white widow that has been flowering for 67 days in cupboard, scog perlite/coco medium. Having chopped main colas at day 63 when trich's were creamy just as I prefer, I placed the plant back in flower cupboard after being in darkness for a cpl of days to see what would happen. It appears to have started to self seed. I can't see any bananas, though I have had this plant throw bananas this late on other grows. I will try to get some happy snaps up. My question is will the seeds be hermi or wishfull thinking viable seeds, or should I just pull her out to stop the risk of crossing with a sativa that's about two…
Last reply by sandchu, -
- 1 reply
Hello people, anyways I got 2 plants off my uncle about 3 days ago didn't look like there was an issue with them but since yesterday the leaves on 1 plant have gone crispy brown the other 1 seems to be slowly getting a couple of brown spots here and there but nothing to concerning just yet. As for the soil I believe its half decent stuff, for the nutes he was using thrive. outdoor plants btw. Here's some pics. I live in Perth and where currently experiencing a heat wave so possible under watering maybe?
Last reply by VOSTOK,