Cannabis Troubleshooting
Information and discussions on cannabis diseases, pests and nutrient problems.
hey all just wondering how to keep the EC level low because i am puttin minimal nutrience in the water and the EC level is high????? around 3.0 how can i lower it???
Last reply by jimbojones5678, -
- 2 replies
I've been having a few problems with my first grow in over a decade. Firstly, I didn't drain the pots for the first two weeks, so the roots were soaked. Then, I had an issue where the lights stayed on an extra 6 hours. Two of my Hog's are turning to seed, but one of them was barely budding anyway, presumably I fucked it by not draining them. Now, the other that I thought was looking ok has these bumps all over the leaves. I thought it was the resin starting to form, but on closer inspection they are white-ish bumps coming up. It's not a pest as I checked the underside of the leaves. It looks like a disease. Now also, my AK47 that I thought had survived all this, is …
Last reply by Benbenny, -
by bluntman_77- 5 replies
hi all i have these unknown bugs ! leaves these white trails in the leaf behind , about 1mm long and white . started on the bottom of the plants spreading to the top . has even distribution of them 1-10 on each leaf , not a infestation like mites usually are. they move and jump if you go near them , never seen them fly. tried a weak 1ml/L need oil solution spray but didnt have much effect medium is expanded clay flood and drain
Last reply by nitram, -
Sup ya'll? Anyone know if there is somewhere in Aust. that I can order lady bugs from?? Not urgent but would like to find somewhere if I need em l8r.
Last reply by JimmyBee, -
They're still green and look healthy (to me) but they suddenly started wilting a few days ago. I stuck my finger in the soil and it felt rather dry. I gave them enough water for about 10% to trickle out the bottom. This was 2 days ago and they still look the same. Any advice? I did some research but I'm still not sure what it could be. 18/6 400W temp 15 - 25C rh 30 - 50% ph 6.3 (as of Sunday) They're about 7 weeks from planting the germ'd seeds into the soil. They've had 1 small 1/4 strength dose of nutes but nothing recently. Time to feed maybe?
Last reply by Wrangler556, -
- 2 replies
I need help. I am trying out guerrilla growing 4 the 1st time n I got little grasshoppers killing me. I'm an organic type so only au natrual will do. I all ready tryed galric oil somebuddy help!!!! PLEEZE!!!!! I live n kansas and I only one shot a year very irratated.
Last reply by need4weed3, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
hi has anyone managed to get feminized seeds and have they been females or is it just a rip of? Is there any where in Aust where you can buy em proper feminized seeds?
Last reply by jimbojones5678, -
- 3 replies
hi am just wondering if weed that has veged then budded can re veg again if all the leaves have died Had a problem with toxicity and flushed, after repotting the roots have taken hold as was going to pull up a few days ago however wouldnt come out and could tell the roots have taken a hold in the new new pot oh by the way plant is in soil. Anyway all leaves have dryed and died prior to repotting was wondering if a plant can take of again and if there is such a thing as a plant being dormant or is it a rule of thumb that if there is no live leaaves the plant is history.Thanks for any info
Last reply by jimbojones5678, -
- 15 replies
Hi all im a new member on here today and im impressed of all info to take in ! Especially having help of other growers. im a first time grower and My plant is about 3ft tall and been doing fine (i`ll try to add pics soon). Im using Formulex nute sol but only weekly ! i have a 250w hps bulb on a drain away system in a 3 by 5ft bedroom closet. It looks healthy enough apart from the rust spots devoloping !!!! At first it was just one or two leaves but now is starting to cover most of plant . I understand it is probably a magnesiun fault but unsure whether its : toxicity or deficiency : ???? "how do i tell"?. Any help …
Last reply by JimmyBee, -
- 3 replies
I just started week 4 of flower, when the flowers are just starting to crank, and one of the timers on one of my lights failed. It stayed on 6.5 hours. How badly will this affect the plants? I'm thinking of changing the cycle and giving them 12 hours of dark from when I turned the other one off, and leaving it on that cycle til the end. It's the only way I can think to minimise the damage. Any other ideas greatly appreciated.
Last reply by Benbenny, -
- 6 replies
hi guys, does the temperature of the water effect how the plant takes up the nutrients, regards, keith.
Last reply by Wrangler556, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Hi Everyone Just wanted to know what opinions where on using superthrive and the correct dosage to administer. Packaging says Extreme concentration DROP A CUP or DROP a GAL big diff there. Bottle says 1ml per litre. Which one is it? what have you guys tried and succeeded with?
Last reply by jackfrost, -
lil growie
by ctown-
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
hey all just got a new cutting off a mate and its in the first stage of budding what to do ??????
Last reply by Naycha, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
please help, these things are in the soil they are tiny 0.5mm, they are not on the plants. plants look fine. but there has to be 1000,s of them in the soil, "gross" plants are 1 month old .im trying to get pics but it is difficult. how might i get rid of them? ive searched for hours on these things for help. they are not spider mites, there is nothing flying around or jumping. i can see them thoughout the soil because ive got my plants in clear plastic bags with many air holes. i used miracle grow poting soil from walmart, seems to drain well .
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 4 replies
This particular seed has been dormant for a while, slightly opened, but yesterday I saw this grey crap around it. It's starting to spread to the neighboring seed too, is it normal or do I need to do something? On an unrelated note, another seed was slightly germinated but facing the wrong way. I used a pair of tweezers to turn it over but accidentally damaged the sprout sap a little, will it still grow out? (germinating period - about 9 days so far)
Last reply by 420 HELI,