Cannabis Troubleshooting
Information and discussions on cannabis diseases, pests and nutrient problems.
- 2 replies
Hey fellas, i'm a n00b n i got 4 lil seedlings (popped up yesterday) and they were white with green ends and the seed attached. but now the white bit on 2 is going a bit brown. i had two 9watt fluros about 8 cm from them n i moved the lights to like 15cm above. stressing out.. Anyone know whats going on. is this normal?! are my babies dying on me?! am i over/under watering?! Pete
Last reply by Pete, -
- 0 replies
I have read about people using a garlic/habanero pepper concoction to ward off pests. I realise that this will be a very short term solution which will require frequent applications but I'm only growing a few plants outdoors in pots so that doesn't pose a problem. I am yet to find a recipe for brewing this stinky spicy spray and was wondering if anyone has experimented or is aware of a recipe for a spray like this. I am looking to use organic methods to keep the bugs at bay because I want to produce pure unadulterated weed. I've had problems with whiteflie and other pests on my veggies in the past and I'll be damned if I'll let the little buggers eat away my prize you…
Last reply by TUGBOAT, -
- 2 replies
I planted some Bigbud seeds and the ones that never sprouted seemed to have a green powder on them when I dug them up after a few weeks. I read somewhere that you can soak seeds in water with chlorine added that will help kill any disease that the seeds might have,....anyone heard of this ? Buddy.
Last reply by Buddy, -
- 3 replies
I just put some newly sprouted seedlings under plastic the other day. To my horror I returned to them and half of them were missing their heads. Have I had insect problems, or do you reckon some prick has seen them and decided to half my grow? I can't imagine that they were found, so my suspicion is on the bugs. It couldn't have been birds because they wouldn't have been able to get in. What should I do to stop it happening again?
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 1 reply
The leaves on one of my plants are curling up slightly. What could this be from?
Last reply by boulder, -
Need Help
by Guest Wacked- 8 replies
G'day I've got a problem with 1 of me plants . I gave them there last dose of nuets last sunday and it seems to be thinning out around the top buds , it looks like some of the resin sacks have opened , Im not sure if I should pull it or wait , Im hoping that it will fattern up as the other 2 are still about a week away , should I wait and see what happens ? cheers Wacked
Soapy Tobbaco Mix/Liquid
by Guest Urbanhog- 9 replies
I was looking up the old 420 Australia, see if any good old postings may be worthwhile adding to this new forum. I found my Soapy Tobacco Mix that was in the old forum, it worked for some bug problems, so I have added here: Soapy Tobacco Mix: * Get a small packet of the cheapest rollies tobacco you can find, like "Winfeild" or whatever the cheapest, or if you have contact get some of that "chop chop" blackmarket tax-free backyard grown tobacco, you only need about 30grams, or use whole packet cheap smokes like "Holiday's" or "Horzion's" (either 30's or 50's) - throw away the papers/filters. * Get about 1.5 litres of boiling hot water, and get some soap from bottom o…
Last reply by Tom, -
this stuff is supposed to kill the bugs that bite it .you spray it on and it is not a poision and there is no with holding period.has anybody use the stuff.the plant in my yard have holes all over the leaves and i think that i would like to try this out because of the fact it should not be harmfull to smoke one would think?
Last reply by happyherb, -
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Fungus gnats* are tiny black flies frequently numerous in greenhouses and around certain house plants. Often called manure flies or mushroom flies, none of the adults feed on or damage plants. The larvae primarily feed on fungi and organic matter in the soil. Sometimes these maggots also feed on the roots of flower crops, notably poinsettias, geraniums, lilies, and chrysanthemums. Adults of some "shore flies" (Diptera: Ephydridae), which also breed in moist places, including the greenhouse, are similar to fungus gnats but do not harm plants and so not require control. Plant Damage: The maggots may feed on roots of many plants by chewing or stripping the roots. Severely…
Last reply by boulder, -
- 0 replies
Viral threats Viruses are a threat that many growers remain unaware of. They are usually spread by insect feeding, amd can wreak devastation in a clone garden. Viruses often sit latent until ideal conditions present themselves, at which point they can produce symptoms ranging from slight streaking to induced nutrient deficiency or full plant collapse. In Australia the main vector of viruses are thrips. If your mother plants have ever had thrips problems in the past they will likely to be carrying a virus which will be passed down to any clonal generation. Thrips will usually be found hiding in the growing tip of the…
Last reply by boulder, -
- 4 replies
hey im a n00b so please bear with me =) ok i planted a bout 12 seeds (outside) a few months a go, and since then the weather has been shit and there has basicly been no sunny days and i think my plants are feeling it most have died except bout 3. but those 3 now are starting to die on the ends of the leaves wot shood i do leave them outside in the rain, or put in my bedroom in a cubord with a light.? - they are a few inches tall with only two leaves - they have mixture of sheep/cow/etc manure on them please can anyone help that would be apreciated please dont take the piss, cause i dont know anything cause i know i dont =/ thanks!
Last reply by elessar,