Cannabis Troubleshooting
Information and discussions on cannabis diseases, pests and nutrient problems.
Weird seed like liquid filled things....
by Guest Field_of_Light- 5 replies
Popped over to a mates place and was in the middle of trimming when I noticed these weird things on some branches and on a few of the leaves. They kind of looked like half a seed shell attached to the stems mostly and the odd leaf....when you press them a yellow liquid comes out.....they are not part of the plant from what I can tell as no mark is left when it is removed off a branch or they dont seem to be eating the chlorophil..... There seem tobe 2 different types...the smaller browner ones and the larger darker brown ones The look pretty gross....and no they dont move.... Its creeping me out
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
winter in canberra has already kicked on, and i'm about to start a sog grow under 1000hps in the garage. only problem is temps have already dropped below zero. i'm not even running fans in veg at the moment and lights are on 24/7 anyone know of a safe way to heat while lights are off in flower??
- 9 replies
Hey guys, Ok, quick question. I got 7 plants growing GREAT there about 7 inches now, my biggest plant started to yellow at the leaves and then leaves started curling for no obvious reason, then after 3 days all new growth is limp, The plant stem is great and great roots, It was the biggest plant so i thought i was getting burnt from the light, but its not that. I thought maybe its overfed, but all the other plants are doing great, I have been feeding the plant straight water and that has stopped the yellowing but the plant is still sickly limpy looking. I think it may have a disease, So i seperated it from my good plants. What do you think it is, I wont have a di…
Last reply by kaliking, -
hey just recently switched to a recirculating setup, supposed to be a bit faster and better yields that pots. well i've had alot of problems since the switch and i'm thinking about canning one of my new setups to go back to pots. one of my systems is an ebb/flow or flood drain table, the other is a three pot top fed type. i'm not having much luck with either as the plants are growing slowly and poorly. i'm going thru nute changes and clean water flushes once per wek. ph is stable now at 6.3-6.6. i'm even using co2 in the flood drain table. there is one exception though, i went and used two varietys for the flood table, afi#1 and g13 and g13xhp. probalbly a bad idea i…
Last reply by white_cluster, -
For Newbies.
by Guest weekprik- 3 replies
Beating the Summer Heat By Erik Biksa During the heat of the summer many gardeners growing under lights shut down and wait for cooler days. Typically H.I.D (high intensity discharge) lights produce nearly as much heat as they do light, with the exception of some of the newer electronic HID lighting systems. Because they are usually operating in a closed environment, the heat radiated quickly builds up the growing area. If temperatures exceed 85° F in the plant canopy, results are usually diminished. Most grow rooms have an exhaust system to evacuate hot air from the growing environment. The system usually uses a larger CFM fan to pull air out of the growing …
Last reply by SoDrysBro, -
Mealy bugs!@
by Guest weekprik- 0 replies
Just about anyone who has raised a houseplant or two has come across the mealy bug. These pests, if left to their own devices, will eventually create a mealy mess of monstrous proportions. This not only causes the plant to look unsightly, but also severely weakens and even kills plants. Often a limited outbreak of mealy bug can be cleaned off a small houseplant with use of alcohol or meths, but if an infestation has taken up residence in your hydroponic system then immediate action is called for. Identification of mealy bugs To the uninitiated who have not battled the mealy monster before, the first signs of an infestation can sometimes be mistaken for a fungal di…
- 27 replies
A good friend of me, and an experianced grower who visites me a few times a year from Canada, send me this email with some pics of weed with "bizarre deformations", here's what I got : I anwered : and his answer : Well, here's where you come in. I really have no clue and neither have the few growers I hang out with, I also don't know these strains. Has anyone here seen this before?
Last reply by tokealot, -
- 5 replies
My Ak99 and Big Bud growing in cocopeat/perlite with hydro nutes under CF's in a cab are looking close to dead The leaves are all curling over and looking brown or yellowing and some of the tips have litlte red bugs I think are spider mites... What should I do? Should I take a clone or 2 and kill the plants?
Last reply by tokealot, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, I have 3 seedlings under flouro's about 4-6 inches away, They are 16 days old in perlite/vermiculite. They look like they are dying, The leaves are going off colour, They are getting lighter and then heading towards yellow/brown. This is starting from the tips of the leaves heading in, Fast. 2 were transplanted recently and have had their first drink of 1/4 strength nutes, This prob started before the transplant and nutes but the nutes seemed to speed things up. The 2 first round leaves are the healthiest looking, They aint effected. Could this be overwatering, I water from the bottom so the cups sit in a couple mills of water most of the time. Any help or advice …
Last reply by Paranoid, -
- 8 replies
I was tending to my plants today when i noticed the bottom sides of my cab are growing mould I havn't had a fan on in there for a few days so they got no air... im guessing that is why i got mould... Anyway its not on my plants which are still vegging under CF's What should I do? Also my leaves are curling over and the plants are looking a bit sick, I gave them PH adjusted water today... Hopefully they should perk up again Cheers
Last reply by Mick666, -
- 6 replies
Hi all , first time grower here and my problem is this: I have a plant that was going really well under a 400 w growing in perlite, its just been put intp 12/12 but the tips of all the new leaves appear burnt and curled. What are we doing wrong? any advice is appreciated.
Last reply by Mr Putard, -
- 0 replies
G`day , Thought I`d post a pic of some sick lookin` leaves that I believe was caused by a nutrient deficiency (please correct me, if you disagree).I was being very cautious with the nutrients after burning a couple of my other plants. When these leaves started turning yellow and developing these ugly brown patches, I read many posts on this website and a couple of others to try and find the cause (I wanted to be sure I wasn`t going to mis-diagnose the problem).Anyway, after a bit of research I decided to give them a dose of full strength nutrients and I haven`t had any related problems since, so I assume I did the right thing. As ugly as the leaves were, I…
Last reply by Ken Oath, -
- 11 replies
Thanks for all the heaps great ideas guys....I ended up taking your advice Tom and trying on a portion of plants.....put the spray on just before the lights went off......once they came back on the plants which were sprayed were almost completly spidermite free....the little bastards stopped moving the moment the spray hit them. How happy am I
Last reply by Tom, -
HELP! no light for 4 days straight!
by Guest weekprik- 1 reply
My oldest plant (4 weeks in to flowering) which is at my freinds house, well the dumb prick got paranoid cause freinds were staying there for a few days, so he turned the ligh off on monday and didnt put it back on till friday, so the whole time its not been getting ANY light, THis is about 2 weeks away from harvest, What can i expect the plant to do now??? will it hurt it??
Last reply by budgirl, -
- 3 replies
Ive just learnt about controlling red spider mite on cucumbers and tomatos by using a 50/50mix of lemon juice and water. I was wondering if the acid content of the lemon juice would harm or kill the plants and would it work on the ladies. Would be a nice cheap and less harmful way if it works...what do you guys think??
Last reply by bent,