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HELP! no light for 4 days straight!

Guest weekprik

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Guest weekprik

My oldest plant (4 weeks in to flowering) which is at my freinds house, well the dumb prick got paranoid cause freinds were staying there for a few days, so he turned the ligh off on monday and didnt put it back on till friday,

so the whole time its not been getting ANY light, THis is about 2 weeks away from harvest, What can i expect the plant to do now??? will it hurt it??

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Shouldnt hurt it too much....Ive got mates who deprive there plants of light on purpose near the end of the cycle....they will put em in a cupboard for anywhere up to a week...MJ is pretty resiliant to extreme circumstances....I may be wrong...but from what Ive seen dont stress too much.
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