Cannabis Troubleshooting
Information and discussions on cannabis diseases, pests and nutrient problems.
- 0 replies
I've been reading that diatomaceous eart is good for controlling fungus gnats, it's apparently very effective & completely organic. It needs to be agricultural grade, as the type used in pool cleaners is dangerous to inhale. Info on diatomacious eart: I'm having trouble sourcing it, I'd rather buy it at a shop, ieven though it's an innocuous enough product, mailorder wigs me out. Anyone know whether it exists on shop shelves & where?
Last reply by Lollygag, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
[at tachment=18756:attachment]Can anyone tell me whats happening with these girls??? Been flowering for over 2mth - over fert about 3 weeks ago - flushed for a week - they seem to have stopped growing and the leaves are just dead - even new ones??? Sorry for the cloudy photos I only have a phone camera.
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Any Ideas? Got home today and went into shed earlier than usual and the lights were on(Hour early)... Might have been on for 24hrs+? They have just over 2 weeks to go... I switched them off and am leaving them off for 24 hrs at least... Anyone had similar happen to them, what was the effect? Cheers
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
hey guys 1st 1 is from me domina in the ground and the other is a bubble gum seedlin in soil perlite has some scars from an earlier neem treatment phed water with nitrozyme n rhizotonic atm and is only on 1 leaf??
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
For one reason or another, a foot high White Widow plant was treated very badly, and set to flower. Three weeks into flowering it was thrown into a bathtub under only the three regular halogen bulbs in the room and given only hard tap water. It's pretty dried up with the older leaves turning brown/black on the ends and getting dried up, however the newer leaves towards the buds are decent. I took cuttings from several of these healthy looking buds and set them in the cloner under one 40w CFL spritzed with RO like I usually do. I took the rest of the plant and threw it back into the hydro setup with plain RO water to flush it. It's an Ebb & Flow system that'…
Last reply by mattdestruction, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hi as you can see from my pic of leaves I have some kinda problem I got this clone from a friend the clone is about 6months old grown under Fluros and just chopped back every so often almost looks bonsai Anyhow I only got it about two weeks ago and put it straight into my Green House I think that because its been under fluros for 24/7 the Hot Sun light is burning it and stressing it so i have made a shade cloth cover for it till it picks us It is showing lots of new growth but still getting this prob with the leaves Can anyone help?
Last reply by Aphofisman, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Hey all. I had 4 cracked from seed, i checked on them today and all the stems where choking,i know from this point they die. The stem kinda shrivels up they choke then die..this is the 2nd time its happned to me. im not feeding them anything, they are in coco under fluros. So if anyone knows why this is happening or heard of it happening please let me know. thanks .
Last reply by SukonmiSkunk, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
about 2/3 through veg theres like 2 or 3 tiny flies hiding under leaves chewing them making holes in them, making rust dots and black dots, and making long yellow rips in leaves.. this is all in its very early stages.. wondering if someone could tell me what insect ive got and how to get them ooout! ?! help appreciated guys.
Last reply by cray-zay-one, -
High all, I have mold growing on the top of my potting mix and rockwoll on one of my clones , a prob i've never had before so any reccomendations would be great. I've seperated it from the others at the moment and scraped off what i could, considering just throwing it away but its so healthy.
Last reply by moKing, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Noticed a couple of tiny grean bugs in my growroom. I have looked through shitloads of threads and have only come across on comment about thes 'green' fly things but there was no solution. I think neem oil was mentioned? Does anybody know what these little bus are? They are about 2mm long, sort of tapered (like a moth with wings folded) and are noly noticed when you brush your plants with your hands. This causes them to fly around a bit... Worse though is that I am noticing small marks appearing on some of the leaves, like tiny little dead patches. I cant provide any pics cause the camera is a bit of a budget model... Cheers for your help
Last reply by thc24, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
I just wanted to ask what you guys use to control or manage or eradicate the borg down your neck of the woods? I mean,total grow room sterility is nice but can only be done with a complete shutdown of your grow but most of us have if not rolling production methods at least plants coming in which stop us from doing a total sterilisation of your grow which means invariably coping with the borg,so I wonder how you guys do it?
Last reply by thc24, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
As it gets warmer I always lower my EC levels considerably as they take up the essentials much more readily in the hotter mths .I used to get a fair bit of nute burn when I would run my at about b2.4 in the summer I now reduce it to about 1.4 -1.6 and they love it.
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Six weeks into flowering, and I noted male flowers growing in the heads. What the hell is that??? Seeds have started forming of all my plants - I could cry Is there any point in picking the male flowers out? Started giving my girls a PK fert a few weeks ago , could this have done this somehow???????????
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
hi all i have a case of whitefly. probably worse ive ever seen it. when i move the buds the little suckers fly all over the shop. i dont see any spots or other negative signs on the leaves though. im 2 to 3 weeks max from chopping em down. should i spray to kill the whitefly or let em be? im inclined to let em be, because last time i had mild whitefly i sprayed em 4 weeks into flower with half strength maveric and it browned some of the pistils. if i should spray them, what do u recommend which would be non-toxic? i dont want to be spraying maveric 2 weeks before the chop. i was thinking pyrethum or neem? what works on whitefly. i have no idea ho…
Last reply by eternity, -
Hi all, this is my first post but ive been researching here for a while now this place is awsome for finding info hence the reason i'm posting here! OK ive got 4 plants about a week apart in Bonds premium potting mix with about 30% perlite in 15ltr pots on an airated recirculating drip system that feeds once per "day" seasol, powerfeed and thrive now on full strenth, All of this is 550mm under a twin wing 600w HPS. Now my problem is the serrations on the leaves of my best plant (2weeks old now) are curling up but the leaf shape is good color is excellent deep green and the tips of the serrations are also quite hard and sharp but again with no signs of cerosis necrosis …
Last reply by sols,