Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 2 replies
Hey all! My plants are beginning to flower, maybe 4-5 weeks in. I have noticed that there are small brown Shell like things in a lot of the flowers starting to form. They don’t look like anything bad, sometimes they have black inside but can’t see any creatures. Just wondering if they are a worry or simply falling from a tree and will grow out as the bud does. There are little tiny flys when I shake the plants, dunno if they are bad or anything to do with the brown things [emoji28] thanks heaps in advance. Keen for this one !
Last reply by Serrated edge, -
- 3 replies
With the new laws hopefully changing later this year to allow people to grow 2-6 plants, if the law passes i will be doing 2 CBD for stress and anxiety and so if some flop rips me off the plants will be useless https://7news-com-au.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/7news.com.au/politics/greens-bid-to-legalise-cannabis-in-nsw-c-2179949.amp?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA%3D%3D#aoh=16140020708471&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2F7news.com.au%2Fpolitics%2Fgreens-bid-to-legalise-cannabis-in-nsw-c-2179949
Last reply by BaysideHaze, -
- 5 replies
hey guys, first time grower, had a shakey start to these girls. moved house in VIC in december and it's pretty rainy here where we live. thinking the yellowing on the back one could be bud rot? average temp here is around 15C this week but should pick up next week. otherwise, should i just be adding some sulphur of potash to help her green back up? front lady is in the ground, transplanted around a month ago and she is pretty green (photo makes her look yellow too), so my second question is, is it too late to transplant the back plant into the ground also? second and third pictures are of the rear plant. happy new year to you guys - happy grow season
Last reply by ReeferJoe, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, new grower here. Is it too early to determine sex yet? Outdoor grow with unknown seeds in vic. Thanks heaps Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by doctor_nelson, -
- 1 reply
I bought a couple bags of soil called gro-dirt from a hydroponic shop. It was $90 for a 40 litre bag. Apparently it has everything already in it for an outdoor grow and you just have to water it. Has anyone used this stuff before? I'll be giving it a go when spring time is upon us later on in the year
Last reply by 9fingers, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hi I suffer bad anxiety. Tried oil...nothing. Last year tried legal CBD back home in Italy..no valium.very good for me. I want to grow but problem is house mates said no. Could I grow in a metal cabinet 1.2m x900cm ? With lights and some kind of ventilation. Is this no good idea because maybe be too hot cause I have to grow outside where house mates say can't see any plants. Thanks if you give me advice. Sent from my EVR-N29 using Tapatalk
Last reply by lipari9, -
I would like to propose everyone to take some close up shots of there seed and name the strain if known if unknown just say ... and classification or if it's bag seed and from what state or country ....they are all fingerprinted ...you should be able to see after a while the variations big time Use this form Country Strain Name if known ... Indoor Outdoor Sativa/Ruderalis/Indica or hybrid height x width Seed Bought or breed lineage Photo's and a pic of the leaf if you have one a nice clear shot front on of a mature leaf.....I think...... I am on to something. Please I encourage all to join in . This will come in handy in the future as a database Say if i…
Last reply by DivinelyGuidedAUS, -
- 0 replies
Hi It’s my first grow and I am growing outdoors in Melbourne. Feminised Autoflowers outdoor with Dr. Greenthumbs Turbo Dirt and they r growing in 3 gallon Geopots. I water them consistently and give them all my love. During windy and stormy weather I cover these two beautiful Blueberry indica plants with a greenhouse. There is a street light that beams on them throughout the night time.. I don’t think it matters though. Thanks all for reading. If there is any tips or tricks you’d like to suggest please reply a message. Happy growing everyone! Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by DivinelyGuidedAUS, -
- 0 replies
One of my favourite smokes from last year. Really cerebral high but relaxing at the same time, can feel your body has the general warmth and she would make the day brighter. Musky vanilla citrus smell and beaut bag appeal was a breeze to trim too. Passed a cut to a buddy will get it back as soon as I’m set up indoors. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by BaysideHaze, -
- 1 reply
Today marks 2 weeks in my grow today. They r still in their small pots (forgot that transplanting auto flowers can be a problem) but for two weeks my plants look like they might be on the smaller side not too sure will attach photos so feedback will be much appreciated there has been an awful amount of rain in my area lately which is super annoying as I risk possibility of my plants being over watered. I’m planning on moving them to their final pot tomorrow to possibly start training in a week or two. I definitely feel like I’ve held these seedlings back a bit in their grow probably overwatering from the rain and they do look a bit sad from not enough sun light since i…
Last reply by AtlasOCE, -
- 1 reply
Hello all! I was just wondering if there are any legit Seed banks in aus im currently in sydney and am looking to get some seeds to start guerrilla growing any recommendations on seed banks? Thanks !
Last reply by North yaz, -
- 3 replies
First time outdoor grower giving a crack with one plant to start with. Have read that out door light could effect the cycles of the plant. I’ve got mine in the back yard, we have an outdoor light that we use when we take dogs out for a wizz. It doesn’t stay on long, unless kids leave it on, but it’s always off when we go to bed. Will this effect the plant?
Last reply by fishpiss, -
- 4 replies
First of all hello to all, first post and as per topic new to this. Partly out of curiosity and partly due to the current supply drought (my only two contacts have limited supply) I decided to throw some seeds in some dirt and see what would happen. About a dozen germinated and sprouted, I’d thought I’d be lucky to get one to sprout, and due to having young teenagers the missus said I could only grow one or two plants. So I chose the best four to allow for the possibility of male plants. Anyway two grew “balls” and were discarded and another died due to slug attack. so only have one left which may get more attention than my kids. Anyway have no idea what sort it is, i…
Last reply by Nostradumbass, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Summer is almost upon us n us outdoor farmers are already well underway... got white widow slowly growing with a mass shooter auto already in flower. Plan on hitting a few other auto's before the end of season. Whats everyone growing this year?
Last reply by Try Blu, -
- 2 replies
How to Cultivate High Quality Outdoor Cannabis Growing up in the tropical regions of Australia, I was exposed to the privilege of living in an incredibly fertile climate where cannabis cultivators thrived. I sprouted my first seeds as a curious 13 year old, without a clue what I was doing. As a first generation grower without guidance, it took many years to learn the do’s and don’ts of cannabis cultivation. Now, each plant in my garden can produce half a kilogram (one pound) of high quality product. Here I hope to share my decade of experience with others who also wish to grow their own medicine. To my fellow gardeners, outlaws, and students, I wish you all a prosperou…
Last reply by Black Ridge Buds,