General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 12 replies
Hi guys, I'm planning my first indoor grow and I was wondering, what soil/potting mix do you guys use?, I'm looking for relatively simple/cheap pre-made soil mixes. The easiest option for me is to go to bunnings and get the Searles Premium potting mix and chuck some perlite in it, but I've heard that slow-release fertilisers aren't good for growing cannabis. After searching around a bit, I found someone on eBay that sells Terra Professional potting mix which I've heard is pretty good. Should I go with this mix and perlite? For ferts, I'm deciding between Canna Terra Vega/Flores(a bit pricey: $56) and seasol/powerfeed for veg, potash for flower. What do you guys think …
Last reply by Chrystal, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Has anybody reused their coco? I've just tried it. A side by side experiment. I reckon that the reused coco provided a better result than new coco. I left a batch of used coco in a wheel barrow, (in a shed) and let it dry out. (couple of months) and just reused it without any treatment.
Last reply by Saul Goodman, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone, I'm new. I've read lately that the carbonated mineral water makes the seeds germinate faster. Is the carbonated mineral water normal water that simply has air bubbles or does it have some other component? Does the fact that the seeds supposedly germinate faster in its onset produces some other benefit in the flowering stage? One of the reasons that made me enter this forum and ask you this is because of this video: Https:// A greeting!
Last reply by _Puff_Tough_, -
- 8 replies
I see lots of kits with lights etc all in one kits. Can anyone make a recommendation on the best kit to use or alternatively making up a kit from scratch going to be better? Thanks Sent from my SM-N920I using OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Stiritup420, -
- 44 replies
hi guys, I started growing indoor in a space bucket. Seed: Super Skunk Where: Indoor + Space Bucket Space Bucket config: 5 gal bucket (now the lights configuration is different, bulbs are facing down, attached to the lid, not on the side of the bucket anymore) 2 spacers (so i can adjust height) 2 Philips LED 9W bulbs 2 Philips CFL 24W 5 mt LED strip Exhaust fan on the lid of the bucket Intake fan at the bottom Bucket is been black taped to avoid light leak Timer for lights on power supply Now I'm using bottled water for watering, ph of my tap water is over 7 Temp in bucket between 25 and 29 Humidity between 40 and 60 I started on the 11th…
Last reply by whataboutpizza, -
Just wanting to hear a debate on this because of a serious lack of information on the net. I've personally found the more hardcore you get with nutes less and less information is out there
Last reply by meddle, -
- 6 replies
My first grow I gave my friends some serious leaf burn using PK 13 14, even though I followed all the directions. After reading 200 topics in a night(lucky it was a weekend) on other forums I straight flushed them with 20l of water each over two days and stopped it. Phew lesson learnt. Obviously after the last episode and then reading ship loads I think I've come up with a few things I like opinions on. 1.(Beginner)You only need 1/2 the recommend dose off the bottle and when you use it you should halve all your other nutrients.A+B and Supplements ****I still got a little leaf burn, half of last time and I didn't flush and it stopped where it was. Happy with that. Opini…
Last reply by Sir PsychoHashy, -
- 5 replies
Hello I'm a first time indoor grower. I was wondering what would be the best lighting option for a 1.2x1.2 tent? HPS( 600 watt or 1000 watt) OR LED (mars hydro 1200w) Thanks for everyone input.
Last reply by Indycar, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys first time grower, I have 1 outside and have been doing my best to keep it in good health. Can you guys please tell me if she's female? Should I keep topping it? AND any other tips, tricks to gain maximum yeilds CHEERS BOYS
Last reply by Stereoballs, -
hi there every one in a hydro set up if you trim your girls and strip all the colas ect of her and then re-veg her so turn back from 12/12 to 18/6 light i have heard this will inlarge your next yeld can any one tell me if this is true and how many times should this be done if it is true and thanks to all that reply on this PD
Last reply by BigBudSpencer, -
- 10 replies
Hi folks ! Just wanted to know if I've topped my plant in the right place , I've followed some advice from online source's but I think this is the best place to ask . Cheers in advanced. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by DrBlueThumb, -
- 8 replies
Hi guys . Just wondering if i lower my ph in the feed will that give me a lower reading in the overflow . Atm overflow reading is 7.8 wich means its to much in the soil yer . Plants already been flushed and flushed . I keep my ph around 5.8 in the feed but what i wanna know is "what will it do if i try correct the ph in the overflow by under compensate thro feed say make it about 4.8 ph " could this help or do damage..... thanks peeps Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
Last reply by Serrated edge, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys have some white widow autos on the way hopefully will get here but im thinking of doing a small one or 2 plants grow in an old fridge, freezer compartment at top thinking use top section for seedlings and bottom for veg and flowering and some sort of inline fan with a carbon filter any ideas or has anyone used leds for growing Also didnt want to hijack the other dudes thread about fridge grows
Last reply by kaneriley227, -
- 28 replies
Hi guys. Fimmed this plant a few days ago. Seems to be growing a bit uneven but growing. The lighter green color seems to have intensified since. In 290mm pot in tent under 315w cmh 3000k. Medium is 60% coco 40% Canna Terra pro. Repotted today. This plant from bagseed sprouted around 15/12/16 and had a scalding in the heat until 05/01/17. Then 85w cfl, then a 250w cfl and finally to tent and cmh 48 hrs ago. Have read a few different things. Cal mag perhaps? Has received red power feed at half strength. Heading into a possible 5 day away period, my ventilation will be OK with an extractor fan. Temps may be high. Should I use just use water when watering la…
Last reply by Serrated edge, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
I have recently found someone that is selling clones for 10 a pop. I would love to give growing a go. The only problem is I'm a full time student on the Queensland coast. I was wondering is there any important "Rules of the trade" I need to know. Just basic things such as flowering times and would I need to keep it inside (Ideal). (Sorry If I sound like an idiot) Thank You in advance, Harry
Last reply by DrBlueThumb, -