General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
Good old piss 1 2
by Buddy- 11 replies
I read on another site about a bloke who urinates in his nutrient every other day.....says it makes his plants grow faster. The chinese also used it to make gunpowder in the olden days, and inmates in cold third world prisons use it to heal chilblanes and other ailments. Anyone heard of other uses without mentioning "golden Showers"
Last reply by Mr Putard, -
- 10 replies
is there a PROVEN WAY of keeping a Mary J PLANT to survive through winter so it can boot off again when spring winter is on us now i need to know the best way to keep it alive.
Last reply by jojo, -
- 10 replies
One of the nice things about vapourisers is that you don't need to cure flowers before you can use them. Lately I've been taking a few flowers from some SPC Thai I'm growing outdoors and finding seeds within them. More precisely ONE seed per bud. What's going on here ? I thought that there needed to me males/pollen around for seeds to develop. Are these seeds the blueprint that will be duplicated when the pollen appears or is it some quirk of the plant. All plants are female (no hermies either). I'm curious to know if these seeds are useable or are, I don't know, unfertislised or something. Any experts out there? Many thanks.
Last reply by johnnyreeferseed, -
- 9 replies
i've been growing outdoors for a while now and have a fair idea of whats going on etc. I'm about to embark on my great journy indoors soon and was wondering from other peoples encounters which they find works out better, indoor soil with controlled nute feeding system or a full blown hydro setup ? just concerned about the upfront effort & time taken for the initial setup and result as i want to use my outdoor plants for clones for my first grow. Just curious as to thoughts and opinions.....
Last reply by jaikai, -
- 6 replies
hay guys i have a 1000watt HPS and a 600 HPS i am using them for flowering how many plants could i do with that much light ??? also i will be using pots with expanded clay balls. what size pots should i use?? also i will be taking roooted clones staright to flower !!! any help?????????????? cheers Auziie Sydney dude
Last reply by happyherb, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hey all have been away for a wile i hade to keep low but now i am back just wanted post a pic or 2 of what i ended up with i had to pull early but i done ok i think Bong on aussie ozmade
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
- 3 replies
at the hydro shop today and asked the guy about PH up. He said that instead of using chems that the plants can't use he recommends a product called "Silica plus". He said its normaly used as a foliar feed but can also be used to raise PH, and will help growth either way. I seem to remember a thread with "swing" in which some raised a concern about using silica....or have I got my wires crossed? anyway I told the guy I had heard that silica may be bad for you and he said he didn't know why, because it is a naturally occurring substance and is absorbed through the root system. anyway, I decided to leave it, just wondering if anyone else here had an opinion.
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 5 replies
Just thought i would thank all those who gave me advice. I pulled my girl up a week or so ago. No one wanted to guess from the pics what i would yield. So i ended up with 20 oz dried. Fabulous. However you were all right about harvest time, which was the end of march. I did pull a little early as i got some flowers, only a couple. So i strangled my other half when i found out why. My partner put a new power board in the room. It had a bloody red glowing light on it. For days i could not figure why they were stretching a litttle. I know now. Never mind 20 oz off one plant makes me happy. So thankyou all.
Last reply by Mr Putard, -
A Queen of Queens 1 2 3
by Tom- 27 replies
Late 2001 SPC sent me some complementary seeds to try out, Headstone and B’shen, as it was coming up to outdoor season and having had an excellent crop the previous year I plated them in the stealth garden. They survived an attack from some now deceased rabbits but then we copped a disastrous two week long cold snap over that Christmas, we had snow on the local mountains, and every single female went hermie on me, I had to pull the hydro out of mothballs. As I have been using clones in the grow room I forgot about a leftover B’shen seed so when I was going through my seeds for this years outdoor grow I thought I would try it out, somehow it ended up in the grow room ins…
Hello Guys If you let your seedling soak up the sun and then afterwards place them under fluoro's.. will this risk the plant turning hermie? i've read @ OG it can I'll train them early on more fluoro hours to sun.. then after every 2 days, i'll let the plant have more sun(hrs). Sound good? any input would be nice
Last reply by Mr Putard, -
- 3 replies
I am growing in rockwool and are wondering if I should cover the slabs of rockwool or not??
Last reply by sols, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, Well heres some pics of my grow: Ivy: Baggy Seed, Germinated around the 22nd of Feb, Put into 12/12 around a week ago. WW: A white widow seed i bought back from amsterdame, Germinated around the 20th of Feb. Still on 18/6 Baggy Seeds: Probally about 2-3 weeks old, Taken from some extremeley chronic weed I bought. On 18/6
Last reply by AzZa-, -
- 3 replies
Guys, i have some 2 week old seedlings just growing out in the sun in pots. the nights are getting colder in brizzy and i was wondering if i could repot them into bigger pots and put them under the house with a 250 or 400 metal halide over them? if its viable, how do i keep them warm at night or do i keep the lights on 24/7 to help with warmth? Will a good potting mix be ok? Also i lashed out and bought some A&B CANNA VEGE nutes, can i use this in soil or is it mainly for hydroponics?
Last reply by sols, -
- 9 replies
How long does it take to get a harvest from a clone?.I know different varietys have different times,but i see most are the 55 day mark.55 days for what?.The flowering stage or total time until harvest?. Thanks
Last reply by happyherb, -
- 7 replies
i cant seem to get my plants cranking, i mean some are kinda yellow an not grow big are still small, with a couple of small leaf sets, a couple are growing bigger an seem to be fine, i got a couple of older plants in the cupborad too an they were going ok, but now ones leafs are rolling up,not dying an curling but the jaggered sides of the leaves are raising up an curling, its hard to expalin but it looks weird, one or two of my younger plants are doing this too,, i looked at a nutreint troulbe webpage an it kinda looks like a (mg) problem?, any tips on fixing, and any tips on running the right ph, i think im running my nutes at about 5.9,6.0,6.1 its hard to tell,and my p…
Last reply by pipeman,