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A Queen of Queens


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Late 2001 SPC sent me some complementary seeds to try out, Headstone and B’shen, as it was coming up to outdoor season and having had an excellent crop the previous year I plated them in the stealth garden. They survived an attack from some now deceased rabbits but then we copped a disastrous two week long cold snap over that Christmas, we had snow on the local mountains, and every single female went hermie on me, I had to pull the hydro out of mothballs.


As I have been using clones in the grow room I forgot about a leftover B’shen seed so when I was going through my seeds for this years outdoor grow I thought I would try it out, somehow it ended up in the grow room instead, breaking a policy of clones only under light I have to pay for. It is a little behind the clones (my fault) but it is by far the best looking, highest quality plant in the crop, but is it a fairy-tale princess, or an evil prince?




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Guest Urbanhog

nice piccie of the dog lol! there's a pic of mine at Hightimers.com lol but not very good security, loves strangers too much..... :angry:




anyway.... can anyone tell me bit more information about this "B'shen"??? I have never heard of it.... can anyone give me bit of strain description?


cheers for ya time, cheers again.


Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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Well here I am at post number 1,000, I wanted to post something relevant to this site so I took my cheapie camera into my grow room and snapped a heap of photos and managed to get a few almost good ones (always difficult when the lights are up high), to the left of the picture is the B'shen, areal queen of queens, the blurry rest as you can see is head.




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