General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 2 replies
Something I often overlooked when scrogging was the trimming of growth underneath the screen when I went into bloom. Lazy me. I used to end up with all the leaf and tips underneath the screen dying off and littering my floor. Then one grow I decided to be clean and trimmed off all the leaves and shoots that didn't make it through the screen. The result was a lot of space under the screen, with the bare branches growing through. Unknown to me I had opened up a whole new airflow to my roots and underside of my screen, and my plants grew about 20% larger. So, it's not just tidy, it gives ya more buds, and allow your girls to consentrate their growing above the screen w…
Last reply by wassily, -
hi, i've just had a quick look at the roots of a 6 week old seedling and they are fury , is this normal ? or do you think my soil mix is too cloggy . i got em in vroom , 60% 40% vermiculite . ta for any help
Last reply by everest, -
- 7 replies
sup everyone, i just planted a few seeds the other day in a pot full of garden dirt and ahve been watering it little bits each day. its on my window seal and gets morning and early afternoon sun. im in desperate need of help coz ive got no idea what im doing. any help would be much appreciated. i dont know what strain they are either my friends is a stupid dick and has no idea what he's doing either, so im hoping you guys can help. i also want to set up some sort of secret grow box or something. i was thinking an old run down server case (bout 20cm wide, 50cm deep and 50cm high) that i ahve in my bedroom, dont think tha housies will notice that anyway, so yeah, if any…
Last reply by LaZy ChoOk, -
Should i tip. 1 2
by Paranoid- 14 replies
Hi all, I'm wondering weather i should tip or not. My grow space is 1m x 1m x 2+mh, This gives me a hight of 1200 room for growth, I have 5 plants under a 400hps. My plants are up around the 8 inch mark now. So, Should i tip these or just let them grow?. Roughly, How tall should i let them grow before turning to flower and using up my space?. Any help/Advice much appreciated, Thanks heaps. Paranoid.
Last reply by merv, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
hey guys i am thinkin of growin pot indoors, i have read that a certain type of lamp is needed....where could i get a lamp like this? how much would it be? what does it need to be?
- 7 replies
a quick question,, when do u guys top up your resovoirs,after each feed, or when a litres gone?? over to u guys,
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 25 replies
The seedlings seem to be going rather well, there 2 weeks old at this point seeds are bag seeds. I dunno what strain the plants are. Plant Date : 4 March 2003 Plant Age : about 2 weeks
Last reply by Tom, -
Hey all just wonderin what causes leaves to deform like on my plant I've got a few leaves that decided to grow 2 main fingers sometimes 3 and some only have 4 fingers some have 6 some 3 it's real weird if anyone has any ideas any at all feel free to enlighten me.Oh yeah growin in soil not hydro. cheers
Last reply by PROZAC, -
- 3 replies
Hey all. I need some advice on the size of my pots.At the moment, I have 2 of my plants in pots which are 250 mm across the top, 190mm across the bottom and 225mm deep.They are only 2 weeks old today (from seed).I stared them in small seedling pots and a week ago, I transplanted them into these larger pots.Now, here`s my problem : I have just noticed some roots coming out the drainage holes at the bottom of the pots.Surely this means I have to get them in bigger pots ASAP - right? ....If so, what size pots should I put them into? I want them to grow as fast and as much as possible, obviously. I suspected that I may need to put them into larger pots at some stage…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 3 replies
Hey all,if anyone is lookin for a cheap hydro setup around the gold coast I think I've found one for ya.Listen to this large 6 pot setup 2x 400w lamps 2x water pumps,nutrients,perlite,clay balls white sheet plastic,ph tester,extra pots,timers,power board,small and large grommets,T intersections $400 ono. Or. hydro kit 600w lamp,ballast,shade,timers,fans,flood&drain table,pumps,resevior,power boards says used once but who can tell $335 PM me for numbers locations etc. hope this helps someone cheers,PROZAC
Last reply by Tom, -
- 8 replies
Hi Guys, It occoured to me that after searching this forum, there is no discussion dedicated to Plant Sexing.. So I figured and I have questions that I need to ask, as I am sure others do also.. And seeing there is a wealth of knowleadge out there, how about some of you share a few pix, and give some examples for us less knowledgable to learn from.... Thanks Guys - Merv
Last reply by merv, -
- 8 replies
Hey all, my house water is 7.2ph-7.8ph depending on the time of the day. I need to drop it so i went out and bought a digital pen to help me :-) and i was wondering what u would think of using Hydrocloric Acid to lower the Ph? I tested a bach of 10litres and it took like 4 drops to bring it to 6.3ph. Do u think it will hurt my plants?
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
Music for your plants
by Guest- 7 replies
Hey all, Do any people here think music is really beneficial to the plants? What kinds? I was thinking ... perhaps ... anything from chillout trance, to lounge, right up to some soft classical. Wouldn't play metal or anything fast like that, I think that'd make the plants wilt Has anyone got any solid experiences playing music for their crop?
Last reply by wassily, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
g-day , i've had a great strike rate for my seedlings and currently have 11 due for there first topping , they are growing in soil under a 400 w mh .my question is .......... how many plants do i flower ? , i have a 600 w philips son-t ready to go and none of the plants have been sexed . thanks for any help .
Last reply by everest, -
O.K. gentlemen, I have a closet space that is 18 inches wide X 6 foot long X 8 foot high. I want to more or less use all of this space to grow. I had thought about soil because it sounds easier to me, but Tom might explain otherwise? I was wondering the following: Could I grow tall in such a narrow space? Sativa maybe? Could I grow both indica and sativa in that space? What light is recommended? I will sort out more later, I'm still planning, eh. But Basically, let me know what you all would do with that space. My budget would be around $500 (US) but less spent is always better! Go ahead, recommend an entire arrangement... save me some brain busting. So anyway, this spac…