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Hey all just wonderin what causes leaves to deform like on my plant I've got a few leaves that decided to grow 2 main fingers sometimes 3 and some only have 4 fingers some have 6 some 3 it's real weird if anyone has any ideas any at all feel free to enlighten me.Oh yeah growin in soil not hydro.




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Guest Field_of_Light

well Im not too sure on the causes...but try and pick them off as Ive found that once you pick them off they are gone...if you leave them on more seem to grow......


It might just be my imagination but damn.........its what I see

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Haven't altered anything that I can think of and I dont know what strain it is got the seeds from a friend of a friend.Why would you want the deformed leaves,higher thc or somethin?was just thinkin could ph or medium quality have anything to do with it?
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