General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 9 replies
Hey guys. Just starting out and have been scouring the web for all aspects of opinions relating to growing. One particular topic I can't seem to find alot on, is covering the soil around the base of the plant with a white or reflective ring. Ive seen a few vids where it looks like the grower has done this. (not just in hydro) What's everyone's opinion on it? Would it help with light reflection? Keep soil dry? Or is it a farce? Cheers!! Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 4 replies
Hey fellas I’m in my final 2 weeks and all I can say is wow there bigger then I have ever seen them and still almost 2 weeks left, that said I climbed in amongst them and there was a lot more lying over then I thought so I spent a frustrating hour or so trying to tie them up but at some points I felt I was possibly harming them as couldn’t help being abit rough pulling apart ect, I can’t really use a net in this space and there is just so much there to try and manage whilst crawling arounder under neath and squashed around edges. Am I just worrying over nothing or is it possibly damaging them, I would love to hear anyone’s tips and tricks about this Cheers Poste…
Last reply by frankyboy, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
If you leave the lower popcorn on a plant and keep it growing after harvest will it throw finger pollen? Just harvested 2 Autos and would like to have the genetics in seed stock if I can. I've read that you can keep them going and they will throw pollen. Use this pollen to selectively seed a seperate from plant and you have fem seed stock. Does this sound right? Anybody tried it? Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by kloud9, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys. Just setup an ebb and flow table hybrid. Basically a table with a lid that net pots go into and the roots grow into no medium on the table so they can spread right out. I've grown with general hydroponics couple years ago but they are now not so available and expensive. I had most of their line I'm just looking to keep it simple this time, Australian made, no PGR, simple to keep ph stable. Not stupid expensive and readily available. Have been looking at sensi pro and also floramax/flairform Can you experts shed any light? Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by sleator, -
- 6 replies
Hi all. I have recently, and very proudly, produced viable seeds from a recent crossing. They have germinated and I am about to pop them in soil. Can anyone advice on how to proceed with noting the growth, characteristics, etc to find the right phenotype? Is there an excel table or program that will help me document my adventure? I'm not one for note writing but this must be documented if I want to produce the strain I'm looking for. PS: How would I guess the thc/cbd ratio? is it based on the parents?
Last reply by frankyboy, -
- 7 replies
Just wondering if anyone here has ran green planet 3 part?? Previously i ran GH but now no can do due to not being able to get in in aus, but..... was told by the local hydro that (as I was running out of gh bloom) I can just straight swap it out for gp3 bloom as it’s one and the same..... which I have done and no issues nutrient wise...... now it’s got me looking into the whole green planet line. Also looking at Hy-gen but for some reason I’m my head I’m being pulled to Gp3........ fire away at me! Iv got 6 weeks to make a decision hahaha Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Hairy Nipple, -
- 3 replies
so ive been using this 4 inch fan kit off ebaY my tents only a 2x4 foot and 5foot tall,but this fan just doesent feel like it sucks very much at all,like I can barely feel it on my hand at the exhaust hole [yes its flowing the correct direction ] and I only have 1 of the 3 intake flaps open down the bottom and the fan is at the top ,anyone got a suggestion for an exhaust fan that doesent cost heaps ,cheers
Last reply by nici, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys and girls what ph down is everyone using? Soil was good but i want hydroponic yields and a more hand on approach [emoji23] Cheers billybob Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Billybob88, -
- 10 replies
So I started a second grow a few weeks ago after the first one turned male. The autos and the regulars have all started dying. I haven't over watered them at all, Ive watered them once a week. 20th April Started germination • 1x Yorker Regular • 1 x lime spider Regular 24th planted • 1 Yorker sprouted - nice tail • Lime spider sprouted • Planted them all in soil in a cup with lots of drainage. • Started germination of white widow Auto and ak47 Auto 25th • Ak47 sprouted slightly after leaving it in water over night. • White widow didn't • Placed them both in separate paper towels 26th • Nice sprouts on both. Planted both in soil and perlite. Since these …
Last reply by micmac, -
- 3 replies
hi, just wondering how to get around this without causing too many issues, i have a plant in 1st week of flower / i mean turned lights down from 18 to 12 hours 2 days ago!. was originally running from 430 am to 1030 pm. now on a 12 hour cycle starting at 430am till 430pm. only problem is that i should actually run it through the night like say 6pm until 6 am due to the cold. nights are now down to as low as 6 degrees and i want to run lights during the night instead of the day. is there a safe way of doing this? pistils are already out so i need your advice. do i bite the bullet and run it from 430 am all the way to 6pm the following day? or do i just leave them in the d…
Last reply by seedsmanspain, -
- 4 replies
Just wondering what the general consensus is when it comes to setting the on and off times when you flower your girls? Obviously going to a 12/12 cycle but does it matter what time of the day you set your on and/or off time in relation to your veg cycle timing? They are currently coming on at 4pm and off at 10am. Is it more important to still go off at 10, or still come on at 4, or does it not matter at all as the plants will work it out after a couple of days?
Last reply by Buckingbong420, -
- 8 replies
hey guys so ,i ordered and received a few seeds from a melbourne seedbank recently to qld ,was all good , got them sent to a different address ,but because im dumb i paid by bank transfer from my account , now im concerned itl come back to bite me in the future in the form of an unwanted visit at some point at my front door if the seed bank ever has to turn there records over to the authorities ,im a normal , law abiding citizen except that i grow 2 plants at a time for medicine for my fucked up back and neck,should i be concerned ps moving to canberra isnt an option for me haha cheers bear
Last reply by Defsnotacop, -
- 14 replies
Ok so I thought I found a herm (still most likely is) but..... I quarantined the bitch to monitor. Now what I first thought were balls, and what everyone told me was balls..... is now shooting pistols out of it?? Can this happen and how? It’s supposed to be fem seeds and this is not caused by stress..... my question is, can a fem seed try to herm out but have the X over power the Y and stay as a fem? All on lower growth, tops are all bud Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Ras_gorrilla, -
- 3 replies
Needing some advice should I switch today or give them another week?? Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Defsnotacop, -
- 16 replies
Hi all. I was wondering if anyone might suggest what might be a very very very very simple set up to grow 1 plant an Auto with cycle 6-8 weeks . Outdoors the temps are getting a bit cold at night. I do not expect to be pulling off anything major yeild wise. Happy just to get something off it. So two main questions. 1. Given the current day / night lenghts and temps. Would it be best to just grow 1 outside leave it outisde untouched e.g in the ground or pot ( dont touch it let it be ). Not so concered about people rocking up or having to move it. Or woud a mixed method of having in a pot outside the bring in under lights at night be better. ? 2. Or if it would be …
Last reply by budyoda,