General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
Grew Herijuana? 1 2 3
by Clone-
- 420 Crew
- 22 replies
Hello, I'm new on this forum. Seen some helpful topics here and decided to join in. I'm new in general to horticulture and grew just 1 plant in the past, still serving me though. I have 4X4 tent, 600hps, and grow using DWC. I recently started to flower a new strain that I'm trying. Herijuana (regular seeds) by a seed company named sanniesshop, seeds are cheap but all sprouted. Has anyone ever grow this strain? Anything in particular to expect? My last NYC Diesel for example, after vegging for a month was twice the size of these plants and I had fimmed, and bent it! Anyhow, any info during flower would greatly be appreciated, thx.
Last reply by Faith, -
- 21 replies
Hey guys just gathering some info on mediums as I am gonna grow a outdoor crop later on this year. My question i like the sound of coco coir but should i add perlite and maybe peat moss to my medium as well? maybe 60/20/20 I'm new to this so any info would be great! also will dutch master nutes work well with this setup? or do i need coco nutes I got a couple cfl's for the seedlings. I'm gonna grow them indoors for probably a month then take them outdoors is the best time late august start of sept (in melbourne)? when im moving outdoors from indoor cfl's i read i should harden off the just give them a few hours a day outside for the first week? thanks guys!
Last reply by meddle, -
- 5 replies
Hi guys, So I read somewhere today that plants actually have complex social interactions with each other. They will grow more aggressively when next to unrelated plants. Not sure how true this is but it sounded interesting none the less. I'm interested to see if any knows first hand if its true or any has any thoughts about it.
Last reply by eurOpium, -
- 8 replies
Got an underperforming seedling that's looking messed up and mongolated. She's Royal Cheese feminised by Royal Queen seeds, and about 1 week old. Compared to a couple of other seedlings germinated at the same time, it's got the same number of sets of leaves, but as you can see in the pic the leaves are very small and warped. Repotted from a small plastic cup into the 100mm pot it's now in yesterday, and the roots are developing quite nicely. Just wondering if anyone else has had seedlings go like this, and if so, do they pull through ok or just go nowhere? Got the seed as a freebie, and never really felt the desire to buy cheese seeds, but now that I have one it…
Last reply by Sir PsychoHashy, -
- 6 replies
Hi All, I'm a complete novice when it comes to all of this. 12 years of chronic pain and a charming (but unrelated) medical diagnonsense saw me turn to green about a decade ago and I haven't looked back - it's probably what has kept me alive. Anyway, my regular supplier went out of business recently (without any notice ) so I'm trying my hand at growing for the first time. I've had a LOT of very confusing conversations with a variety of people (Bunnings, hydro stores, even Kmart!) with silly codewords about how I'm growing tomatoes or herbs. I've managed to get most of it sorted - I think - and have recently planted a seed. I'm using coco coir with perlite mixed i…
Last reply by redhead1980, -
- 14 replies
Hey everyone, I am growing in soil with 130w CFL for veg. I have 3 seedlings and they are 13 days old in these pics. Normally they should be on their second set of leaves (at least) by now and much greener looking. I had a successful grow earlier this year which started in early January. I am using pretty much the same mix of premium potting mix and perlite. Same light and environment, same water source, same batch of seeds. The only thing really different is the temperature, now that it is coming into winter I am getting low 20's and probably a bit lower than that overnight. I am not in a cold climate so I would not think temps matter too much for me excep…
Last reply by lifestylez, -
- 0 replies
I'm just curious about a few things. I've seen with indoor grows that there are smaller pots in the middle of bigger pots why is that? Why not transfer it or is it for making sure the doesn't grow to tall. with growing outdoors do you have the seedlings in a pot then transfer to ground or keep upgrading pot size. Would thus effect truck size and height? How do you know if you should tip the main cola I think its called or should u not and tip the other lower shoots. With a green house setup what would you need for the bare minimum? What size would you use for 3-4plants I know its a tough question, due the the plants are different. can you keep a male plant near…
Last reply by fuzzimuzzi, -
- 10 replies
Just over a month ago I checked some plants and I was like I might give cloning ago without any real idea or knowledge how to. I cut three low growing growths plant was about two weeks into flowering. I got a Chinese plastic food container filled up with water and cut three holes in it and cut some Styrofoam up and cut three holes and sat it on top of the container, then placed the off cuts into the holes. changed the water every 1-3 days to keep the water fresh as I don't have an air bubbler. But 3 weeks later I transferred them to soil as I didn't see any growth but they weren't dieing. now its been two weeks and I transfer them to a bit bigger pots and the roots have g…
Last reply by fuzzimuzzi, -
- 420 Crew
- 20 replies
I'm about to place an order but I keep 2nd guessing myself on what to get and how many. main problem is chance on reg seeds come as males, as I only want females but trying to keep funds low. I could order two regulars at a cheaper price to one femizised seed. If you have ordered a regular seeds and been happy or upset that they were male. I've got no uses of males. what your thoughts on ordering regular over femizised seeds, how do you order?
Last reply by fuzzimuzzi, -
- 13 replies
Hi All Wet Sat-Dee nite in Melbourne after a very wet & thundery Fri-Dee nite Anyone using Cash Crop's Coco coir, can pick up a 50lt bags for around $15.00 ( Not buying off eBay but here is a link to the product on eBay) Worth Using Or Move On Cheers ItchyBro
Last reply by meddle, -
- 0 replies
So you've had it with your local dealer and or the police have made it impossible to find a smoke. You have a pocket full of cash and your not high (and you have enough sence to STAY AWAY from syntetic alternatives) I noticed it was with some haste that 'someone' posted up. "So what the cheepest good soil that will keep a plant alive" satified with their research they signed off headed for Bunnings. It got me thinking if I could say something to that keen as HIGHLY motivated individual... Growing your own will be the most satifying experince? defn smoke you will have do and have. However, if you have cracked a 'bag seed'; somethign that 'found you' along the way. Then tha…
Last reply by iTiC, -
- 15 replies
Hi Guys, here are some pics of a new set up I have been playing with. I have been using hand watered coco in pots for about 18months and finally decided to upgrade to automated. I have some questions regarding the setup I'm hoping someone can help with. Hopefully you can see from the pics above, this system is basically a frame and baskets above a long res, with water pumped up into the baskets and flowing back down into the res. I will be using clay balls as a medium. So I have got some advice from a good mate who also grows, also with a recirc system in clay balls, and from the mate I purchased this set up from, but both lots of advice about feeding cycles seem to c…
Last reply by stealthcflbox, -
- 2 replies
Hey all, I'm a long time grass city member, but new the the oz stoner community, I'm looking for some advice on guerilla growing in tasmania, and looking to find some like minded individuals from the apple isle.
Last reply by Kkushman, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
HI everyone, I would like to raise a healthy debate around feeding schedules. I have come accross so many differing opinons over the years. Myself I have changed it up many times and just when I think ive nailed it I try something else (unfortunately I am the kind of person that just cant leave shit be , always looking for improvement). I am interested what others do and with each different type of medium. I am currently using Coco with a little Perlite mixed in and doing 3 x 1 min feeds during lights on and currently trialling doing a 1 min feed in lights off. I also do a flush every ten days and dont feed the day after flush. I have been trying a few diffreant …
Last reply by haze420mist, -
- 4 replies
hello everyone iv been having a few dramas during the week first started off sunday gave them a flush with ph adjusted water then back on the feed Monday checked to tub Tuesday morning and they haven't eating or drinking the water so I gave them more water thinking there was too much nutes in the tub so I check again Tuesday night same problem so I flushed with ph adjusted water for 2 days then I put them back on a weaker feed of .8 ec with a bit of cannazyme because they are faily chockers with roots I thought it would help break them down. I just don't get it plants seem fine they look healthy as and buds are still devopling just got no idea whats goin on. tonight I w…
Last reply by Stix87,