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  On 08/04/2020 at 4:50 AM, micmac said:

Don't know if you remember a post I made about economic attacks by China

Currently the Australian government is drafting laws to stop the mass buying occurring

by os investors ,namely China

Of our infrastructure industries our being sold off at bargain basement prices

Not hearing about this are you?

The government is already saying this is it,after 6 months you going to be on your own

This is only going to get worse, your civil liberties are gone


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Yeah some real dodgy shit is going down at the moment.



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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The truth slowly coming out

They're going to keep us in our cages for a long long time

Some may go back to work,kids may go back to school

Spread the disease through the population at less risk of complications

During this time social distancing and all the other draconian laws will stay in place

The rest of the population will playing Russian roulette

Fuck this I'm sick of doing lawns and gardening and being told what I can and can't do

Fucking hell I'm now pulling out the paving paint ,outdoor paint I got a few yrs ago on special, just haven't got to it b4

If it's a nice day tomorrow we are going to talks boat out fishing, mud crab or 2 wouldn't go astray either

Wonder if I'll get stopped on land or water

Or just get a fine in the mail ,fucking cunts



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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