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they are now threatening us with economic pressure Not to investigate them so It should be now pretty obvious to all that this was their intentions all along and are 

now trying to stall us whilst they continue to strategically move against us. 

When they were over here (west aus) a few years back pretending to be searching for the missing plane they were observed using the sonar mapping in areas inside our waters

that the plane could not have been in. the answer they gave was they were doing study and our government bought it ffs


Edited by GreatSouthernMan
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You can't buy anything in China in regards to land

You may lease it but in no way purchase

Why do we let them buy so much,unfortunately the map showing what they already own

It's fucking ridiculous

They already own some of the biggest properties we had

Nearly all of Gippsland, lots of Queensland , NT and SA ,don't leave out WA

Why do they want all this land in the Kimberly and NT

Because that's where all our fucking fresh water is

The British fucked up,they should've have put our farms in contact with that water or put them closer to unlimited water supply

Instead we put them where they were vulnerable

We could have piped that water decades ago to where we need it but we didn't, silly us

This is not Willy nilly, this has been happening for a long time, both sides of government have allowed it to happen

Remember the outrage when the Japanese tried to buy the gold coast?

They still got a lot of it any way

What exactly is this new world they are talking about?

1 where every movement you make is tracked , for the interest if public health?

1 where there is no cash because it's too dangerous for our health?

Good luck ppl, I'm old and probably won't see the full outc0me of the last few months but my children and grandchildren will

On a side note,think of what's going to happen when all those horny young ppl get let loose back into pubs and clubs, think they'll be keeping 6 feet apart at 4 am ?

It's going to be carnage,


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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You can't buy anything in China in regards to land

You may lease it but in no way purchase

Why do we let them buy so much,unfortunately the map showing what they already own

It's fucking ridiculous

They already own some of the biggest properties we had

Nearly all of Gippsland, lots of Queensland , NT and SA ,don't leave out WA

Why do they want all this land in the Kimberly and NT

Because that's where all our fucking fresh water is

The British fucked up,they should've have put our farms in contact with that water or put them closer to unlimited water supply

Instead we put them where they were vulnerable

We could have piped that water decades ago to where we need it but we didn't, silly us

This is not Willy nilly, this has been happening for a long time, both sides of government have allowed it to happen

Remember the outrage when the Japanese tried to buy the gold coast?

They still got a lot of it any way

What exactly is this new world they are talking about?

1 where every movement you make is tracked , for the interest if public health?

1 where there is no cash because it's too dangerous for our health?

Good luck ppl, I'm old and probably won't see the full outc0me of the last few months but my children and grandchildren will

On a side note,think of what's going to happen when all those horny young ppl get let loose back into pubs and clubs, think they'll be keeping 6 feet apart at 4 am ?

It's going to be carnage,


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Bloody well said Micmac

I can’t add to that ... sad but true



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Yeah they with out doubt the fuckin slyst *#%@^ on the planetis. Personally i think foreign ownership of any utility or land should be banned in this country.

The only thing i like about fuck wit Peter Dutton is he hates the gooks as much as i do.


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app




I hate foreign ownership as you do but the Chinese are 9th on the list which is a few years old now 

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"What would you have said about that in January ?"

Exactly the same thing I'm saying about it now.... ...'PISS OFF'

Yea, the govt 'could' track me before, but I ain't gonna giving them permission to do so. Once we start giving up our rights to privacy it's a slippery slope. George Orwell and 1984 comes to mind 

It's a bit like Ancestry.com doing DNA tests. All of that DNA data is stored and who now has access? The police can get access. Who else...…..????????????? 

I may give them permission today for COVID, but you can't tell me that tomorrow we won't have COVID Mk2 and those same permissions won't be used by someone for more questionable purposes.



"Next will be cash..."

Well, that's been coming for a while, it's been getting closer and closer. This COVID may well be the catalyst for them to make card use mandatory and cash obsolete. Then they'll be able to track EVERY transaction.

This is gonna change the world and not in a good way. Governments around the world will be using COVID for their own advantage. Just look at Trump trying to get companies making vaccines to move their operations to the U.S. so that America has first dibs and 'could' ultimately take possession of any COVID vaccine developed.


It's scary stuff. 



Edited by merl1n
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Yeah neither would I

Cashless society has always been o hot point amongst the population, like the tracking app,if you can change the way ppl think the ppl themselves allow it to happen

The cashless society advocates now have their means to change public opinion and the public will welcome it

On the bright side as in the Chinese farmer tale you never know what the future holds , if the world doesn't take this a massive wake up call about our environment nothing will

Mountains appearing from the non existent haze that covered them b4

Rivers and cities with clean air ,no continual haze in our airways



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Couldn't agree more Micmac.

But will the policy makers agree? NEVER. They're all too worried about their sacred $$$$$ and whose got more, not the environment.

The $$$$ is going to be our down fall. Everything else can go to shit, so long as the $$$$$ is OK is their paradigm.

No one wanted to act in the initial stages of COVID, then the reality of it all kicked in as hit the financial markets and it spread around the world.'Ohh FUCK... ….PANIC!!!!!'

Globalization was pushed by the financial markets and look at the fuck up that's caused. We've got shortages of products, supply chains are falling apart, so now what??

Now they're talking about trying to get those 'essential' products made here again and keeping that supply chain local.


Ya reckon COVID was bad, just wait...  ...the fallout from COVID is gonna be REAL bad.

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