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Queeny,s first attempt at indoors

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Not saying got fetish for old lady stockings or anything.


Thought it was good idea actually.


K-mart had rice cookers and slow cookers on spec for $20 so got one of each.They look like do same thing


also outdoor double hot plate for $30,should be good way to evape the iso out



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Hehehe you blokes make me laugh, Bob there so many types of stockings and some of the very thick may do the job but they stretch so probably not the best for straining Bob,I've tryed all those ways when I was getting started and learnt the hard way lol what I found worked a treat was a old lady scarf lol there's no stretch and works just the same as cheese cloth,I was told coffee filters to but I make my coffee old school with a cup,water and coffee so I didn't bother with them because the scarf worked excellent, now rice cookers I burnt my oil when I used the rice cooker,twice lol before I tryed Pedro's suggested way,as you already stated you got a cheap one and so did i ,it was coated with Teflon and the pan its self was very thin which mention it got hot very fast,to hot and when I tryed to get the oil out I scrapped off some off the teflon so I just through it in the bin,I then got one of those outdoors portable elements and did exactly what Pedro said using a water bath and place the glass one on top,finally I got it right lol afterwards trying a few other ways to I reckon that method works the best for heat activated oils,but the sunny method works very good to for a non heat activated oil just depends if you want the high or not,keep asking questions that's how you learn,cheers GQ


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Hi GQ, so out with rice cooker and old lady stockings


After filtering,just put on pyrex tray over boiling or very hot water, outside of course


Any benefit to putting gear in freezer beforehand?


Will this method activate THC and wot would be best for oral consume?


To activate or not?



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You could freeze both the iso and the mull if you choose to but that's not necessary just make sure your mull is very dry and the trichs will release into the iso when you do your quick wash, can't see any extra benefits from freezing it,activating the THC some say yes you have heat it and others say not you don't, so there's a but conflicting info getting around about that topic and maybe Someone else here at osa that understands chemistry maybe able to clarify that but its always been my understanding and I was told by the hemp embassy not to heat it above 80degrees for a non activated oil and I'm pretty sure someone here told me not go above 140degrees for activated because it will start to break down the compounds and you don't want that,so you will need a good cooking thermometer but I found the best way to not activate it is to use the sunny method or the agitation method,please correct me if I've got something not right here please people, when consuming so far the easiest way I found was to just put the the oil in the freezer in and airtight container or in syringes as its easier to handle because it goes very hard like a rock or you can just put a syringe into a cup of warm to make it soft and viscousy so you can get it out of the syringe, hubby just puts a big blob in the freezer and cuts of a small piece and folds it into a small piece of bread and squashes it up like a tablet and takes it with some water,that way you don't have to taste it and your teeth don't go black, not a pretty look but it will take an hour it so to start working because its got to travel through the stomach before being absorbed, for a faster effect place a small piece, like a rice grain size under the tongue or rub it with your finger along the inside if your mouths gum not your teeth gum hope this help Bob and makes sense lol,GQ


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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