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  On 25/06/2017 at 10:44 PM, GREENQUEEN said:

Thank you cardrona, don't rush,I was just curious as to what the hell it is doing it,I opened it up freaking out about what was going to come out lol but nothing was in there,so what ever it was,it was in and out in a matter of days,strange


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

It can be a few things ...cold ...insects lay eggs in them ..they fall just before the warmer weather comes ....spiders sometimes do it .

And it can be as the tree reduces moisture in its leaves and returns it to below the cambium layer it starves the leaves of water and they slowly curl up and fall off as the season changes.

Could be cedar tip moth eggs in there sometimes


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Edited by cardrona
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Does anyone know of a good hydro shop here in Sydney I'm in bringelly but I don't mind driving to where ever,also I have never had anything to do with growing under lights before so what exactly are the things I need to get a good harvest, organically grown,I don't need the best of the best but I don't want garbage either,I just haven't got time to do the homework in the short amount of time that I'm going to be here,oh yes and price what sort of money can I expect to pay for a half decent set up without getting ripped off,if anyone can help me out here with a few ideas or list exactly what I need I'd be very,very greatfull,thanks guys n gals any advice will be helpful as I really just have no idea


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WOW,what happened to the queen of outside? Sydney air?,abduction of alien kind. I would love to give you a hand,but just learning myself.


Pretty sure you'll have avalanche of help shortly. After i was finished with my measily little cupboard set-up,not much change outta $650


Your gonna need light,that's main expense,water tester PH,soil tester,some type ventilation,temp guage,hydrometer. It goes on & on.


Most important good genetics,seeds.


Anyway,deciding which way you go with lights will be main concern.


I come from Nowra,don't know much bout Sydney

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Hi gumby I think I'd be doing it in my shed,however I do have a spare room that could be converted, what do you think would be a better option, I have no idea about lights,I need someone to tell me what to get and I'll get that,I'm not even sure what grpw stands for,sorry gumby I'm absolutely virgin to indoors growing


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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ha.. that grpw.. stands for my fat fingers... was sposta say indoor grow details?.


depending on how much space you have will determine what strength light you would use.


if you grow in a small space (cupboard ) you dont want a high strenght light.


shed outside. . means neibours. . means ya need security and or smell deterrents. . so carbon filter and fan.. and insect repellent.


hahaha lots of things to take into account and think about. .. i miss my outdoor growing.

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