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16/17 outdoor pic dump thread

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This is my Saliva strain a friend of mine gave me.


The pot it's growing in is huge around 100L. The soil is dirt from the garden clay not the best to use but it hold the nutrients not to bad.


I had to bend the plant over to get more growth, it's 6 foot high around 7 foot long.

The mistake I did was I should of had bent it towards the morning sun, instead of afternoon sun.

It's to heavy to move the pot on my own.

I don't want to ask a friend to help me, then he will know we're I have put it. Can't trust people with your plants these days plus I don't like how they want to squeeze the growing buds all the time.

I'll know next time what way to train the growth . Gets great sun each day from 8am to 7pm.


Next time I'll grow in Coco and perlite mix. Give it full juice HYDRO.


The nutrients I have used, at first Aquasol every two weeks.

Probably a month before the start of the flowering I used Molasses to help put sugers into the diet and will keep using it until the last two weeks of flowering.

Started using Neutrog GOGO juice that's a Pro-biotic for the soil and plant every 3 weeks I use it.

When summer was at its peak I used seasol every week to help with the 45° days.

The plant don't wilt at all on those hot days so I'm happy how it went.


Gave it a dose of Manutec Liquid Potash+. That's a booster for Blooms.I think it was a bit to soon in the flower stage as I got a few yellow shade leaves as the nutrients are only P and K. Sulphate of Potash granules sprinkled around the base.

Yates Thrive flower and fruit I'm using as the main feed every fortnight now. I flush with plain water probably 2 to 3 times a week. With all the nutrients, I only give the plant 3/4 of strength the instructions say on the bottle or packet.


Had a few problems with white fly, when it was a young seedling. I don't like to use insect sprays . Then a Pray mantis laid eggs and hatched. Small Pray mantis on every branch keeps all the bugs away plus lady beatles helped also.


I'm enjoying the grow and I'm sure my friends will like the smoke as I don't smoke pot.

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This is my Sativa strain a friend of mine gave me.


The pot it's growing in is huge around 100L. The soil is dirt from the garden clay not the best to use but it hold the nutrients not to bad.


I had to bend the plant over to get more growth, it's 6 foot high around 7 foot long.

The mistake I did was I should of had bent it towards the morning sun, instead of afternoon sun.

It's to heavy to move the pot on my own.

I don't want to ask a friend to help me, then he will know we're I have put it. Can't trust people with your plants these days plus I don't like how they want to squeeze the growing buds all the time.

I'll know next time what way to train the growth . Gets great sun each day from 8am to 7pm.


Next time I'll grow in Coco and perlite mix. Give it full juice HYDRO.


The nutrients I have used, at first Aquasol every two weeks.

Probably a month before the start of the flowering I used Molasses to help put sugers into the diet and will keep using it until the last two weeks of flowering.

Started using Neutrog GOGO juice that's a Pro-biotic for the soil and plant every 3 weeks I use it.

When summer was at its peak I used seasol every week to help with the 45° days.

The plant don't wilt at all on those hot days so I'm happy how it went.


Gave it a dose of Manutec Liquid Potash+. That's a booster for Blooms.I think it was a bit to soon in the flower stage as I got a few yellow shade leaves as the nutrients are only P and K. Sulphate of Potash granules sprinkled around the base.

Yates Thrive flower and fruit I'm using as the main feed every fortnight now. I flush with plain water probably 2 to 3 times a week. With all the nutrients, I only give the plant 3/4 of strength the instructions say on the bottle or packet.


Had a few problems with white fly, when it was a young seedling. I don't like to use insect sprays . Then a Pray mantis laid eggs and hatched. Small Pray mantis on every branch keeps all the bugs away plus lady beatles helped also.


I'm enjoying the grow and I'm sure my friends will like the smoke as I don't smoke pot.

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