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Hi all

A couple of extra additives,


Just a point on my bbq idea. I had some thoughts about the consequences of such thing so of course there would have to be rules surrounding volunteers. Firstly no getting stoned or possession at any time during the operation. We need to be taken seriously.

Secondly the cleaner your criminal record the better. Personally the worst I have is overdue parking tickets. (I tend to fly under the radar) but I know brushes with the law are common for many. I'd say growers and others needing a low profile need not apply! lol Being well groomed and somewhat conservatively dressed will be helpful. Being well versed in the best arguments will be of benefit. Of course any other strategic ideas would be well recieved.

If all the I's are dotted and the T's are crossed there should be minimal reason for harrassment or over the top prejudice. We really have nothing to hide, we need the courage to declare that we are not criminals but everyday people. And that is part of the purpose for a sausage sizzle.

Even if an ad is the wrong way to go, fundraising couldn't hurt. It serves the dual purpose of raising awareness and cash. Every movement could use some cash.

Dr Karl would be a great idea. Does anybody actually think he'd be up for it though?

And in general.

Look up the story of Johnny Appleseed. He planted apple trees over a massive area of the USA to help the pioneers, a legacy that still exists today. The same can apply to any plant.

Protest with any extra seeds you have!

I'm not saying that a sausage sizzle is a bad idea, but it's a pretty localised action that wouldn't have the far reaching effects that are needed for this national cause...


As for the "johny appleseed" theory that IS a bad idea! With a mirrium of unregulated pollin spores floating around the coutryside all any grower in your world would ever get is seedy heads from god-knows where? and that is something that I want no part of and any grower worth there salt wouldn't want. That is whats happened in a lot of countries around the world who can now only produce poor grade seedy heads suitable only for growing for a hash product! :crap: :nutzo:


Until someone actually asks Dr. Karl the answer will be NO, but if someone were to ask you may be surprised? He was just someone who came to mind at the time of my last blog entry... :oldman:


Raising funds is a great idea, but whomever was "elected" to be the treasurer would have to have complete transparency/accountability with funding accounts for this to be accepted by any contributers from the growing community, and not another "snouts in the trough" fund. Where I live there are a lot of smokers but a lot of do-gooders who unfortunately have bigger mouths and would likely ruin any fundraising events. This makes this a very difficult prospect and I wish you in your endeavours the best of luck....

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You make some good points GH..A different aproach is the answer. TV, internet campaigns etc are the conduit for reaching people in these times, If banners stat getting hung on bridges, monuments etc it will only be used by the media, polies and filth to enrage the general public regarding cannabis/drugs. I am not sure that medical is the way to go to getting it legalized for recreational use. I don't think the aussie gov will ever legalize something that can not be accuratly measured, therefore, they will instead use things like savitax and THC pills etc..


I agree with TSC regarding legalization of all drugs.. meth is a terrible drug, but if it were made in sterile lab conditions it would be a much safer prodfuct. However, if cocaine was available, nobody would ever touch meth anyway..


P :)

regulation is defn part of the answer. I think ppl will hasten to put their freedom on the line when our politicians look like the gansters they say they are fighting.

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"I am not sure that medical is the way to go to getting it legalized for recreational use.".


I don't agree. It is the only way.


There is no way cannabis will be legalized for recreational use first. Look at the US, UK, and Europe. Medicinal first. When every man in town is doing it (ala South Park) they will possibly act on legalization for recreational use.


The ignorant, the Christians, the opposers, will be more likely to be content with it. After 10 years or whatever of that fiasco, (with every man and his dog with a cannibis script), will they then consider legalizing it and being done with it. My opinion. Take it easy.

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Ok mull heads. I ask a favour.


A question I have asked has been accepted again on this Q&A show. This time it reads..


"UK doctors now recommend cannabis for a range of symptoms. Why don't Australian doctors? What do doctors in the UK know, that Australian doctors don't?"


I try humiliation of the doctors here, that aren't doing enough in my opinion. Now we must gather like the Christians. I ask you to go to the Q&A site and thumbs it up. With enough, it might just get read out. It is the most watched show by the pollies, academics, etc.


Thanks if you can guys. If you need likewise support, post it up. Take it easy.

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Ok mull heads. I ask a favour.


A question I have asked has been accepted again on this Q&A show. This time it reads..


"UK doctors now recommend cannabis for a range of symptoms. Why don't Australian doctors? What do doctors in the UK know, that Australian doctors don't?"


I try humiliation of the doctors here, that aren't doing enough in my opinion. Now we must gather like the Christians. I ask you to go to the Q&A site and thumbs it up. With enough, it might just get read out. It is the most watched show by the pollies, academics, etc.


Thanks if you can guys. If you need likewise support, post it up. Take it easy.


Can't find it.

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